Biographical Medical Eponyms
Medical Eponyms
What is in a name? Here we explore the people credited with discovering, describing, recording, inventing and defining advancements in the art of medicine. Many signs, symptoms, procedures and classifications are commonplace – others are deserving of recording as a result of the significant historical interest associated with their descriptive work and discoveries.
Name | Eponym | |||||
HEIDBRINK, Jay Albion | 1875 | 1957 | USA, America, American | dentist | Heidbank Kinet-O-Meter, Heidbank valve, Heidbank wrench, Heidbrink Model 75-B Oxygen Tent, Heidbank Anesthetiser Model A to T, | Equipment, ventilator, flowmeter, valve, mask, gas mask, celluloid mask, wrench, dental surgeon |
CONNELL, Karl | 1878 | 1941 | USA, America, American | anesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist | Connell airway, Anæsthetometer, Connell Gas Mask, Connell Flowmeter, Connell Model | WWI, ventilator, gas mask, respirator, flowmeter, OPA, oropharyngeal, military |
BRAGG, William Henry | 1862 | 1942 | England, English, UK, British | Physicist, maths, mathematician, chemist | Bragg's Law, Bragg Spectrometer and Bragg-Paul Pulsator | Lacrosse, pulsator, mechanical ventilation, |
HEWITT, Frederick William | 1857 | 1916 | England, English, UK, British | anesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist | Hewitt airway (1908) | |
BANG, Claus | 1924 | 1970 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk | Physician | Bang respirator (1953) | Denmark, polio epidemic, |
FRENCKNER, Paul | 1896 | 1967 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | ENT, otolaryngoplogist | Spiropulsator, double lumen bronchoscope | ventilator, bronchoscope, |
GROVER, Ralph | 1920 | 2008 | USA, America, American | Dermatologist | Grover disease (1970) | transient acantholytic dermatosis |
ZAHORSKY, John Jr | 1871 | 1963 | Slovakia, Austro-Hungarian | pediatrician, pediatrics, neonatology, paediatrician | sixth disease (1910) | numbered skin diseases, skin rashes, rashes of childhood, kids rashes, sixth disease |
SWEET, Robert Douglas | 1917 | 2001 | England, English, UK, British | Dermatologist | Sweet syndrome (1964) | Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis |
GOLDEN, Ross | 1889 | 1975 | USA, America, American | Radiologist | Golden S Sign (1925) | Ross Golden, S-sign, S shape, lung malignancy, hilar mass, lung cancer, horizontal fissure, CXT, CT chest, thorax, |
THOMAS, Antony Michael | 1913 | 1971 | England, English, UK, British | pathologist | Thomas sign (1955) | ampulla of vater, silver stool |
JAMES, Norman Reynolds | 1908 | 1987 | Australian, Ozzie, Aussie | anaesthetist | James ventilator (1950); James Autohand ventilator (1964) | ventilator, hand bagging, anaesthetic, anesthetic |
BISHOP, Edward Harry | 1913 | 1995 | USA, America, American, United States | obstetrics, gynaecology | Bishop Score (1964); Uterine Tocolysis (1961); Doppler Ultrasound (1966) | labour, delivery, cervical dilatation, examination, score, gynecology |
LØVSET, Jørgen | 1896 | 1981 | Norway, Norge, Norwegian | Obstetrician, gynaecologist | Løvset’s Manoeuvre (1937); Løvset’s Umbilical Clip (1932); Løvset’s Cervical Dilators (1933) | breech, delivery, feto-pelvic, |
ROBERTS, Mona Dew | 1878 | 1939 | Wales, Welsh, Cymru | anesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist | Mona Roberts Airway (1916) | oropharyngeal airway, OPA, airway, obstetrics, ether |
COSSART, Yvonne | 1934 | 2014 | Australian, Australia, Aussie, Ozzie | virologist | Parvovirus B19 (1975) | hepatitis, fifth disease, erythema infectiosum, hepatitis B, HBV, HPV, B19 |
HOLTER, Norman Jeffris | 1914 | 1983 | USA, America, American | Physicist, Chemist, Biophysicist | Holter monitor (1947) | ECG, RECG, Holter monitor, ambulatory monitoring, Montana, Helena, explosive artist, nuclear medicine |
MONDOR, Henri | 1885 | 1962 | France, French, français | surgery, biography, surgeon, history, historian | Mondor disease (1939); Penile Mondor disease (1958) | thrombophlebitis, breast, penis |
TROUSSEAU, Armand | 1801 | 1867 | France, French, français | Physician | Trousseau sign, Trousseau syndrome, Trousseau spots | Hypocalcaemia, visceral cancer, died of disease |
KROGH, August | 1874 | 1949 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk | Physiologist | Krogh respirator, Krogh microtonometer, Krogh spirometer, Krogh principle, Krogh-Erlang equation, Bohr effect | physiology, capillary, spirometry, gas exchange, circulation, ventilator |
BERTRAND, Charles Alexandre Hippolyte Amable | 1777 | 1849 | France, French, français | physician, toxicologist | Charcoal as an antidote | charbon, arsenic, mercury, poisoning, antidote |
