ECG Case 057
Middle-aged patient presenting with chest pain and diaphoresis. Becomes unresponsive during recording of ECG. Interpret the ECG.

Describe and interpret this ECG
Main Abnormalities
This is a fascinating ECG with multiple abnormalities:
- The first half of the tracing shows a ventricular paced rhythm with positive Sgarbossa criteria indicating superimposed inferior STEMI.
- There is excessively discordant ST elevation (> 25% of Q/S wave depth) in II, III and aVF with reciprocal change in I and aVL.
- A ventricular ectopic (beat #8) occurs at a vulnerable time, resulting in a run of ventricular flutter (very rapid VT at rates > 200-300 bpm).
- This rapidly degenerates to ventricular fibrillation (seen in the rhythm strip, which is recorded after the other 12 leads).
- The artefact at the start of the rhythm strip may represent a precordial thump!
While most rhythm strips are recorded simultaneously with the 12-lead ECG, some older machines may record the rhythm strip after the other 12 leads.
Consider this as a possibility if your rhythm strip doesn’t seem to “line up” with the rest of the ECG.
Further Reading
- Wiesbauer F, Kühn P. ECG Mastery: Yellow Belt online course. Understand ECG basics. Medmastery
- Wiesbauer F, Kühn P. ECG Mastery: Blue Belt online course: Become an ECG expert. Medmastery
- Kühn P, Houghton A. ECG Mastery: Black Belt Workshop. Advanced ECG interpretation. Medmastery
- Rawshani A. Clinical ECG Interpretation ECG Waves
- Smith SW. Dr Smith’s ECG blog.
- Wiesbauer F. Little Black Book of ECG Secrets. Medmastery PDF
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Emergency Physician in Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine in Sydney, Australia. He has a passion for ECG interpretation and medical education | ECG Library |
I’m having a hard time diagnosing the ECG after beat 8. You state it goes into Vflutter for a while but the rest of the beats particularly those that appear in V2, V3, V4, V5 and V6 look like TdP. Could you elaborate on this. I understand the rhythm strip being Vfib, makes sense but the Vflutter before Vfib is kind of confusing. Thank you in advance for your attention this it is very much appreciated.