Category Clinical Cases

LITFL Clinical Case Collection. Over 250 Q&A style clinical cases to assist Just in Time Learning and Life Long Learning. Cases are categorised by specialty and can be searched by keyword from the database table

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Empyema Case 1

A poorly kempt, chronic alcoholic with a history of intravenous drug use presents to ED. He is confused, febrile, tachycardic, tachypenoeic and hypoxic.

An unusual wrist injury

Dislocation of the distal radio-ulna joint (DRUJ) is a rare injury, particularly when it occurs without associated fractures of the distal radius and ulna.
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Pleural Effusion Case 002

A 27 year old man presents with fevers and increasing shortness of breath presents to your department. He has a vasculitic peripheral rash and feels generally unwell.
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Pneumonia Case 003

A 40 year old man presented with high fever, tachycardia and vomiting. You search for a source of infection; this is his chest x-ray.
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Pneumonia Case 002

This young man presents with high fevers and shortness of breath. He also complains of chest discomfort and an odd feeling in his neck. He is febrile, tachycardic, tachypneoic and hypoxic.
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Pneumonia Case 001

This patient presented with right upper quadrant pain and a fever. The clinical suspicion was cholecystitis. What does the ultrasound show?
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A Really Tricky ABG?

aka Metabolic Muddle 013 A 30 year-old female was admitted to the ICU following a traumatic brain injury.  Her ABG was normal on arrival. Since admission her condition has deteriorated and she now has circulatory failure requiring 100mcg/min of noradrenaline…