BEAVER, Robert Atwood | 1906 | 1975 | England, English, UK, British | anaesthetist | Beaver respirator (1953), Beaver laryngoscope (1955) | painter, polio, angled intubation, box intubation |
BOTH, Edward Thomas | 1908 | 1987 | Australian, Ozzie, Aussie | engineer, inventor | Both respirator, Both electrocardiograph, Both incubator | Insulcot, ventilation, polio, humid crib, electric vehicle, fax machine, visitel, adelaide, Australia |
PUGH, William Russ | 1806 | 1897 | England, English, UK, British | surgeon, anaesthetist | Pugh's inhaler (1847) | Australia, Tasmania, Launceston, ether, anesthesia, inhalation anaesthetic |
GER, Ralph | 1912 | 2012 | South African, South Africa, USA, America, American, United States | Surgeon | Ger's sign (1962) | scrotal dimple, testicular torsion, anatomist apartheid, |
REYNOLDS, Ernest Septimus | 1861 | 1926 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Mees lines (1901) | arsenic, nails, Mees, beau, beer, peripheral neuritis, manchester |
RUBEN, Henning Moritz | 1914 | 2004 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk | Anesthesiologist | Ruben valve, AMBU bag, Ambu mannikin, Head-tilt method, syringe driver | Equipment, resuscitation, head tile, mouth to mouth, syringe driver, foot suction, |
HOUNSFIELD, Godfrey Newbold | 1919 | 2004 | England, English, UK, British | Electrical engineer | Hounsfield unit, Hounsfield scale, Computerised Tomography | nobel prize, EMI, CT, computerised tomography |
LEHANE, John Robert | 1945 | 2018 | England, English, UK, British | anesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist | Cormack-Lehane score (1984) | Score, DAS Medal, Macewan medal, laryngoscopy, difficult airway, airway grades |
GRISEL, Pierre | 1869 | 1959 | France, French, français | ENT, ear, nose, throat, pediatric surgeon | Grisel syndrome (1930) | ENT, tonsillitis, torticollis, atlanto-occiptal, nontraumatic, atlantoaxial joint, peripharyngeal inflammation |
EVE, Frank Cecil | 1871 | 1952 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Eve's rocking method of artificial respiration (1932) | artificial respiration, rocking, table, |
PASK, Edgar Alexander | 1912 | 1966 | England, English, UK, British | anesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist | RFD Admiralty pattern 5580 inflatable life jacket; immersion suit | artificial respiration, altitude, life-jacket, immersion suit, hypothermia, parachute |
SILVESTER, Henry Robert | 1828 | 1908 | England, English, UK, British | physician | Silvester method of artificial respiration (1858); Hypodermic inflation (1883) | artificial respiration, drowning, moist dressing |
BECK, Claude Schaeffer | 1894 | 1971 | USA, America, American | cardiology, cardiothoracics, surgeon | Beck triad 1, Beck triad II, Beck I operation, Beck II operation | tamponade, hypotension, distended jugular veins, muffled heart sounds, mitral stenosis, defibrillator, CPR |
JANEWAY, Henry | 1873 | 1921 | USA, America, American | physician, radiation therapist, | Janeway laryngoscope, Janeway gastrostomy, Green button | Equipment, laryngoscope, radium respirator, radiation therapy, direct laryngoscopy |
EMERSON, John Haven | 1906 | 1997 | USA, America, American | inventor, humanist | Emerson Lung (1931) | Equipment, iron lung, polio, scuba, hyperbaric |
LUDWIG, Wilhelm Frederick von | 1790 | 1865 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon | Ludwig angina (1836) | ent, submandibular, cellulitis, gangrene |
MØRCH, Ernst Trier | 1908 | 1996 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk, USA, America, American | anesthesiologist, inventor, humanitarian | Mørch laryngoscope, Mørch Piston Respirator, Mueller-Mørch ventilator | Equipment, laryngoscope, respirator, ventilator |
BIRD, Forrest | 1921 | 2015 | USA, America, American | inventor, pilot, doctor, biomechanical engineer | Bird Mark respirators, BabyBird respirator, Bird Phasitron, Bird Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation | aeroplane, planes, aviator, G-suit, anti-G, portable ventilator, mechanical ventilator, mass produced |
MILLER, Albert J | 1922 | 2020 | USA, America, American | Cardiologist | Texidor Twinge (1955) | Chest Pain differential, precordial catch, atypical chest pain, |
TEXIDOR, Teodoro Antonio | 1913 | 1998 | Cuba, Cuban | Cardiologist | Texidor Twinge (1955) | Chest Pain differential, precordial catch, atypical chest pain, |
HUCHARD, Henri | 1844 | 1910 | France, French, français | Physician, cardiologist | Syndrôme de Huchard (1893), Huchard disease; Huchard sign; | Chest Pain differential, precordial catch, atypical chest pain, |
