TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340
CXR Case 121
An 18 year old man presents to ED after a heavy night out, vomiting profusely. He presents to ED with chest pain and pneumomediastinum.
Martin Bromiley
Lessons from the Bromiley Case

In 2007, Martin Bromiley’s wife died due to medical error. The Bromiley case will be familiar to many of us. The lessons from this case can teach us stark lessons about our own leadership and teamwork. Martin’s story Martin and…

Introducing… Resuscitology

Hello, RAGErs! This is a quick update about a new project from the RAGE team and friends… The Resuscitology Course. This is a two-day residential course for resuscitationists in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia on May 9-10th 2018. The faculty are …

TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340
CXR Case 120

A 54 year old man is admitted with worsening breathlessness and cough with pain in the right chest for 6 weeks. Describe and interpret this CXR