Category Eponymictionary
winking owl sign 680

Winking owl sign

One of the first signs of vertebral metastases is disappearance of the pedicle on the AP X-ray. This is known as the 'absent pedicle' or 'winking owl sign'.
Segond fracture 680

Segond fracture

Segond fracture: Avulsion fracture (small) of the lateral surface of the lateral tibial condyle. Paul Ferdinand Segond (1851-1912) described 1879
Cotton fracture 340

Cotton fracture

Cotton fracture (trimalleolar fracture) described in 1915 by Frederic Jay Cotton (1869-1939); fracture of the ankle that involving the lateral malleolus, medial malleolus and distal posterior aspect of the tibia (posterior malleolus).
Murphy’s sign 340

Murphy’s sign

Murphy’s sign is elicited in patients with acute cholecystitis by asking the patient to take in and hold a deep breath while palpating the right subcostal area. John Benjamin Murphy (1903)