Category EBM Gone Wild
So what is a wilderness fellowship?
Stop skin testing antidotes
This post came from a question received in our simulation lab a couple of weeks ago. Mainly, there was a simulated patient with latrodectus envenomation, and there was a fair amount of discussion about skin testing prior to administration on…
Is candiru really the scourge of the Amazon?
Ah the candiru. A little fish of legend. Is it really something to be scared of? I mean, look at the little guy. Well, this review article will probably answer that question for you. Who hasn’t heard the stories about…
Wound closure on a budget
Base jumping and wingsuits
Hypothermia: A history
With much of the US experiencing colder than normal temperatures, a timely post about hypothermia is in order. This post won’t talk about therapies though, instead it will discuss a neat little article from Resuscitation published as free open access…
Do ski helmets cause risk compensation?
Tragic news from the French Alps this week. Michael Schumacher, who successfully navigated a Formula 1 career without severe injury, fell at the Meribel ski resort. Reports are that he was skiing with company and wearing a helmet. However, he…
Piranha attacks
70 people were injured in a piranha attack in Argentina on Christmas Day. While nobody was killed, one can imagine the panicked atmosphere present as bathers who were simply trying to cool off were suddenly involved in a fish biting…
How long can recompression be delayed?
Denim as snake bite protection?
Predicting altitude sickness?
At the time this paper was written (1995), we did not have a good way to predict which people would likely develop acute mountain sickness. We still don’t have a good way, but that isn’t keeping investigators from trying to…