BRANHAM, Harris Miller | 1862 | 1936 | USA, America, American | physician, family physician, GP, | Branham sign (1890) | Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign, AV fistula, bradycardia, hypertension, GSW, prisoner |
ISRAËL, James Adolf | 1848 | 1926 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland, Jewish | Surgeon, urology | Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign (1877), Actinomyces israelii (1877) | actinomycoses, fungus, bladder, urology, bradycardia, AV fistula, Jewish hospital |
MATAS, Rudolph | 1860 | 1957 | USA, America, American | Surgeon, vascular | Matas endoaneurysmorrhaphy | IV drip, spinal anesthesia, medal, aortic ligation, endoaneurysmorrhaphy |
FELL, George Edward | 1849 | 1918 | USA, America, American | Surgeon, engineer, inventer,innovator | Fell apparatus, Fell-O’Dwyer apparatus, Fell laryngeal tube, Fell method, electric chair | forced respiration, IPPV, facemask, electric chair, electrocution, opium, narcosis |
O'DWYER, Joseph | 1841 | 1898 | USA, America, American | Physician, anesthetist, anaesthetist | O'Dwyer plain tube (1884), Fell-O’Dwyer apparatus (1895) | equipment, croup, diphtheria, anesthesia, ETT, intratracheal intubation |
DOUGLAS, James | 1675 | 1742 | Scottish, Scotland | Anatomist, obstetrician, surgeon | Pouch of Douglas, line of Douglas, folds of Douglas (1730) | peritoneum, Horace, Pope, Hogarth |
BOWEN, John Templeton | 1857 | 1940 | USA, America, American, United States | Dermatologist | Bowen’s disease (1912), Bowen’s disease of the vulva, Bowenoid papulosis, Bowen’s disease of the penis | dermatology, CIS, carcinoma in situ, VIN, CIN, Erythroplasia of Queyrat, HPV 16, |
ALCOCK, Benjamin | 1801 | 1860 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Anatomist, anatomy | Alcock’s Canal [Pudendal canal] 1842 | anatomy, pudendal canal, space, OBGYN |
BAIN, James | 1934 | Canada, Canadian | anesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist | Bain circuit (1972) | Equipment, ventilator, MAPLESON | |
DRӒGER, Johann Heinrich | 1847 | 1917 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | inventor | Pulmotor; Roth-Drӓger apparatus | Equipment, ventilator |
JACKSON REES, Gordon | 1918 | 2001 | England, English, UK, British | Anaesthetist | Jackson Rees T-piece (1950), Jackson Rees circuit (1950), Jackson Rees T-tube (1966) | Equipment, T-piece, ETT, NTT, nasotracheal, pediatric, paediatric anesthesia |
MANLEY, Roger Edward Wentworth | 1930 | 1991 | England, English, UK, British | Anaesthetist | Blease-Manley ventilator; Manley Multivent Ventilator; | Penlon Manley Multivent, Equipment, ventilator |
MAPLESON, William Wellesley | 1926 | 2018 | England, English, UK, British | physicist of anaesthesia | Mapleson circuits (1954), Mapleson medal | ventilator, physics, circuit, breathing circuit, DAS Medal |
BEIGHTON, Peter | 1934 | England, English, UK, British, South Africa | medical genetics, geneticist, ortho | Beighton Score (1971) | man behind, person behind, joint laxity, hypermobility, | |
JEGHERS, Harold Joseph | 1904 | 1990 | USA, America, American | Physician, Internist, Internal Medicine | Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (1949) | |
PEUTZ, Johannes Laurentius Augustinus | 1886 | 1957 | Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, Nederlands | Physician, Internist | Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (1921) | |
WEIL, Adolf | 1848 | 1916 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Weil disease (1886) | |
BEHCET, Hulusi | 1889 | 1948 | Turkey, Türk, Turkish | Dermatologist | Behçet Disease (1937) | Vasculitis |
HUNT, William Edward | 1921 | 1999 | USA, America, American | Neurosurgeon | Hunt-Hess scale; Tolosa-Hunt syndrome | headache, Nonspecific inflammation of the cavernous sinus or superior orbital fissure, Painful ophthalmoplegia, mortality, aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage |
RÖNTGEN, Wilhelm Conrad | 1845 | 1923 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physicist, physics | Röntgen Ray (X-Ray) [1895], Röntgen unit, Röntgenbild, Röntgengesellschaft, 6401 Röntgen (1991), Roentgenium (2004) | November 8, X-rays, xray, radiology, radiograph |
ZAVANELLI, William Angelo | 1926 | USA, America, American, United States | obstetrics, gynaecology | Zavanelli Manoeuvre (1985) | Shoulder dystocia, birth, cephalic replacement, Gunn-Zavanelli-O’Leary | |
MCROBERTS Jr, William A. | 1914 | 2006 | USA, America, American, United States | obstetrics, gynaecology | McRoberts Manoeuvre (1983) | Shoulder dystocia, birth, maternal manipulation |
