Category Orthopaedics
eponym LITFL 340

George Chance

George Quentin Chance was an British radiologist. Eponymously associated with the Chance fracture (1948) transverse fracture through a vertebral body
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Baastrup disease

Baastrup sign (kissing spines) refers to an orthopaedic condition / radiological sign with enlargement and approximation of adjacent spinous processes with normal intervertebral disc height and neuroforamina
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Winking owl sign

One of the first signs of vertebral metastases is disappearance of the pedicle on the AP X-ray. This is known as the 'absent pedicle' or 'winking owl sign'.
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Segond fracture

Segond fracture: Avulsion fracture (small) of the lateral surface of the lateral tibial condyle. Paul Ferdinand Segond (1851-1912) described 1879