Construction workers cough or surfers surprise?3 constructions workers, one with pneumonia, one septic and one with ulcers. Its all the same disease - what is it?Neil LongSeptember 7, 2020
Fever, Abdominal pain, Constipation and MaryTropical Traveler Clinical Case. Salmonella Typhi, aetiology, differential, diagnosis, management, treatment and preventionAmanda McConnellSeptember 8, 2018
Tonsillitis and the BullJust a case of tonsillitis, I've put them in short stay for review ...then you see the pseudomembrane, hear the gurgling and think diphtheriaAmanda McConnellAugust 11, 2018
Fever, Arthralgia and RashTropical and Travel Case 010, Fever, Arthralgia and Rash in a traveler from Bali. Could it be Dengue?Amanda McConnellAugust 10, 2018
Humongous HIV ExtravaganzaTropical Travel Trouble is a series of clinical cases that you may see in the tropics or your own ED from the dreaded returned traveller. HIVNeil LongAugust 9, 2018
Total TB ExtravaganzaWhat is tuberculosis (TB)? This tropical travel clinical case extravaganza covers aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TBNeil LongAugust 8, 2018
Mega Malaria ExtravaganzaPart 1 of 3 of our mega tropical series covering Malaria, TB and HIV. Remember there is not always a unifying diagnosis...Neil LongAugust 7, 2018
Watery DiarrhoeaWhat is cholera and how is it transmitted? How do we treat it? How would you manage an outbreak? So much to learn about Watery Diarrhoea...Neil LongAugust 6, 2018
RUQ Pain and JaundiceEntamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite that can invade tissue. Find out more about aetiology, diagnosis, management and treatmentNeil LongAugust 5, 2018
Bloody DiarrhoeaDysentery (bloody diarrhoea) is usually associated with fever but this is not always the case. Shigella aetiology, differential and managementNeil LongAugust 4, 2018
Stiff in the mouthTropical Traveler Clinical Case. Tetanus aetiology, differential, diagnosis, management, treatment and prophylaxisNeil LongAugust 3, 2018
Frothing MadFrothing mad. Tropical Travel Clinical Case. Rabies aetiology, diagnosis, differential, management, treatment and prophylaxisNeil LongAugust 2, 2018