Publications and Position Statements
UCEM Utopian College of Emergency for Medicine Publications
The Utopian College of Emergency for Medicine (UCEM) Waiting Room Medicine Scientific Publications. A series of perturbation pruning Publications and Position Statements pertinent to all F.UCEM’s interested in eminence based medicine. Articles are published in the Utopian Journal of Anecdotal Medicine (UJAM)
UCEM Scientific Publications UJAM
- UJAM Reducing the Future Burden of Disease
- UJAM Neuro-protective Effect of Alcohol
- UJAM Adaptive parasitology, and free parking
- UJAM Penis Captivus
- UCEM Medical Acronym Dictionary
- UCEM Glossary of Terms
UCEM Guidelines
- UCEM Guidelines on Resuscitation
- UCEM Guidelines on Orthopedics
- UCEM Guidelines for Imminent Admission
- UCEM Guide to Patient Without Discernible Pathology
- UCEM WHORe Guidelines
- UCEM Guideline Putting Patients at Ease
- UCEM Levels of Eminence
UCEM Position Statements
- UCEM Downstairs Patients, Upstairs!
- UCEM says NO to Softness
- UCEM Warns Against ADHD Treatment
- UCEM ELF implementation TaskForce
- UCEM Prepares for Mass Overdose
- UCEM to save NHS
- UCEM Save Dollars not Lives
- UCEM Announces Electropenogram
- UCEM rejects claims that it is stupidist
- Christmas Cancelled
- Christmas Cancelled Canned
UCEM Waiting Room Initiatives
- UCEM Neurology iWR SPGB
- UCEM Defibritazer BP-50KV
- UCEM Waiting Room Gynaecology
- UCEM Society for the Prevention of Surgery
- UCEM Automated Radiodiagnostic Security Entrance
- UCEM Promotes ‘Toughen Up’ Pill
- UCEM Waiting Room Video
- World Cup Fever WCF management
- UCEM Waiting Room Movies
UCEM Core Content
- Utopian College of Emergency for Medicine (UCEM)
- UCEM Mission Statement and Essential Roles and Core Competencies
- About the Utopian College. Including Education; Examinations; and Collegial Hierarchy
- Utopian Medicine General News