Category Eponym
Jess Bernard Weiss (1917 – 2007) 340

Jess Bernard Weiss

Jess Bernard Weiss (1917 – 2007) was an American anesthesiologist. Best known for designing the Weiss needle for the placement of epidural catheters
Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen (1833 – 1910) 340

Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen

Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen (1833 - 1910) was a German pathologist. Eponymously affiliated with von Recklinghausen disease (neurofibromatosis NF-1); von Recklinghausen tumor (adenoleiomyofibroma); and von Recklinghausen canals (lymphatic canaliculi).

René Laennec

René Laennec (1781-1826) was a French physician. Laennec invented the stethoscope in 1816 also coined the terms for cirrhosis and melanoma

Hein Wellens

Henrick Joan Joost (Hein) Wellens (1935 - ) is a Dutch cardiologist. Eponymously affiliated with Wellens syndrome in 1982
Edward Hallaran Bennett (1837 – 1907) 680

Edward H Bennett

Edward Hallaran Bennett (1837-1907) Irish surgeon. Bennett fracture: Two-part intra-articular thumb fracture base of first metacarpal
Edmond ‘Ted’ Eger II (1930 – 2017) 340

Edmond I Eger II

Edmond 'Ted' Eger II (1930 – 2017) was an American anesthesiologist. Minimal alveolar concentration (MAC)
William Warwick Wagstaffe (Sr) (1843-1910) 340

William Warwick Wagstaffe

William Warwick Wagstaffe (Sr) (1843-1910) was an English General surgeon and anatomist. Eponym: Wagstaffe-Le Fort Fracture (ankle fracture)
René Le Fort (1869 – 1951) 340

René Le Fort

René Le Fort (1869 – 1951) was a French surgeon. Le Fort classified facial fractures in 1900 and published in 1901