Category Ophthalmology
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Lid cracked open

A 3 year-old boy is brought to the emergency department by his father after coming second best in a head versus chair collision. Eyelid laceration
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Bashed, Blind and Bulging

A 35 year-old martial artist presents with loss of vision in his right eye after being on the wrong end of a spinning back fist. Can you save his eyesight?
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Another Poke in the Eye

A man was poked in the eye and now has a sharp pain on the surface of his eye and is photophobic. Can you diagnose and treat his condition?
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Blunt Trauma to the Eye

Your Emergency Department Director decided that a team-building exercise at the local boxing gym would be a good idea. You are left to hold the fort at work. Blunt ocular trauma
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Half an 8 ball

A 26 year-old man sustained an injury of uncertain mechanism to his left eye while at the bottom of a ruck during a game of rugby. Can you sort it out for him?
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Bump and blur

A 71 year-old man tripped at home and bumped his forehead on the wall as he went to ground. His only complaint is markedly blurred vision in his right eye. How are you going to manage this case in the emergency department?
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Out of Sight

As we're coming to the end of an absolutely eyeful Ophthalmology August here at LitFL it's time to bring together all the different ways the 'lights can go out'. Are you ready for the visual loss challenge?
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A Woman of Singular Vision

56 year-old female presents with sudden onset loss of vision in her right eye. PMH hypertension, hyperlipidema. Central retinal vein occlusion, CRVO
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A Man of Singular Vision

A 52 year-old man presents with sudden onset loss of vision in his right eye. PMH is notable for hypertension, hyperlipidemia and angina.
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I can see clearly now

A man presents with transient monocular loss of vision. Can you make the diagnosis and manage this patient in the emergency department?
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The Goggle-eyed Fisherman

A fisherman presents with headache, fevers, left eye pain and swelling and visual disturbance. What is your diagnosis and how will you manage the case?