Category TOP 150 CXR
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 127

A 34 year old lady presents following a mechanical fall onto pavement. She presents to ED complaining of left sided chest pain. Describe and interpret this CXR

TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 126

A 55 year old man lost control while cycling ~20km/hr – and strikes a sign post. On arrival to ED he is complaining pain down left side of his torso. Describe and interpret this CXR

TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 125

78 year old female with unexplained syncope has a routine CXR Describe and interpret this CXR

TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 124

An 84 year old lady is referred in by her GP with cough low grade fever. Describe and interpret this Chest X-ray. LITFL Top 150 CXR
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 123

A 71 year old man with known emphysema / COPD presents in type II respiratory failure and is started on NIV.
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 122

A 64 year old man is extubated following surgery. He suffers from mild COPD and is now coughing persistently. pneumopericardium
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 121

An 18 year old man presents to ED after a heavy night out, vomiting profusely. He presents to ED with chest pain and pneumomediastinum.
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 120

A 54 year old man is admitted with worsening breathlessness and cough with pain in the right chest for 6 weeks. Describe and interpret this CXR

TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 119

A 67 year old lady is admitted from respiratory clinic with cough and haemoptysis. She is a never-smoker. NSCLC CXR and CT
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 118

An 81 year old man is found hypoxaemic and confused by paramedics. Describe and interpret this Chest X-ray. LITFL Top 150 CXR
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CXR Case 117

A 71 yo man with known previous COPD presents with 3 days of worsening cough, fevers and dyspnoea. Intercurrent infection
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CXR Case 116

A 63 year old man presents with productive cough, fever and breathlessness. He presents with two episodes of haemoptysis. lobar pneumonia