Category Medical Specialty

A Case of Epistaxis

A 34 female presents to ED at 2am, post waking up with blood all over her pillow, and a continuous ooze of blood from her right nostril.
Pulmonary Puzzler 340

Case of Acute Severe Asthma

A 25-year-old lady Miss. Poor Compliance is rushed into your Emergency Department as a Priority 1. She is a brittle asthmatic and has been given 3x 5mg salbutamol nebs, and 0.5mg of adrenaline IM prehospital. On arrival Miss PC is…

EBM Gone Wild mountain 340

Kokoda Medicine

The popularity of the Kokoda Trail has increased dramatically over the last decade. More and more Australians are making the arduous trek through the muddy, steep terrain of the Owen Stanley Range in Papua New Guinea.
swine flu pig kissing

Swine Flu Saves Lives?

Did the swine flu pandemic save lives? A response to Richard Lehman's perspective on a recently published overview of the swine flu pandemic in Australia.