CXR Case 115A 79 year old man is sent in by his GP following a 48 hour history of cough with right sided pleuritic chest pain. Describe/interpret CXRFraser BrimsApril 25, 2018
CXR Case 114A 19 year old lady P1,G1 presents with increasingly severe left lower quadrant abdominal pain. Pregnancy test is negativeFraser BrimsApril 24, 2018
CXR Case 113A 23 year old man is referred to ICU with worsening fever, confusion and hypotension. He has a well healed mid-line sternotomy scar.Fraser BrimsApril 23, 2018
CXR Case 112A 77 yo old lady with a history of ischaemic heart disease is admitted to the ER with symptoms of increasing breathlessness and cough.Fraser BrimsApril 22, 2018
CXR Case 111A 55 year old man is transferred to emergency following a collapse at a sporting event. Describe and interpret this Chest X-ray. Top 150 CXRFraser BrimsApril 21, 2018
CXR Case 110An 86 year old lady is admitted breathless, hypoxaemic and hypotensive with a systolic of 95mmHg. CCF, APO, cardiogenic pulmonary oedemaFraser BrimsApril 20, 2018
CXR Case 109An 83 year old man is admitted with a fall and confusion. He is hypoxaemic on air, requiring 2L of oxygen via nasal prongs.Fraser BrimsApril 19, 2018
CXR Case 108A 49 year old lady who is a current smoker presents with cough, dyspnoea and fever. Describe and interpret this Chest X-ray. Top 150 CXRFraser BrimsApril 18, 2018
CXR Case 107A 51 year old man admitted with a sudden onset of significantly worse dyspnoea. bilateral spontaneous secondary pneumothoraxFraser BrimsApril 17, 2018
CXR Case 10654 year old man presents with worsening breathlessness over 2 days. smoker. spontaneous secondary pneumothorax (SSP) from COPDFraser BrimsApril 16, 2018
CXR Case 105A 71 year old man presents with sudden onset breathlessness. Describe and interpret this Chest X-ray. LITFL Top 150 CXRFraser BrimsApril 15, 2018
CXR Case 10427 year old female presents with 1 day of breathlessness that occurred spontaneously. Describe and interpret this Chest X-ray.Fraser BrimsApril 14, 2018