Category LITFL

Gerstmann syndrome

Description What is the actual eponymous medical sign/syndrome/repair/classification… History Associated Persons Alternative names Controversies Did they first describe or popularise or plagiarise? References Historical references Eponymous term review

Josef Gerstmann

Biography Austrian neuropsychiatrist who studied at Vienna and then became first assistant to von Jauregg in the Viennese Psychiatric Clinic. During the World War I, he served in the medical corps in the Italian Alps, attending to a number of…

Medmastery CXR essentials

CXR Essentials: Abnormal CVC position

Julian Dobranowski Medmastery video helps identify incorrectly positioned central venous lines on chest x-ray and the potential complications of pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, hydrothorax, hemothorax and cardiac tamponade