Category Infectious Disease
Tropical Travel Trouble

Frothing Mad

Frothing mad. Tropical Travel Clinical Case. Rabies aetiology, diagnosis, differential, management, treatment and prophylaxis
Research and Reviews in the Fastlane 340


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another bubble of trouble…

the case. 43 year old female is brought into your resuscitation bay by the paramedics.  She has a 2 day history of vomiting and diarrhoea on the background of type 2 diabetes and alcohol abuse.  Her son is concerned that…

bubble of trouble…

the case. 76 year old male presents to your Emergency Department via ambulance with right hip pain and a fever of 38.1*C.

back with a vengeance…

the case. a 59 year old male presents to ED at 2am with a two week history of progressive back pain. He is worried because it is worsening in severity and now radiates to the left flank & left-lower quadrant.

hot & spotty #2…

the case. A 14 year old boy is bought to ED with a 4 day history of fevers. His parents are concerned as this rampant red rash has rapidly spread across his body overnight….

hot & spotty…

the case. A mother brings her 18 month old child to your emergency department with a 24 hour history of fevers. She is now worried that her daughter has developed these little red spots.

swine flu pig kissing

Swine Flu Saves Lives?

Did the swine flu pandemic save lives? A response to Richard Lehman's perspective on a recently published overview of the swine flu pandemic in Australia.