Network Five Emergency Medicine Journal Club Episode 30 reviewing updates on paediatric wheeze management with paediatric respiratory and sleep specialist Dr Chetan Pandit!
The blood gas is used to rapidly assess ventilatory function and identify acid-base disorders – and will also generally provide point-of-care testing of a number of values such as electrolytes, blood glucose and haemoglobin.
Emergency Procedure: Pericardiocentesis. one of the most difficult and risky emergency procedures, but one you already have the ultrasound and line skills to perform well.
The Utopian College of Emergency for Medicine (UCEM) is proud to announce a new policy pertaining to the discipline of peri-departmental medicine. Until now, the softest admissions - such as the Patient Without Discernible Pathology (PWDP) - have been the toughest dispositions.
Celebrating the septaquintaquinquecentennial of Elizabeth Blackwell (1821–1910) the first woman to graduate from medical school in the United States. National Women Physicians Day is held on her birthday February 3rd