Category UCEM

Utopian Medicine is a medical discipline devoted to the pre-emptive, pre-emotive and peri-departmental management of patients coordinated by the Utopian College of Emergency for Medicine (UCEM).

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Man catches gizmonotic virus

In the future infectious diseases specialists will not only have human infections and zoonoses to deal with, but gizmonotic diseases (like computer viruses) as well.
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A Fondness of Fruit

Most of us, at one time or another, have gazed into the stratosphere and imagined clouds as familiar objects such as an animal, a face, an activity or letter of the alphabet. Such nephelococcygial activity has never resulted in my…

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Future Pathologies

Can contemporary medical economics combat the growing threat of microbes? Have we created sufficient evolutionary pressures that the microbe diseases of yesteryear and the neglected pathogens of today become a threat for us tomorrow?
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Scientists discover genetic marker for administration

Molecular biologists working with a team of anthropologists have discovered a new gene that is set to revise the theories of social structure in humans. The team initially embarked on an ambitious project to discover when humans and our early…

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Your Management Team May Be Parasites

Management has synonymously been associated with bad decisions, selective cost cutting, raising it’s own salary and attempting to rob others of their ideas. This perception has led people to view managers as parasites, which according to new scientific data may…

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UCEM Intern Training

It has been a while, but Dr Dork (our first Waiting Room intern) has finally made a second referral in Utopia.
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Not Backwards in going Backwards

The newly formed Southern Hemisphere Information Technology '4 brains' group have covertly implemented a series of strategies within Australian hospitals which they are confident will coagulate productivity to a state of suppuration.
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Staghorn follows his nose

UCEM's Prof Staghorn investigates the unexplained disappearances of members of the Society for the Prevention of Surgery and follows his nose to the operating theatre toilets. eels that he needs a stick as big as Prof Stickler's carrot.
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Meet the Bougie F.UCEMs

Found who are the latest esteemed practitioners of Utopian Medical Ideals to be elevated to the status of Fellow of the Utopian College of Emergency for Medicine due to their meritorious suggestions for the best uses of a bougie.