Category Medical Specialty

back with a vengeance…

the case. a 59 year old male presents to ED at 2am with a two week history of progressive back pain. He is worried because it is worsening in severity and now radiates to the left flank & left-lower quadrant.

sequential sinister sightings…

the case. a 68 year old male presents to ED with left-sided pleuritic chest pain & shortness of breath. He is tachycardic, but normotensive (142 systolic) with room air saturations of 93%.

Quick Case #06

the case. 76 year old male presents to ED with 2 hours of retrosternal chest pain. He is clammy, diaphoretic & looks miserable.

to the bedside…

the case. a 34 year old female presents to ED with palpitations and chest pain. You are handed her ECG prior to reviewing or speaking to the patient….

shock and awe…

the case. Previously well 64 year male presents to ED with 90 minutes of retrosternal chest pain after riding his bike. This is his ECG….

Quick Case #05

the case. a 42 year old male presents via ambulance with chest pain following an motor vehicle accident.

the steak is stuck…

the case. a 36 year old male presents to your ED at 2am with retrosternal pain and concern that last nights steak “got stuck and didn’t go down”. He has vomited once and now continues to spit out saliva as…

hot & spotty #2…

the case. A 14 year old boy is bought to ED with a 4 day history of fevers. His parents are concerned as this rampant red rash has rapidly spread across his body overnight….

Cliff Reid RAGE team

catching the culprit…

the case. a 32 year old male presents to ED with a 4 hour history of retrosternal chest pain. He has had the pain since midnight and it “just isn’t going away”. This is his ECG…

John Hinds Death is a Wanker

straightening the spiral…

the case. a 2 year old male is carried into your ED screaming. He is horribly distressed and trying to reach down to grab at his right thigh. His parents report that he was standing outside watching his older brother…

hot & spotty…

the case. A mother brings her 18 month old child to your emergency department with a 24 hour history of fevers. She is now worried that her daughter has developed these little red spots.

a little low…

the case. A 48 year old female arrives to ED via ambulance following an intentional overdose. Her husband discovered her taking tablet after tablet in the bathroom at home. She has a history of depression & diabetes and reports feeling…