A 33 year old woman is hit in the left lower chest with a high speed hockey ball. She has moderate pain and some postural hypotension and tachycardia. FAST demonstrates a splenic laceration and rupture with free fluid, she has a CT and proceeds for embolisation.
A previously healthy 22 year old man with a 4 week history. He describes the cough, some mild shortness of breath on exertion, purulent sputum, fevers, night sweats and weight loss.
This thin young man presented with left sided sharp chest pain worse on deep inspiration. You take a quick look on either side for pneumothorax. What do you see?
A patient with a history of COPD / severe emphysema presents with weight loss, some pleuritic chest pain, and an exacerbation of their shortness of breath. What does this ultrasound clip demonstrate?
A poorly kempt, chronic alcoholic with a history of intravenous drug use presents to ED. He is confused, febrile, tachycardic, tachypenoeic and hypoxic.