Category Eponymictionary
eponymythology appendicitis 340 2

Rovsing sign

Rovsing sign (1907): In acute appendicitis, palpation of the left lower quadrant may elicit pain in the right lower quadrant. Niels Rovsing and Emil S Perman (1904)
Schamroth sign 680

Schamroth sign

Schamroth sign. Simple sign to determine the presence of finger clubbing. One of the earliest signs of clubbing is obliteration of the Schamroth 'window'.
Shepherd fracture 680

Shepherd fracture

Sherpherd fracture: Posterior talar process fracture with injury to the lateral tubercle caused by inversion or extreme equinus (1882)
Cedell fracture 680

Cedell fracture

Cedell fracture (1974): Posterior talar process fracture with injury to the posteromedial tubercle caused by forced dorsiflexion and pronation
eponymictionary-340-256 2

Klumpke Palsy

Lower brachial plexus injury, with consequent weakness and wasting of the C8–T1 musculature. Augusta Klumpke (1859-1927)