Category Ophthalmology
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Terson syndrome

Vitreous, retrohyaloid, retinal, or subretinal haemorrhage occurring consequent to an acute intracranial haemorrhage or elevated intracranial pressure.
Erich Seidel (1882 – 1948) 340 256

Erich Seidel

Erich Seidel (1882 – 1948) was a German ophthalmologist. The Seidel Test (1921) is used to assess the presence of anterior chamber leakage in the cornea following trauma.
Ottomar Ernst Felix Rosenbach (1851 - 1907) 340

Otto Becker

Otto Heinrich Enoch Becker (1828-1890) was a German ophthalmologist, eponymous with Becker sign, and Becker test for astigmatism.
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Roth spots

Roth spots: Retinal haemorrhages with white or pale centres, commonly associated with subacute bacterial endocarditis and immune complex mediated vasculitis.
eponym LITFL 340

Moritz Roth

Moritz Roth (1839-1914) was a Swiss pathologist. He is eponymously associated with Roth spots (1872), which he first observed in the retina of patients with septicaemia.
Edwin Sterling Munson (1870-1958) 340

Edwin Sterling Munson

Edwin Sterling Munson (1870-1958) was an American ophthalmologist.Munson sign, a V-shaped indentation of the lower eyelid when the gaze is directed downwards, an indication that is characteristic of advanced keratoconus.

Marcus Gunn Pupil

Description Marcus Gunn Pupil: (AKA relative afferent pupillary defect or RAPD) A pupil that responds by constricting more to an indirect than to a direct light, seen with unilateral optic nerve or retinal disease, History 1902 First description by Robert…

Robert Marcus Gunn (1850 – 1909) 1200

Robert Marcus Gunn

Robert Marcus Gunn (1850 – 1909) was a Scottish Ophthalmologist. FAMOUS FOR Biography Born 1850 Culgower, Scotland 1868-1873 Studied at Edinburgh and St Andrews Universities. MA (1871); MB CM (1873); MRCS (1873) 1882 – FRCS Edinburgh 1907 – President of…

Johann Friedrich Horner (1831 – 1886)

Johann Friedrich Horner

Johann Friedrich Horner (1831-1886) was a Swiss ophthalmologist. Horner syndrome, was so named following his 1869 description
Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821 – 1894)

Hermann von Helmholtz

Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821 – 1894) was a German physician and physicist. Helmholtz was a pioneer in the scientific study of human vision and hearing. He revolutionized the field of ophthalmology with the invention of the ophthalmoscope in…