Category Neurology

Claude Bernard

Biography Born 12 July 1813 in Saint-Julien, France 1843 – MD with Thèse: Du suc gastrique et de son rôle dans la nutrition Died 10 February 1878 in Paris, France Medical Eponyms Key Medical Attributions Major Publications Bernard C. Du…

Franz Gall

Biography Born 9 March 1758 in Tiefenbronn, Baden 1785 – MD, University of Vienna 1794 – Nominated as personal physician of Emperor Franz II – but declined 1802 – Gall’s views on cranioscopy defining human nature were condemned by the Austrian…

Hans Chiari (1851 – 1916) 340

Hans Chiari

Hans Chiari (1851 – 1916) was an Austrian pathologist. Eponymously affiliated with the Chiari malformation; Type II Chiari malformation (Arnold–Chiari malformation) and Budd–Chiari syndrome