RUBIN, Alan | 1923 | 2011 | USA, America, American, United States | obstetrics, gynaecology | Rubin Manoeuvre (1964) | Shoulder dystocia, birth, fetal manipulation, |
WOODS, Charles Edwin | 1888 | 1946 | USA, America, American, United States | obstetrics, gynaecology | Woods’ Screw Manoeuvre (1943) | shoulder dystocia, physics, birth, fetal manipulation, |
PARK, William Hallock | 1863 | 1939 | USA, America, American | Park-Williams bacillus (1894); Williams stain (1905); Park-Williams fixative | Park-Williams bacillus (1894); Park-Williams fixative; Typhoid Mary (1907) | diphtheria, bacillus, antitoxin |
HALLPIKE, Charles Skinner | 1900 | 1979 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Peep-Show technique for pure tone audiometry (1947); Dix-Hallpike Test (1952); | Elicitation of extreme vertigo upon lateral movement of a patient's head when lying in a supine position, BPPV |
GRÖNBLAD, Ester Elizabeth | 1898 | 1970 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | Ophthalmology | Grönblad-Strandberg syndrome (1929) | PXE, angiod streaks, Furusund, ophthalmologist, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum, Groenblad, |
CALL, Emma Louise | 1847 | 1937 | Physician, anatomist | USA, America, American | Call-Exner body (1875) | granulosa cell tumours, Graafscher Follikel, Siegmund Exner, gonadoblastomas; sclerosing stromal tumours of the ovary; and in endometrioid carcinoma of the ovary |
ASHBY, Winfred Mayer | 1879 | 1975 | USA, America, American | Pathologist | Ashby technique (1919) | pianist, rcc, rbc, erythrocyte, piano, life-span, |
CROSTI, Agostino | 1896 | 1988 | Italian, Italy, italiano | dermatologist | Crosti syndrome (1951); Gianotti-Crosti syndrome (1955) | reticulohistiocytoma of the back, Acrodermatitis papulosa infantilis, Papular acrodermatitis of childhood, Acrodermatitis Papular, |
GIANOTTI, Ferdinando | 1920 | 1984 | Italian, Italy, italiano | pediatric dermatologist | Gianotti-Crosti syndrome (1955) | Acrodermatitis papulosa infantilis, Papular acrodermatitis of childhood, Acrodermatitis Papular, |
BURKITT, Denis Parsons | 1911 | 1993 | Irish, Ireland, northern Ireland, Norn Irish | Surgery, surgeon, public health | Burkitt lymphoma (1958) | EBV, Kampala, Uganda, bush surgeon, epstein |
BARR, Yvonne Margaret | 1932 | 2016 | Irish, Ireland, Southern Ireland, Australian | Virologist | Epstein-Barr virus (1964) | Burkitt, HHSV-4, EBV |
MENTEN, Maud Leonora | 1879 | 1960 | Canada, Canadian | Physician, biochemist, pathologist | Michaelis-Menten equation (1913); Menten-Junge-Green method (1844) | Salmonella toxin, vitamin C, sedimentation, haemoglobin, protein electrophoresis, |
GAMSTORP, Ingrid | 1924 | 2007 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | Paediatric neurologist | Gamstorp disease (1956); Gamstorp-Wohlfart Syndrome (1959) | |
SANTAVUORI, Pirkko | 1933 | 2004 | Finalnd, Suomi, Suomen tasavalta, Finnish | pediatric neurologist | Santavuori syndrome (1973), Muscle–Eye–Brain (MEB) disease (1977) | Santavuori-Haltia syndrome, Hagberg, infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, infantile onset spinocerebellar ataxia, IOSCA, INCL, MED, Jansky-Bielchowsky disease, |
DE LANGE, Cornelia Catharina | 1871 | 1951 | Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, Nederlands | Paediatrician, pediatrics | Cornelia de Lange syndrome (1933) | |
SOTTAS, Jules | 1866 | 1945 | France, French, français | neurologist, general practitioner, GP, historian, astronomer | Dejerine-Sotass disease (1893) | naval history, neurology, paris, atrophy, HMNS |
WILLIAMS, Cicely Delphine | 1893 | 1992 | Jamaica, Jamaican Patois, | Paediatrician, nutritionist, activist | Kwashiorkor (1933) | advocate, world health, malnutrition, nutrition, child health, breast feeding, ackee fruit, Kwashiorkor, |
CORI, Gerty Theresa | 1896 | 1957 | Czech, čeština, Tschechisch, Czech Republic, Česká republika | biochemist | Cori cycle (1929); Cori ester (1936) | G1p, glucose, glycogen |
DICK, Gladys Rowena | 1881 | 1963 | USA, America, American | physician, pathologist | Dick Test (1924) | scarlet fever, toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, hemolytic strep |
CANADA, Wilma Jean | 1926 | 2017 | USA, America, American | Radiology, radiologist | Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (1955) | polyposis, ectodermal, diner |
HOGG, Georgina Ruth | 1916 | 2002 | Canada, Canadian | Pathologist | Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (1977) | Hornstein-Knickenberg, fibrofolliculoma |
KNICKENBERG, Monika | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Dermatology | Hornstein-Knickenberg syndrome (1975) | Birt-Hogg-Dubé, perifollicular fibromas, extracutaneous cancer, colon polyps | ||
