Category Top 100
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 110

An 86 year old lady is admitted breathless, hypoxaemic and hypotensive with a systolic of 95mmHg. CCF, APO, cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 109

An 83 year old man is admitted with a fall and confusion. He is hypoxaemic on air, requiring 2L of oxygen via nasal prongs.
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 108

A 49 year old lady who is a current smoker presents with cough, dyspnoea and fever. Describe and interpret this Chest X-ray. Top 150 CXR
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 107

A 51 year old man admitted with a sudden onset of significantly worse dyspnoea. bilateral spontaneous secondary pneumothorax
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 106

54 year old man presents with worsening breathlessness over 2 days. smoker. spontaneous secondary pneumothorax (SSP) from COPD
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 105

A 71 year old man presents with sudden onset breathlessness. Describe and interpret this Chest X-ray. LITFL Top 150 CXR
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 104

27 year old female presents with 1 day of breathlessness that occurred spontaneously. Describe and interpret this Chest X-ray.
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 103

26 yo man. Low speed driver of motorbike vs. car. Initial primary survey complete with soft tissue grazes on limbs only. Now tension pthx
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 102

A 28 yo man presents with sudden onset left sided sharp chest pain. Management of small apical PSP pneumothorax
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 101

A 35 year old man presents to ED with 2 days of left sided pleuritic chest pain and slight dyspnoea on climbing the stairs. PSP management
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 100

A 39 year old man presents with sudden onset right sided pleuritic pain. He smokes marijuana. SpO2 on air 96%. PSP management
TOP 150 CXR QUIZ 340

CXR Case 099

Motor vehicle accident 30 minutes ago. Driver, no airbag, bent steering wheel. Alert complaining of chest pain. Tension pneumothorax