
Top 100 CT scans

LITFL 100 CT scan quiz

Clinical cases and self assessment problems to enhance interpretation skills through CT scan interpretation in clinical context problems. Preparation for examinations.

Check out the Radiology Library for lessons, lectures, tips and tricks in radiographic review

Each case presents a clinical scenario; a series of questions; clinical images and finally some pearls to highlight the key learning points. We trust that you will find a few clinical pearls or reminders that you could apply to your patients that you care for in your emergency department or other health setting

Search by keywords; disease process; condition; eponym or clinical features…

CT Scan 088CT head, Brainstem haemorrhage, ICH, intracerebral haemorrhage, ECG,
CT Scan 087CXR, CT chest, Anterior mediastinal mass, chest mass
CT Scan 086CXR, CT shoulder, CT chest, clavicle, shoulder, brachial plexus, clavicle fracture, motorbike accident, Scapulothoracic dissociation
CT Scan 085CXR, CT chest, CT angiography, mediastinal haematoma, aortic pseudoaneurysm, widened mediastinum
CT Scan 084CT abdomen, AAA, aortic aneurysm, rupture, leak, EVAR, AAA repair, Aorto-IVC fistula
CT Scan 083CT brain, stroke, CT head, Basilar stroke, clot retrieval, Basilar Artery Stroke, CT stroke series, Acute basilar artery occlusion, BAO, endovascular clot retrieval, ECR
CT Scan 082CT brain, CT venogram, CVT, Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis, CVST, parenchymal haemorrhage
CT Scan 081CT abdomen, liver abscess, ESRF, cholangitis, CBD stent, diabetes, cholecystitis,
CT Scan 080CT abdomen, Psoas muscle haematoma, psoas hematoma, psoas muscle,
CT Scan 079CT head, CT brain, Fungal sinusitis, cerebral abscess, Lymphoma, MRSA
CT Scan 078CT head, CT brain, Cerebellar haemorrhage, Cerebellar bleed
CT Scan 077CT abdomen, hepatic cyst, liver cyst, hydatid, Hepatic hydatid, Echinococcosis
CT Scan 076CT neck, FB throat, piriform fossa, toothpick, foreign body, retropharyngeal free air, air fluid level,
CT Scan 075CT abdomen, Choriocarcinoma, gestational trophoblastic disease, cancer, metastatic disease
CT Scan 074CT neck, supraglottitis, epiglottitis
CT Scan 073CT face, CT neck, parotid gland, sialadenitis,
CT Scan 072CT abdomen, stomach, hiatus hernia, hiatal hernia, volvulus, Gastric volvulus, Mesenteroaxial rotation
CT Scan 071CT brain, CT venogram, CVT, Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
CT Scan 070CT abdomen, spleen injury, AAST, renal laceration, trauma, MVA, urinoma, perinephric haeamtoma, renal hematoma,
CT Scan 069CT abdomen, GOO, gastric outlet obstruction, pyloric stenosis, VBG
CT Scan 068CT abdomen, face, CT head, Neck, fasciitis, polymicrobial, nec fas, necrotising fasciitis
CT Scan 067CT abdomen, CT KUB, urosepsis, renal colic, ureteric stone,
CT Scan 066CT abdomen, internal hernia, small bowel obstruction, closed loop obstruction
CT Scan 065CT head, pituitary tumour, third nerve palsy, 3rd nerve, CT brain, MRI, craniopharyngioma,
CT Scan 064CT abdomen, kidney, Perinephric haematoma
CT Scan 063CT c-spine, cervical spine, dens, C2, Anderson and D’Alonzo, odontoid process, atlas, neck fracture
CT Scan 062CXR, CT abdomen, epigastric pain, perforation, viscus, ulcer, gastric ulcer, pneumoperitoneum, Gastrointestinal perforation
CT Scan 061CT brain, CT head, LVO, stroke, ECR, IR, ICA, hemiparesis, Ehlers-Danlos,
CT Scan 060CT BRAIN, CT abdopmen, HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma, epithelioid tumour
CT Scan 059CT abdomen, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, gallstones, Murphy
CT Scan 058CT abdomen, Portal vein thrombosis, hepatic veins, hepatic circulation, portal venous
CT Scan 057CT abdomen, hernia, abdominal wall hernia, epigastric hernia, small bowel obstruction, incarceration
CT Scan 056CTPA, CT abdomen, CXR, wegener, cavitating, feeding vessel, septic, embolus, pulmonary septic embolus
CT Scan 055CT head, CT brain, EDH, extradural, epidural, hematoma, haematoma
CT Scan 054CT head, CT brain, EDH, extradural, epidural, hematoma, haematoma
CT Scan 053CT pelvis, Young-Burgess, pelvic fracture, open book
CT Scan 052CT ABDOMEN, UMBILICAL HERNIA, abdominal mass, CA 125
CT Scan 051CT abdomen, perianal abscess, Fournier, polymicrobial,
CT Scan 050CT abdomen, umbilical, hernia, abdominal wall hernia
CT Scan 049CT neck, cervical spine, burst fracture, compression fracture, broken neck,
CT Scan 048CT abdomen, AXR, Ladd band, Abdominal cocoon syndrome, malrotation, bowel obstruction