HORNSTEIN, Otto Paul | 1926 | 2018 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Dermatologist | Hornstein-Knickenberg syndrome (1975) | Birt-Hogg-Dubé, perifollicular fibromas, extracutaneous cancer, colon polyps |
KENT, Albert Frank Stanley | 1863 | 1958 | England, English, UK, British | Physiologist | Bundle of Kent (1893, 1913) | cardiology, anatomy, His, cardiac conduction |
HIS, Wilhelm Jr | 1863 | 1934 | Swiss, Swtizerland | Anatomist, cardiologist | Bundle of His (1893), Werner-His disease (1916) | cardiology, anatomy, trench fever |
MENIÈRE, Prosper | 1799 | 1862 | France, French, français | physician, ENT | Menière's disease (1861) | ENT, otology, BPPV, vestibuilar, tinnitus |
BÁRÁNY, Róbert | 1876 | 1936 | Hungary, Hungarian, Magyar | ENT, otolaryngology, otologist | Bárány chair, Bárány past pointing test, Bárány caloric test | vestibular system, BPPV, nobel prize, auditory canal, POW, prisoner, |
POLITZER, Adam | 1835 | 1920 | Hungary, Hungarian, Magyar | ENT, otolaryngology, otologist | Politzer manouvre (1863) | ENT, otology, BPPV, vestibuilar |
EPLEY, John McNaughton | 1930 | 2019 | USA, America, American | otolaryngologist, ENT | Epley maneuver (1980) | ENT, BPPV, test, Hypotympanotomy retractor |
GOODPASTURE, Ernest William | 1886 | 1960 | USA, America, American | Pathologist | Goodpasture syndrome (1919) | renal, kidney, anti-GBM |
KAWASAKI, Tomisaku | 1925 | Japanese. Japan, 日本語 | pediatrician, paediatrician | Kawasaki disease (1967) | vasculitis, coronary aneurysm, strawberry tongue, desquamation, IVIG, ASA, | |
MEES, Rudolf Adriaan | 1873 | 1964 | Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, Nederlands | Psychiatrist, Physician | Mees lines (1919) | arsenic, poisoning, transverse white bands, nails, clinical examination, nail sign |
LINDSAY, Philip Gaylord | 1937 | 2017 | USA, America, American | Physician, psychiatrist | Lindsay's nails (1967) | azotemia, renal failure, aki, |
TERRY, Richard Barratt | 1914 | 1960 | England, English, UK, British | Physician, hepatologist, liver disease | Terry's nails (1954) | liver disease, white nails, leuchoniychia, leukonychia, lunula, ground-glass |
MUEHRCKE, Robert Carl | 1921 | 2003 | USA, America, American | Physician, renal, nephrologist | Muehrcke lines (1956) | hypoalbunemia, nails, nail sign, 132 infantry, transverse lines, leuchonychia, leukonychia, hypoalbunaemia |
MOYNIHAN, Berkeley George Andrew | 1865 | 1936 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon, surgery | Moynihan sign (1905); Moynihan forceps; Moynihan gutter; Moynihan hump | pancreas, gallbladder, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, right hepatic artery, caterpillar, lancellot spratt, sir, baron, lord, Leeds, |
MORISON, James Rutherford | 1853 | 1939 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon, surgery | Morison pouch (1894), BIPP (1916) | BIPP, pouch, hepatorenal, gallbladder, gallstones, |
COLLINS, Patrick Gerard | 1923 | 1999 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | general surgeon | Collins sign (2009) | cholelithiasis, gallbladder, cholecystitis, referred pain, |
BOAS, Ismar Isidor | 1858 | 1938 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Gastroenterologist | Boas sign (1894); Boas point (1894); Boas algesimeter (1891) | cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, biliary tract, gallbladder, referred pain |
ALDERS, Nicholas | 1904 | 1995 | Hungary, Hungarian, Magyar, Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Obstetric, gynecology | Alders sign (1951) | appendicitis, pregnancy, shifting tenderness |
MALLET-GUY, Pierre | 1897 | 1995 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Mallet-Guy sign (1943) | pancreatitis, chronic, clinical examination, palpation |
BALLANCE, Sir Charles Alfred | 1856 | 1936 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Ballance sign (1898) | spleen, ENT, facial nerves, transplant |
LOCKWOOD, Charles Barrett | 1856 | 1914 | England, English, UK, British | surgeon | Lockwood sign (1932); Lockwood's operation (1898); Lockwood's suspensory ligament (1885); Lockwood's tendon (1885) | trickle fo flatulence, appendicitis, eye anatomy, ligament, femoral hernia, low approach |
CORNO MONTINI, Renzo | 1926 1927 | 1965 | Italian, Italy, italiano, Peru, Lima, Peruvian | pediatric, orthopedic | Corno disease (1956) | Sprengel, autosomal dominant, familial, scapula, Sprengel, scapula, familial, autosomal dominant, lima, peru |
TOLOSA, Eduardo | 1900 | 1981 | Spain, Spanish, Español, España | Neurosurgeon | Tolosa-Hunt syndrome (1954) | headache, Nonspecific inflammation of the cavernous sinus or superior orbital fissure, Painful ophthalmoplegia |
