Category Neurology
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Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (spinal form of muscular atrophy) is the commonest disease within a group of conditions called Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathies (HMSN).

Guillaume-Benjamin Duchenne

Biography Medical Eponyms Landouzy-Déjérine syndrome First to describe and publish 9 cases of Landouzy-Déjérine syndrome (facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy) in the third edition of De l’électrisation localisée in 1872: 219-220 Key Medical Attributions Duchenne smile Controversies Major Publications References Biography Eponymous…

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Jules Falret

Jules Philippe Falret (1824 - 1902) was a French psychiatrist. 1877, along with Ernest-Charles Lasègue (1816-1883) first described the concept of Folie à deux, initially termed Lasègue-Falret syndrome.
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Robert Todd

Robert Bentley Todd (1809 – 1860) was an Irish physician. Provided early depictions of migraine, peripheral neuritis, and postepileptic paralysis (Todd's palsy). He also gave an important discourse on locomotor ataxy (tabes dorsalis).
John Madison Taylor (1855-1931) 1200

John Madison Taylor

John Madison Taylor (1855-1931) was an American pediatric neurologist. He designed the first tendon reflex hammer in 1888
Rule of 4 LITFL Neurology 340

Brainstem Rules of 4

Gates described a simplified method for answering the question 'Where is the lesion?' using only the parts of the brainstem that we actually examine during a clinical examination to understand brainstem vascular syndromes.