CT Scan 047CT abdomen, diverticulitis, multiple myeloma, complicated diverticulitis, mural thickening, pericolic fat stranding
CT Scan 046CT chest, CXR, lung cancer, no-small cell, NSCLC, FDG, PET scan
CT Scan 045CT abdomen, ischaemia, ischemic gut, ischaemic colitis, portal free gas
CT Scan 044CT abdomen, whirl sign, sigmoid volvulus, bowel obstruction, coffee bean,
CT Scan 043CT abdomen, urinoma, perinephric haematoma, hematoma, renal tract, trauma
CT Scan 042CT abdomen, AAA, aortic aneurysm, rupture, leak, fusiform
CT Scan 041CT chest, bioprosthetic AVR, aorta, VSD, root abscess, aortic abscess
CT Scan 040CT brain, CT head, Tmax, posterior circulation, PRES, Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome,
CT Scan 039CT abdomen, post-operative, collection, abscess, abdominal wall
CT Scan 038CT head, CT neck, Pemberton sign, Pemberton manouver, superior vena cava
CT Scan 037CT abdomen, spleen, splenic laceration, splenic rupture,
CT Scan 036CT abdomen, cholangitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholecystostomy
CT Scan 035CT limb, CT shoulder, Posterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation, sternoclavicular joint, SCJ, dislocation
CT Scan 034CT Chest, CT aortogram, IMH, Acute aortic syndrome, braverman, aortic dissection
CT Scan 033CT head, CT brain, neurocysticercosis, cysticercosis, taenia solium
CT Scan 032CT head, CT brain, EDH, extradural, hematoma, haematoma
CT Scan 031CT abdomen, abdominal wall haematoma, extrauterine IUD, IUD
CT Scan 030CT abdomen, renal bx, renal biopsy, Perirenal haematoma,
CT Scan 029CT chest, CXR, pthx, tension, spontaneous pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax
CT Scan 028CT chest, ARDS, non-cardiogernic, non c ardiogenic, pulmonary edema, pulmonary oedema, herion, smack,
CT Scan 027CTAP, CT abdomen, portal venous phase, intestinal ischaemia, ischaemia, SMA, superior mesenteric artery
CT Scan 026CTAP, CT abdomen, CT pelvis, jejenum, trauma, smal bowel ischaemia, seat belt
CT Scan 025CT abdomen, appendicitis
CT Scan 024CT pelvis, Tubo-ovarian abscess, PID, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovary, Fallopian tube
CT Scan 023CT limb, NSTI, necrotising fasciitis, Fournier gangrene,
CT Scan 022CT head, CTA, subarachnoid haemorrhage, intracerebral haemorrhage, SAH, ICH, circle of Willis
CT Scan 021CT face, mandible, guardsman, TMJ, condyle, parade
CT Scan 020CT head, CT orbit, nail gun, penetrating injury, globe rupture, open globe, eye injury
CT Scan 019CT head, CT brain, CT orbits, meningioma, sphenoid meningioma, meningioma en plaque, en plaque meningioma, MEP,
CT Scan 018CT head, CT brain, CTA, anterior communicating artery aneurysm, berry aneurysm, saccular aneurysm
CT Scan 017CT cervical spine, c-spine, CT neck, facet joint dislocation, vertebral fracture, trauma
CT Scan 016CT head, CT brain, SAH, subarachnoid, hemorrhage, haemorrhage
CT Scan 015CT abdomen, Emphysematous cystitis, gas forming organisms
CT Scan 014CT abdomen, pyelonephritis, bear paw, bear's paw sign, xanthogranulomatous, XGP
CT Scan 013CT brain, CT head, SDH, subdural, decompression
CT Scan 012CT abdomen, diverticulitis, perforation, rigid abdomen, perf, sigmoid, pneumothorax, CXR
CT Scan 011CT head, CT brain, SAH, cerebral oedema, ROSC, pseudosubarachnoid, haemorrhage, hemorrhage, pseudoSAH
CT Scan 010pneumobilia, pneumoperitoneum, pneumothorax, emphysematous cholecystitis, CT abdomen
CT Scan 009CTPA, submassive, PTE, PE, pulmonary embolus, pulmonary embolism
CT Scan 008Carotid Cavernous Fistula, CCF, SOV, superior ophthalmic vein, trauma, CT brain, eye, orbit, CT face
CT Scan 007Ross Golden, S-sign, S shape, lung malignancy, hilar mass, lung cancer, horizontal fissure, CXT, CT chest, thorax,
CT Scan 006CT aortogram, STEMI, dissection, Aortic dissection, RCA, right coronary, Stanford, CT chest
CT Scan 005CT brain, CT head, perfusion scan, CVA, embolic stroke, M1, MCA occlusion, penumbra, old stroke
CT scan 004CT head, CT brain, subarachnoid haemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, SAH, Berry aneurysm, circle of Willis, nontraumatic, amyloid angiopathy
CT scan 003CT abdomen, rectus sheath haematoma, blush, hematoma, anaemia,
CT scan 002CT head, CT brain, sdh, pediatric, brain, head, hemorrhage, haemorrhage, subdural haematoma,
CT scan 001CT head, CT brain, vasogenic oedema, seizure, intra-parenchymal bleed, intracranial hemorrhage, haemorrhage, cerebral metastasis, edema

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