Category Ultrasound Library
Ultrasound LIBRARY 340 1

Pleural Effusion Case 002

A 27 year old man presents with fevers and increasing shortness of breath presents to your department. He has a vasculitic peripheral rash and feels generally unwell.
Ultrasound LIBRARY 340 1

Pneumonia Case 003

A 40 year old man presented with high fever, tachycardia and vomiting. You search for a source of infection; this is his chest x-ray.
Ultrasound LIBRARY 340 1

Pneumonia Case 002

This young man presents with high fevers and shortness of breath. He also complains of chest discomfort and an odd feeling in his neck. He is febrile, tachycardic, tachypneoic and hypoxic.
Ultrasound cases top 100 340

Pneumonia Case 001

This patient presented with right upper quadrant pain and a fever. The clinical suspicion was cholecystitis. What does the ultrasound show?
Ultrasound LIBRARY 340 1

Open wide

Ever wondered what the ultrasound peeps do in the 'sonocave'? The chaps from take us through Tonsillar Ultrasound.
Ultrasound LIBRARY 340 1

Airway ultrasound the oesophagus

Transverse views of the lower anterior neck. The aim is to visualise the trachea and oesophagus, so that during tracheal intubation, inadvertent oesophageal intubation may be identified and immediately corrected.
Ultrasound LIBRARY 340 1


A young woman presented with 2 days shortness of breath and right sided chest discomfort after a long haul flight. What does this scan demonstrate?
Ultrasound cases top 100 340

Lung collapse Case 1

This patient suffered right sided chest trauma with a rib fracture, tension pneumothorax and extensive surgical emphysema. Then became more SOB after treatment with ICC
Ultrasound LIBRARY 340 1

Short path reverberation artefact

**B-lines = Short path reverberation artefact Short path reverberation artefact The ultrasound appearance of this artefact is a thin vertical bright or echogenic line that passes from the point of origin, to the deepest part of the ultrasound image. Most…