Category Orthopaedics
Terry-Thomas sign 680

Terry-Thomas Sign

Terry-Thomas Sign: increased distance between the scaphoid and the lunate (scapholunate space) Described by Frankel in 1977
Auguste Broca (1859 – 1924) 340

Auguste Broca

Auguste Broca (1859 – 1924) was a French surgeon. Bankart lesion and shoulder operation
Bankart lesion 340

Bankart Lesion

Bankart Lesion: Antero-inferior detachment of the glenoid labrum associated with first-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocations.
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Pott fracture

Archaic eponym: Effectively a fracture-dislocation of the ankle, involving a fracture of the fibula, disruption of the deltoid ligaments with an intact tibiofibular ligament
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Bosworth fracture

Bosworth fracture-dislocation of the ankle. Rare injury with proximal fibular fragment trapped behind the tibia, frequently irreducible by closed methods.
David Marsh Bosworth (1897–1979) 340

David Marsh Bosworth

David Marsh Bosworth (1897–1979) was an American Orthopedic Surgeon. Associated with the Bosworth fracture and streptomycin for bone and joint tuberculosis
Henry Milch (1895 – 1964) 340

Henry Milch

Henry Milch (1895 - 1964) was an American Orthopedic Surgeon. Eponymous with the Milch method of shoulder reduction
Paul Ferdinand Segond (1851-1912) 340

Paul Ferdinand Segond

Paul Ferdinand Segond (1851-1912) French Orthopaedic Surgeon. Eponymously affiliated with Segond fracture (described 1879)
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Salter-Harris Classification

Salter-Harris classification of fractures describes injuries involving the epiphyseal plate of any bone. Described by Salter and Harris (Canada, 1963)