Category TOP 100 ECG

ECG Case 112

35 yr old male who presented to the Emergency Department complaining of palpitations, dyspnoea, and lightheadedness. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 111

ECG is from a 69 year old male who had a dual chamber pacemaker inserted earlier in the day. He complained to the ward staff of pain at the insertion site and you’ve been asked to review him. His BP, temp, sats,…


ECG Case 110

This ECG is from a middle aged female with a history of cardiac failure. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 109

84 year old male presents complaining of general lethargy, nausea, several episodes of diarrhea, and dizziness. Describe and interpret this ECG.

ECG Case 108

59yr old male who presented to the Emergency Department following 2 episodes of syncope. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 107

86 yr old male referred by his General Practitioner with worsening renal failure. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 106

70 y/o male from Case 105 underwent DC cardioversion and this is his post cardioversion ECG. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 105

ECG is from a 70yr old male who presented with chest pain and palpitations. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 104

This ECG is from a 47 year old female. She presents with acute onset severe dyspnoea. Her vitals signs are BP 95/42; RR 30; sats 88% (room air) Describe and interpret this ECG


ECG Case 103

53 year old male presenting with central chest pain for 2 hours, ongoing at time of recording. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 102

22 year old female presents with sudden onset of severe occipital headache. Describe and interpret this ECG. LITFL Top 100 ECG

ECG Case 101

51 yr old female who presented with chronic vomiting. She has a history of rheumatoid arthritis and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Her medications include sotalol and rivaroxaban.