Category Ophthalmology
Paul-Julius-Möbius-1853-1907 340

Paul Julius Moebius

Paul Julius Möbius (1853-1907) was a German neurologist specialist in neuroanatomy and neurological disorders. Möbius sign, syndrome, disease
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Argyll Robertson pupils

A reflex iridoplegia characterized by small, irregular, unequal pupils, with near-light dissociation; absence of a miotic reaction to both direct and consensual light with preservation of the accommodation reflex. Classically associated with neurosyphilis.

eye for an eye…

the case. an elderly female arrives to your ED with facial swelling and extensive bruising after a fall where she struck the left-side of her face on a concrete step. She is on warfarin for atrial fibrillation, but has not…

a diligent driver…

The Case. A 25 year old registered nurse presents to her GP with a 6 day history of abnormal vision, which she noticed whilst checking her blind-spot when driving. This has been accompanied by painful extraocular movements & the sensation…