Category Clinical Cases

LITFL Clinical Case Collection. Over 250 Q&A style clinical cases to assist Just in Time Learning and Life Long Learning. Cases are categorised by specialty and can be searched by keyword from the database table

Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

Something in my eye, Doc

A mechanic presents with something in his eye. Can you navigate the traps and pitfall of assessing and managing this common emergency presentation?
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

A Curtain Descends

A 50 year-old man presents with 'a curtain coming down across his vision', preceded by 'flashes and floaters'. What is the diagnosis and management?
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

Blind, Aching and Vomiting

A woman presents with decreased vision and an aching pain in her right eye. She now has a headache and starts to vomit. What is the diagnosis and treatment?
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

A Pox On Your Eye

An elderly woman presents to the emergency department with a 3 to 4 day history of a painful rash on her face. zoster ophthalmicus
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

Exasperating Eyelids and the Red Eye

aka Ophthalmology Befuddler 005 A man presents with a diffusely red eye and a problem with his eyelids. You resist the urge to send out a ‘Trauma Call‘ and start wracking your brains for everything you know about eyelid disorders.…

Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

The man who blinked too much

The nurse half chuckles and shakes her head as she hands you the next chart. It seems your next patient's main problem is that he can't stop blinking!
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

An Eyelid Lump

A 28 year-old man presents to the emergency department with a lump on his eyelid. He's getting married in 2 weeks. What are you going to do about it?
Ophthalmology-Befuddler 340 256

The Red Eye Challenge

Things are humming along nicely in the ‘Fast track’ area of the emergency department. You check the triage note of the next patient – RED EYE is written capitals.