Category Toxinology

Sea Snake

Sea snake envenomation is rare as they are infrequently aggressive and have a smaller apparatus to bite. The most common scenario is a bite from handling, usually when trying to remove them from fishing nets. Classically they cause a descending symmetrical paralysis and myotoxicity.

Australian Scorpion

Australian Scorpions - bizarrely are less dangerous then those found elsewhere in the world. Current evidence would suggest they usually cause temporary pain and minor systemic symptoms only. Interestingly the smaller the scorpion the more painful the bite is.


A taipan envenomation is usually lethal without antivenom treatment. It classically causes a rapid venom induced consumptive coagulopathy (VICC), neurotoxicity and myotoxicity.

Tiger Snake

The Tiger Snakes are the only venomous snake in Tasmania and coexist with brown snakes in Australia with similar clinical features in early envenomation. Also behind the brown snake they can also cause death.

Brown Snake

Brown snake is the most common culprit for severe envenomations in Australia. It classically causes a Venom-induced consumptive coagulopathy (VICC) or a partial VICC (20% of envenoming). In a few cases Brown snakes are responsible for collapse and in approximately 5% of those envenomed cardiac arrest, the exact mechanism is unknown but probably secondary direct cardiotoxicity

Death Adder

The Death Adder are found throughout most of Australia and Papua New Guinea but bites and envenoming are rare. They are largely nocturnal at is unheard of for them to bite above knee height because they lie in wait for prey twitching its grub-like tail close to its head as a lure.

Black Snake

The Black Snake also confusingly known as the King brown snake or mulga snake. Other similar species include the Butler's or yellow-bellied black snake, Collett's snake, blue-bellied or spotted black snake, Papuan black snake and finally the red-bellied or common black snake.
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Ethylene glycol inebriation

A 5 year-old boy is 'off his face' after drinking what looked like a nice bottle of cordial. It was actually radiator coolant. You are called for advice.
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Spider envenoming

Spider envenoming: In Australia the only two spiders of real importance = Funnel-web and the Red-Back; only these two can cause death or severe systemic illness
CCC Critical Care compendium 340

Tick Paralysis

Tick paralysis is a rare life-threatening disorder caused by envenoming from ixodid tick bites. Can cause respiratory paralysis