Category Intensive Care
SMACC 2019 red clinical critical care 340

Code Crimson

A trauma patient has come in and they have a life threatening, non-compressible haemorrhage. We have a Code Crimson on our hands.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340


Regardless of the underlying cause of the illness, the provision of meticulous supportive care is essential to the management of any critically ill patient. Back in 2005, Jean Louis Vincent popularised the FAST HUGS mnemonic for recalling the key issues to review when looking after a critically ill patient.
SMACC 2019 red clinical critical care 340

Ultrasound in Trauma

The scope of ultrasound in trauma; the evolution of point-of-care Ultrasound in Trauma, and the FAST examination with Resa Lewiss
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Emotions and COVID-19

Dr Laura Rock describes how a simple emotion response tool, GIVE, can be used to help us connect, understand, and support one another. This is even more important during the COVID-19 pandemic.