Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy is a common problem affecting approximately 25% of all clinically diagnosed pregnancies. Of these about 50% will be due to a failed pregnancy.
Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy is a common problem affecting approximately 25 % of all clinically diagnosed pregnancies. Of these about 50 % will be due to a failed pregnancy.
Stabler Sign - atraumatic abdominal wall ecchymosis in the inguinal-pubic area associated with ectopic pregnancy. Francis (Frank) Edward Stabler (1902–1967)
Francis (Frank) Edward Stabler (1902 – 1967) English surgeon, obstetrician and gynaecologist. Eponym: Stabler Sign - atraumatic abdominal wall ecchymosis
A 32 year woman presents with severe lower abdominal pain and shock in early pregnancy. She has had vaginal bleeding. You consider the differential diagnosis and whilst resuscitation is commenced and gynaecology called you put the probe on her abdomen.