Dr Finnbarr Walsh In Memoriam
Finnbarr was a wonderful man, a faithful friend and an amazing doctor. It is humbling to see how many lives he touched. Kind, compassionate and generous beyond compare, Finn truly was a gentleman and a scholar.
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Days Beyond Superlative
Some days are special. Some days are amazing...and some days are so amazing they go beyond superlative; destiny changing days to be forever ingrained in ones mind. Saturday was one of these days.
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Down with the Afterload!
If you are new to intensiveland and find yourself bamboozled by all the numbers, indices and machines that go ping. There is only one reference you need turn to... Titled "Alice in intensiveland. Being an essay on nonsense and common sense in the ICU, after the manner of Lewis Carroll."
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That probably wasn’t a good idea
One of great joys of being an emergency doctor, (and also one of it's sobering features) is that, on certain occasions, there will be unfortunate members of the public who present to hospital having done something ridiculously stupid. Many of these foolish acts are chronicled in the Darwin Awards.
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A World of Wimps?
n a single night I had patients come in for the following complaints (all brought by ambulance): “Smoked marijuana and got dizzy”, “stung by a bee and it hurts”, “got drunk and have a hangover”,
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Swine Flu in ICU
A timely follow up to 'The Two Faces of Swine Flu' is 'Critical Care Services and 2009 H1N1 Influenza in Australia and New Zealand'. This 'hot off the press' paper by the ANZIC Influenza Investigators has just been published online in the NEJM.
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Lessons from 1918
I read a book called 'The Coming Plague' when I was in medical school. It was fascinating. It formed a picture of the world in my mind as a bubbling soup of seething micro-organisms waiting for the right circumstances to break out, to come forth and multiply
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What do you mean pandemic?

Despite the cessation of ‘pig kissing frolicks‘ it looks as though the WHO will eventually declare that 2009 H1N1 influenza A (‘swine flu’) has reached pandemic proportions (phase 6). What does this mean? A phase 6 influenza pandemic means that…

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The Two Faces of Swine Flu
The sun is making more frequent cameos in our part of the world, suggesting summer may be on its way. Another, but less obvious, indicator of the change in seasons is the gradual decline in patients with swine flu (H1N1 09 influenza) needing treatment in our intensive care units.