RAZDOLSKII, Ivan Yakovlievich | 1890 | 1962 | Russia, Russian, Россия | Neurosurgeon, neuropathologist | Razdolsky sign (1924) | Иван Яковлевич Раздольский, spina iliaca, iliac spine, reflex |
VOSKRESENSKY, Vladimir Mikhailovich | 1902 | 1951 | Russia, Russian, Россия | surgeon | Voskresensky sign (1940) | appendicitis, clinical examination right iliac fossa, sliding, shirt, shirt-lifting, gliding sign, symptom |
JOSEPH, Sister Mary | 1856 | 1939 | USA, America, American | Nurse, sister | Sister Joseph Nodule (1928) | cancer, metastasis, umbilicus, adenocarcinoma, julia dempsey, nodule, pants-button, mayo, belly-button |
ALIBERT, Jean-Louis-Marc | 1768 | 1837 | France, French, français | Dermatologist | Alibert-Bazin syndrome (1825, 1858); Alibert disease (1816); Alibert mentagra (1825) | Sycosis barbae, False keloid, keloid, Pian Fungoides, mycosis fungoides, T-cell lymphoma, Bazin |
SPRENGEL, Otto | 1852 | 1917 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | surgeon | Sprengel's deformity (1891); Coxa vera (1898) | scapula, inscision, appendicitis, elevated, crono, renzo |
BAMBERGER, Heinrich von | 1822 | 1888 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Physician | Bamberger sign (1856); Bamberger disease; Bamberger-Concato disease | Pericardial Effusion, Pericarditis, Pericardial effusion, albuminuria, polyserositis, TB, ewart sign |
MERKLEN, Pierre Félix | 1852 | 1906 | France, French, français | Physician, cardiologist | Genu-pectorale (1892) | Pericardial Effusion, squatting, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion |
ZEHETMAYER, Franz | 1813 | 1846 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Physician | Knie-Ellbogenlage (1845) | Pericardial Effusion, squatting, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion |
EWART, William | 1848 | 1929 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Ewart sign (1896); Ewart sign II (1896) | twelve signs of pericardial effusion, Pericardial Effusion, squatting, knee-chest, Pericarditis, Pericardial effusion |
LOWER, Richard | 1631 | 1691 | England, English, UK, British | Physiologist | Blood transfusion (1666) | Blood transfusion, Xenotransfusion, Cardiac tamponade |
DENIS, Jean-Baptiste | 1635 | 1704 | France, French, français | Physician, philosopher, mathematician | Xenotransfusion (1667); essence de Denis (1673) | liqueur hémostatique, Denis haemostatic solution, Blood transfusion, sheep blood, calf blood |
HIRTZ, Edgard | 1849 | 1916 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Hirtz sign (1911) | Pericardial Effusion, squatting, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion |
HEIM, Ernst Ludwig | 1747 | 1834 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician, botanist | Heim–Kreysig sign (1816) | Pericarditis adherent |
BARRERE, Pierre | 1690 | 1755 | France, French, français | Physician, Botanist | Knee-chest position in pericardial effusion | Pericardial Effusion, squatting, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion |
KREYSIG, Friedrich Ludwig | 1779 | 1839 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician, botanist | Heim–Kreysig sign (1816) | Pericarditis adherent, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion |
BROMAGE, Philip Raikes | 1920 | 2013 | England, English, UK, British | Anaesthetist | Bromage score | motor blockade, spinal, epidural |
GISSANE, William | 1898 | 1981 | Australian, Australia | Surgeon | Gissane angle (1946) | Foot, calcaneum, accident surgery, emergency medicine, casualty, Birmingham |
WOLTMAN, Henry | 1899 | 1964 | USA, America, American | Neurologist, neurology | Woltman sign (1924) | Reflex, myotoinia, myxoedema, myxedema, chaney, Mayo clinic, hypothyroid, Chaney |
WUNDERLICH, Carl Reinhold August | 1815 | 1877 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Wunderlich syndrome (1856); Wunderlich law (1868); Clinical Thermometry (1868) | typhoid fever, renal haemorrhage, thermometer |
MOSSO, Angelo | 1846 | 1910 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Physiologist | Mosso Method (1880); Mosso Balance (1882); Bozzolo sign (1887) | aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, nasal mucosa, pulsation, muscular fatigue, exhaustion |
PERMAN, Emil | 1856 | 1946 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | General Surgeon | Perman sign (Perman-Rovsing sign) (1904) | Appendicitis, LLQ, RLQ, rovsing, |
BASTEDO, Walter Arthur | 1873 | 1952 | Canada, Canadian | gastroenterologist | Bastedo sign (1909) | Appendicitis, clinical sign, rovsing, insufflation, air enema, |
