Recap of Mastering Intensive Care in 2019

If you reflect on and put into action many of the perspectives shared on this podcast, and if your colleagues do too, I truly believe your ICUs should improve in the care you deliver. That’s not to say you don’t do well already. It’s rather to suggest that the topics we cover on this podcast are not covered well in textbooks and journals, and are often better relayed through the stories and experience of the real people I talk to with the “fly on the wall” intimacy that audio podcasts allow.

In this 2019 recap episode you will either hear some of the interview guests you may have missed, or you will re-listen to some of the topics & people I selected, so as to showcase several of the themes this show focuses on. For the third year in a row I have simply been astounded by just how much I personally have valued and learned from the perspectives, stories and wisdom of the people I’ve interviews on the show in the last 12 months. This is my thank you to each of those guests (even if they haven’t been highlighted today). It’s also my thank you to you, whether you are a first-time or long-time listener, and a special thank you to all who have helped me by sharing the show with others.

I couldn’t include all 2019 guests so I picked the excerpts I enjoyed rehearing. I am sorry if I left out someone you might have included. If you did miss some of the episodes, here is your chance to catch up. If you are a new listener, this series of audio snippets is what I feel best characterises the show.

The 6 extracts are from interviews with Rana Awdish, Matt Morgan, Jo Stewart, Laura Rock, Paul Young & Ed Litton.

Links to the 6 interviews excerpted (in order of playing)

Links to resources (in order of mentioning)

See above links for more information about individual guests and the resources discussed in each excerpt

Further reading and listening

Dr Andrew Davies LITFL Mastering Intensive Care

Dr Andrew Davies MBBS FRACP FCIC. Intensivist/researcher at Frankston Hospital, Melbourne. Aiming to bring my best self to work & life. | Mastering Intensive Care | New Normal project |

One comment

  1. This is a fantastic effort and High level of training.
    All I wish to request you is to try putting simpler heading or names of the podcasts so that I can ask my trainees to go through this podcast for this ICM topic. Here in India ICM is still evolving and I am trying to use LITFL as the main training resource.
    Many thanks

    Hemant Deshpande
    MD Anaesthesia (Bhopal, India)
    FFICM (UK).
    EDICM (UK).

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