Category Urology
James Adolf Israël (1848 - 1926) 340

James Israel

James Adolf Israël (1848 - 1926) was a German surgeon. Eponyms: Actinomyces israelii, Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign
Arthur Bond Cecil (1885 - 1967) 340

Arthur Bond Cecil

Arthur Bond Cecil (1885 - 1967) was an American surgeon and urologist. Cole-Cecil murmur (1908) of aortic regurgitation; Cecil operation (1946) for hypospadias repair.
Carl Weigert (1845-1904) 340

Carl Weigert

Carl Weigert (1845-1904) was a German pathologist. Eponymously affiliated Weigert's Law in 1896 and along with Robert Meyer (1864-1947) the Weigert-Meyer rule (1877)
Alfred Jean Fournier (1832-1914) 340

Jean Alfred Fournier

Alfred Jean Fournier (1832-1914) was a French Dermatovereologist specialising in congenital syphillis, stressing the importance of syphilis as a cause of degenerative diseases and parasyphilitic conditions.
arcanum veritas LITFL 340

You don’t know about the stones?

I really like the tropical tales ("parasites and people") of the late Dr Robert S. Desowitz, who was Professor of Tropical Medicine at the University of Hawaii and worked with the World Health Organization.
UCEM-logo 340

The Staghorn Challenge

Staghorn's election to the UCEM Council Executive came with a challenge - to find the hidden references to kidney stones. Here are the winners and the answers.
eponym LITFL 340

François Gigot de La Peyronie

Biography Born 15 January 1678, Montpellier 1695 – Maistre-chirurgien et barbier de Montpellier Surgeon at the l’Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Eloi in Montpellier 1704 – 1714 – surgeon-major at the Hôpital de la Charité  1731 – Founded de l’Académie Royale de Chirurgie. President…

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Peyronie’s disease

Description Lapeyronie disease History 1561 – There are myriad potential 16th century descriptions of Peyronie’s disease brilliantly reviewed by Musitelli, et al. They conclude that Gabriele Falloppio (1523 – 1562) provided the only potential description of Peyronie’s as palpable scar…