Tag Appendicitis eponyms
eponymythology appendicitis 340 2

Rovsing sign

Rovsing sign (1907): In acute appendicitis, palpation of the left lower quadrant may elicit pain in the right lower quadrant. Niels Rovsing and Emil S Perman (1904)
John Englebert 'Bert' Dunphy (1908-1981) 680

J. Englebert Dunphy

John Englebert Dunphy (1908-1981). Dunphy sign [*cough test for appendicitis] increased pain, localised to the right lower quadrant.
James Sherren (1872-1945) 680

James Sherren

James Sherren (1872-1945) British General surgeon. Eponym: Sherren's triangle - area of hyperaesthesia associated with appendicitis
Sir Vincent Zachary Cope (1881-1974) 680

Vincent Cope

Sir Vincent Zachary Cope (1881 – 1974) was a British physician and surgeon. Eponymously linked with Cope Psoas test and obturator test.
Charles Heber McBurney (1845-1913) 680

Charles H. McBurney

Charles Heber McBurney (1845 – 1913) was an American surgeon. Most famous for McBurney's point (1889) and McBurney's incision (1894) Medical Eponym.
Anthony Bassler (1874 – 1959) 680

Anthony Bassler

Anthony Bassler (1874 - 1959) was an American gastroenterologist. Bassler sign (1913) appendicitis clinical examination