Category Clinical Cases

LITFL Clinical Case Collection. Over 250 Q&A style clinical cases to assist Just in Time Learning and Life Long Learning. Cases are categorised by specialty and can be searched by keyword from the database table

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Why so blue?

A 40-year-old man presented to the emergency department with shortness of breath, chest pain and reported a pre-syncopal episode. But why so blue?
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Cardiac Megacode

As leader of the MET team you were called to a 'Cardiac megacode' as a 57 year-old man has arrested on the ward post-operatively...
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Sudden onset blue leg

A woman in the ICU has a problem. Her leg has turned blue. Can you handle this Phlegmasia case-based cardiovascular curveball?
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Exercise-associated Hyponatremia

A 30 year-old female was BIBA to the ED following a seizure. She was running a marathon in hot weather. Nearing the end, after 5 hours running, she was seen fall to the ground and had a generalised tonic-clonic seizure.
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Seizures, Sedation and Saliva

A 21-year-old male with a background of schizophrenia and previous intentional overdose, weighing 70kg, was brought to the ED via ambulance after having a witnessed seizure at home.
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Stuffed, Speeding and Busted!

Just before being busted by the cops, your patient stuffed a package containing metamphetamines into his mouth and swallowed. How are you going to handle this one?
Ruling the Resus Room 340

Own the Chest Tube!

The LITFL team have scoured the web to find the best collection of online instructional videos known to man or woman to help you 'own the chest tube'!
Ultrasound cases top 100 340

COPD Case 1 Lung Pulse

This patient has severe COPD and presents in extreme distress. An initial ultrasound is performed. What does this clip show?
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Another TCA overdose!

A classic overdose for you to ponder in classic Q&A style, which incidentally marks the 50th toxicology conundrum on LITFL!
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An ingestion of 100mg of alprazolam... Boring benzodiazepine or badness brewing? Find out in this case-based series of questions-and-answers.