MAGILL, Sir Ivan Whiteside | 1888 | 1986 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Anaesthetist | Magill Forceps (1921), Magill curve (1926), Magill ETT (1928), | Equipment, laryngoscope, ETT, endotracheal tube, blind intubation, apparatus, |
MACINTOSH, Sir Robert Reynolds | 1897 | 1989 | New Zealand, NZ | Anaesthetist and Surgeon | Macintosh Laryngoscope blade (1943), gum elastic bougie (1949), RFD 5580 life jacket (1941), light wand (1957) | Equipment, laryngoscope, curved |
BIER, August Karl Gustav | 1861 | 1949 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon | Bier Block (1908) | Procedure, orthopedic, local anesthetic, prilocaine, colles, fracture |
FOLEY, Frederic Eugene Basil | 1891 | 1966 | USA, America, American | urologist | Foley Catheter (1929); Foley Operation (1937); Foley artificial urethral sphincter (1947); Foley rotatable resectoscope (1949); Foley hydraulic operating table (1950) | Equipment, urology, catheter, prostate, hemostatic control, IDC, |
RYLE, John Alfred | 1889 | 1950 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Ryle nasogastric tube (1921); angor animi | NGT, nasogastric tube, angor animi |
YANKAUER, Sidney | 1872 | 1932 | USA, America, American | otolaryngologist, ENT, surgeon | Yankauer mask (1904); Yankauer suction catheter (1907); Yankauer operation (1910); Yankauer laryngeal medicator (1907); Yankauer Speculum (1911); Yankauer surgical instruments (1917); | Equipment, Airway, ENT, suction |
SELLICK, Brian Arthur | 1918 | 1996 | England, English, UK, British | Anaesthetist | Sellick manouvre (1961) | Procedure, cricoid, anesthesia, regurgitation, reflux, monouver |
SELDINGER, Sven Ivar | 1921 | 1998 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | Radiologist | Seldinger Technique (1953) | Procedure |
GUEDEL, Arthur Ernest | 1883 | 1956 | USA, America, American | anaesthesiologist | Guedel-Waters cuffed ETT (1928); Guedel airway (1933); Guedel laryngeal plug (1934); Guedel classification (1937) | Equipment, Airway, OPA, anesthesia depth, ether, cuff, endotracheal |
GANZ, William | 1919 | 2009 | Slovakian, Slovakia | cardiology | Pulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) catheter (1970) | Equipment, vascular access |
SWAN, Jeremy | 1922 | 2005 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Pulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) catheter (1970) | Equipment, vascular access | |
WALDENSTRÖM, Jan Gösta | 1906 | 1996 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | Physician, haematology | Waldenström macroglobulinemia (1944); Waldenström uveoparotitis (1937); Waldenström hyperglobulinaemia (1943); Waldenström disease (1945); Waldenström hepatitis (1950) | |
MÜLLER, Friedrich von | 1858 | 1941 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Müller sign (1889) | aortic regurgitation, pulsatile uvula, soft palate, incompetence |
DUROZIEZ, Paul Louis | 1826 | 1897 | France, French, français | Physician, GP | Duroziez Sign (1861); Duroziez disease; Duroziez rhythm | murmur, aortic regurgitation, insufficiency, double, femoral artery |
CORRIGAN, Dominic John | 1802 | 1880 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Physician | Corrigan pulse (1832); Corrigan sign; Corrigan button; Corrigan disease | aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, expansile, hammer, firing, |
BECKER Otto Heinrich Enoch | 1828 | 1890 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Ophthalmologist | Becker sign (1871); Becker test | aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, Prominent (spontaneous) pulsation of the retinal arteries. |
BLUMGART, Herrmann Ludwig | 1895 | 1977 | USA, America, American | Physician | Blumgart-Erstene murmur (1933); Blumgart–Yens detector (1925) | nuclear medicine, radioactive, aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, nuclear medicine |
COLE, Rufus | 1872 | 1966 | USA, America, American | Physician | Cole-Cecil murmur (1908) | aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, murmur, diastolic, axilla |
MINGAZZINI, Giovanni | 1859 | 1929 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Neurologist, neurology | Mingazzini test; Mingazzini field; Mingazzini manoeuvre; | barre test, arm drift, lenticular |
LANDOLFI, Michele | 1878 | 1959 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Physician | Landolfi sign (1909); Phonacoscopy (1906) | aortic regurgitation, pupil ciculatory hippus, Phonacoscopy, fonacoscopio, pulmonary TB |
QUINCKE, Heinricus Irenaeus | 1884 | 1922 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Quincke’s pulse (1868); Quincke’s oedema (1882); Achorion of Quincke (1886); Lumbar puncture (1891); Quincke spinal needle | Equipment, nobel prize, Needle, aortic regurgitation, pulse, fungus, mouse favus, |
