Franz Wiesbauer explains the relationship between pH, HCO3 and pCO2 and a simple rule which will help you decide whether the primary problem is respiratory or metabolic in nature.
Julian Dobranowski Medmastery video helps you identify aberrantly positioned endotracheal tubes (ETT) on chest x-ray by locating the tip of the ETT and the position of the carina.
Nikolaus Mayr explains how to identify the left and right kidneys on an ultrasound display and know where they are in relation to other anatomical landmarks around them.
Coronary Angiography Essentials. This video helps you to differentiate coronary arteries on the angiogram, recognise the views being used, and work out the severity of a stenosis.
Medmastery video helps identify the various radiological presentations of pneumonia such as lobar, interstitial , bronchopneumonia and special considerations in immunocompromised patients
ECG Mastery: Cardiac axis. In this video, they cover the evaluation of the cardiac axis and when knowledge of the axis actually makes a difference to your patient's care.