Category RAGE

miniRAGE: The ProCESS Trial

Relax, we didn't really delete the discussion of The ProCESS Trial from RAGE Session Four… We just chopped it out to be published separately as a miniRAGE.

RAGE Session Four

RAGE Session 4: Getting the right side right, humans in the resus, Jack Barnes, Irukandji Syndrome, & Guy Martin's 'Words of Wisdom'
cricoid-pressure-memo-John-Hinds 340

Cricoid: To Press or Not to Press?

Just in case you still thought cricoid pressure was a good idea, listen John Hinds at smaccGOLD. Hinds was an anaesthetist, intensivist and a motorcycle-riding prehospital resuscitationist based in Northern Ireland. In this debate he will tell you about ‘cricolol‘.…


RAGE smaccGOLD Edition

All the RAGE team in one room, at smaccGOLD, with our friends Oli Flower, Rich Levitan, Scott Weingart, Mark Wilson and John Hinds.