Category Clinical Research
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Chi-square Test

Chi-square Test is used to compare categorical data; often displayed in contingency table with rows (x) and columns (y)
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Subgroup Analysis

Subgroup analysis involves assessing an association between an intervention (or other factor) and a subset of the patients that were exposed. Subgroup analysis can be decided upon a priori or performed post hoc
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Before-and-after studies

Non-experimental observational study design used to assess the effect of an intervention based on comparison of outcomes prior to its use and afterward
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Publication Practices Distort Science

Scientific information is an economic commodity, and that scientific journals are a medium for its dissemination and exchange. As such it is subject to economic factors that affect the value of scientific information and how it is exchanged.
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Retrospective Studies and Chart Reviews

Retrospective studies are designed to analyse pre-existing data, and are subject to numerous biases as a result. Types of retrospective studies include: case series; retrospective cohort studies; case-control studies
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Standardised Mortality Ratio

Standardised Mortality Ratio SMR is the ratio of the observed or actual hospital mortality and the predicted hospital mortality for a specified time period.
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Data Distributions

Data can be described by different distributions, which has implications for how the data is analysed using statistical methods
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Fisher’s Exact Test

Fisher's Exact Test is to compare categorical data; more complicated to perform than the Chi square test; only generally applicable in 2 x 2 contingency table