Heinrich Irenaeus Quincke (1842 - 1922) was a German physician. Quincke's name is eponymous with Quincke's pulse (1868), Quiuncke's oedema (1882), Quincke's achorion (1886), and Quincke's puncture (1891).
Róbert Bárány (1876 - 1936) was an Austro-Hungarian otologist. Nobel prize in for his "work on the physiology and pathology of the vestibular apparatus."
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845 – 1923) was a German physicist. 8 November 1895 produced electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range known as X-rays (Röntgen rays).
Dickinson Woodruff Richards, Jr. (1895 - 1973) Nobel Laureate and celebrated American Physician. Famously known for his work in development of cardiac catherisation and physiology with André Frédéric Cournand and Werner Theodore Otto Forßman.