
ECG Case 115

ECG of a 71 y/o male who presented with several episodes of ischaemic sounding chest pain on a background of known ischaemic cardiac disease.

ECG Case 114

20 yr old female who presented to the Emergency Department following an episode of chest pain. At review she was pain free and all vital signs were normal. Her serial ECG's are below, there is ~30 mins between each ECG.
BSCC Basic Science in Clinical Context 340 2

ECG waves and hyperkalaemia

Physiology Philes: Draw a normal ECG tracing showing the durations of the major intervals and the effects of hyperkalemia. BSCC Examination question

ECG Case 100

31 yr old female who is 5 days post-partum she was brought to the Emergency Department following a episode of collapse. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 099

ECG from a 19 yr old referred by their GP for investigation of palpitations found at a routine medical review. The patient is asymptomatic with no past medical history or regular medications. Describe and interpret this ECG


ECG Case 098

23 yr old male bodybuilder presented following a 30 minute episode of non-exertional chest pain. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 097

54 year old lady attends with 2 month history of 'chest flutterings'. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 096

29 yr old male presents complaining of vomiting, dizziness and felling 'vague'. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 095

This ECG is from a middle aged male who presented to the Emergency Department with abdominal pain. A 'routine' ECG was performed and is below. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 094

A 73yr old female presents following an episode of syncope. She is on no medication. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 093

This ECG is from a 12 day old boy. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG