Category Toxicology Library

Black Snake

The Black Snake also confusingly known as the King brown snake or mulga snake. Other similar species include the Butler's or yellow-bellied black snake, Collett's snake, blue-bellied or spotted black snake, Papuan black snake and finally the red-bellied or common black snake.

Amisulpride toxicity

Amisulpride is an atypical antipsychotic in low doses will causes and anticholinergic effect but at higher doses prolongs the QT interval with cases of torsades de pointes noted.

Benztropine toxicity

Normally used to ameliorate dyskinesia from antipsychotics but has been used for recreational purposes. Benztropine is a potent anticholingeric in overdose. You may also use it yourself as an antidote for an acute dystonic reaction.

Lithium toxicity

Lithium is commonly used to treat bipolar, for your toxicology encounter it will come in two varieties, either an acute overdose or chronic toxicity and it is important to distinguish the two (examiners love this question).

Clozapine toxicity

Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic, due to its restricted use an acute overdose is a rare event but clinicians should be aware that coma can occur and management is with supportive care. In chronic toxicity agranulocytosis and myocarditis can occur, these are not features of an acute poisoning but monitored in patients with long term therapeutic use.

Olanzapine toxicity

Olanzapine is a second generation atypical antipsychotic. Widely used in Australasia and therefore a fairly common presentation to the emergency department. Olanzapine like queitiapine has a predictable dose-dependent CNS depression.

Quetiapine toxicity

Quetiapine is a second generation atypical antipsychotic. Widely used in Australasia and therefore a fairly common presentation to the emergency department. Quetiapine is associated with a predictable dose-dependent CNS depression.

Phenothiazines and butyrophenones

Phenothiazines and butyrophenones are the antipsychotic (neuroleptic) agents. Commonly used agents are chlorpromazine, prochlorperazine, droperidol and haloperidol. Other unfamiliar agents include fluphenazine, Pericyazine, Pipothiazine and Trifluoperazine
Toxicology Library Tox Tutes 340

Tox Conference Talks

Have a listen to some of the eclectic toxicology lectures from around the world as we manage to catch these speakers in action.

Calcium channel blocker toxicity

Calcium channel blockers are not all born the same. Some produce severe cardiotoxic effects which in the past has caused significant mortality and others cause severe peripheral vasodilatation

Beta-blocker toxicity

Beta blocker overdoses can be relatively benign but a couple can causes serious cardiotoxicity and even death if not managed aggressively.