Category Medical Specialty

another ECG case…

The Case. I was superficially involved in this case of a 32 year old suicidal patient who ingested two full packets of Solian (amisulpride) (~ 24 grams) approximately 90 minutes prior to arrival to ED. On initial assessment he was…

slowly, slowly…

Case: 76 year old female, presents with lightheadedness and lethargy. She is complaining of mid-scapular pain & is syncopal at triage. She has cold hands & clammy skin. Systolic BP 70 mmHg. Crackles to mid-zones of her chest. Distended JVP.…

shades of grey…

A few days ago I was looking after a 31/40 gestation restrained passenger from low-speed MVA with a slight seatbelt abrasion in her RIF & mild suprapubic pain. She looked well, HR 70 with BP 108 systolic and no features…

more than man-flu (part2)…

Here is the follow-up to the story of our 19 year old febrile patient….. The case continues… His CXR demonstrates the following …. Clear lung fields No pneumonia No CCF is that a ‘globular heart’  ?? This is his ECG……

observing the occult…

The case: A motorcyclist is minding his own business, stationary at a set of lights and is rear-ended by a car at ~60-70km He is thrown 10 meters or so from his bike and lands on his left side. Remarkably…

supply & demand…

Case: 74 year old female is placed in the acute-area of our ED with a complaint of retrosternal chest tightness at approximately 9am. Her symptoms sound very typical for ACS. She looks clammy and pale. My colleague has placed her…

a tonne of bricks…

… well it wasn’t really a tonne; more like a dozen or so individual bricks falling from a height of 3-4 metres that peppered and glanced a patient I saw 48 hours ago. Whilst he presented as a ‘trauma’ and…

just a tablespoon…

This is the story of a 59 year old man who presented to our ED with a complaint of haemoptysis. He is otherwise well, takes no regular medications and besides his ’50 per day’ smoking history (over 40-odd years) he…

broad, fast & regular…

There are some things in medicine that I feel require a standardized approach for rapid diagnosis & management, especially in the face of an unstable patient & you have a little sweat on your brow. The following are two somewhat…

first time wheezer…

I have recently heard the quote, “the eyes do not see what the mind does not know” & feel it is incredibly applicable to this particular case, which some of you may have seen recently in one of my Tweets.…


Fingertip Injury

A guide to the assessment and management of common finger tip injuries in the emergency department.

Another Ankle Sprain

A 23 year-old female netball player presents c/o pain and swelling to her right ankle post playing netball. Does she meets the criteria for X-ray to rule out a fracture?