Tag Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Segond fracture 680

Segond fracture

Segond fracture: Avulsion fracture (small) of the lateral surface of the lateral tibial condyle. Paul Ferdinand Segond (1851-1912) described 1879
eponymictionary-340-256 2

Lachman Test

Lachman test is a clinical test used to diagnose injury of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Eponymised to John W Lachman, first described by GC Noulis
John W Lachman (1919-2007) 340

John W Lachman

John W Lachman (1919 – 2007) was an American Orthopedic Surgeon. Eponymously associated with the Lachman test of knee ligament stability
Amédée Bonnet (1809-1858) 340

Amédée Bonnet

Amédée Bonnet (1809-1858) was a French orthopaedic surgeon. Described as the grandfather of knee and ligament surgery.