WATSON, Thomas | 1792 | 1882 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Watson water-hammer pulse (1837) | aortic regurgitation, water hammer, palpable pulse, insufficiency |
TRAUBE, Ludwig | 1818 | 1876 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician, pathologist | Traube's sign, Traube ‘double-tone' (1867); Traube’s space (1868); Traube's pulse (1872) | pistol shot, aortic regurgitation, insufficiency, pleural effusion, gastric bubble, pulsus bigeminus, pulsus alternans |
BARRÉ, Jean-Alexandre | 1880 | 1967 | France, French, français | Neurologist | Guillain-Barré syndrome (1916); Barré sign (1919); Barré-Liéou syndrome (1926); Barré test (1937) | GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute inflammatory paralytic neuropathy, Mingazzini |
GUILLAIN, Georges Charles | 1876 | 1961 | France, French, français | Neurologist | Guillain-Barré syndrome (1916); Guillain-Thaon syndrome (1913); Guillain sign (1923); Guillain-Betrand-Lereboullet syndrome (1934); Garcin-Guillain syndrome (1927); Guillain-Mollaret triangle (1933) | GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute inflammatory paralytic neuropathy |
KARTAGENER, Manes | 1897 | 1975 | Austria, Polish, Swiss | physician | Kartagener syndrome (1933) Kartagener disease (1942) | Eosinphilia, chronic lung, primary ciliary dyskinesia, situs inversus, bronchiectasis |
LEMIERRE, André-Alfred | 1875 | 1956 | France, French, français | Bacteriologist | Lemierre syndrome (1936) | ENT, postanginal, septicemia, oropharyngeal, internal jugular, bacteraemia, anaerobic, |
EARLE, Henry | 1789 | 1838 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon, surgery | Earle-Volkmann triangle (1829) | Ankle, posterior tibia fracture, conservative management, fracture bed, shoulder brace, cock-sparrow, bat, lancet |
HUETER, Carl | 1838 | 1882 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon, surgery | Hueter-Volkmann Law (1862) | anatomy, hallux valgus, bone growth, immature bone, obesity |
MONRO, Alexander (secundus) | 1733 | 1817 | Scottish, Scotland | Physician, anatomist | Monro-Kellie hypothesis (1783) Foramen of Monro (1783) | bell, kellie, ICP, brain, CSF |
FOURNIER, Jean-Alfred | 1832 | 1914 | France, French, français | Dermatologist | Fournier gangrene (1883); Fournier sign (1891) Reactive arthritis (1868) | Reactive arthritis, gangrene, perineal, scrotum, penile |
KELLIE, George | 1770 | 1829 | Scottish, Scotland | Surgeon, surgery | Monro-Kellie hypothesis (1824) | ICP, CSF, Leith, shark |
BONNET, Charles | 1720 | 1793 | Swiss, schweizerisch, Switzerland, Geneva | Naturalist | Charles Bonnet syndrome (1760) | Hallucination, visual impairment, entomology, visual hallucination, Republic of Geneva, grandfather |
COTARD, Jules | 1840 | 1889 | France, French, français | Psychiatrist | Cotard Syndrome (1882) | Delusion, nihilistic delusions, délire des négations |
MEYER, Robert | 1864 | 1947 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Gynaecology | Weigert-Meyer rule (1877) | urology, ureter, law, rule, duplication, insertion |
WEIGERT, Carl | 1845 | 1904 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Pathologist | Weigert-Meyer rule (1877) Weigert's law (1896) | urology, ureter, law, rule, duplication, insertion |
KERLEY, Peter James | 1900 | 1979 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Radiologist, radiology | Kerley lines (1933) | Radiology, CXR, pulmonary oedema, edema |
PANTRIDGE, Frank | 1916 | 2004 | Northern Ireland, Norn Irish | Cardiology, cardiologist, emergency medicine | Pantridge defibrillator (1965), Pantridge Plan (1966) | portable defibrillator, prehospital, belfast plan, mobile coronary care unit, belfast, AED, |
BURNS, Allan | 1781 | 1813 | Scottish, Scotland | Anatomy, surgery, surgeon | Burns ligament (1802) Cardiac resuscitation (1809) | falciform ligament, crural, hernia, electric shock, CPR, resucitation |
LIBMAN, Emanuel | 1872 | 1946 | USA, America, American | Physician | Libman-Sacks endocarditis (1924) | Endocarditis, SLE, lupus, APS, nonbacterial, verrucous |
SACKS, Benjamin | 1896 | 1971 | USA, America, American | Physician | Libman-Sacks endocarditis (1924) | Endocarditis, SLE, lupus, APS, nonbacterial, verrucous |
HEBERDEN, William | 1710 | 1801 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Heberden nodes; Angina pectoris; HSP | Heberden nodes; Angina pectoris; HSP |
CHILAIDITI, Dimítrios | 1883 | 1975 | Turkey, Türk, Turkish | Radiologist, Radiology | Chilaiditi syndrome (1910) | Intestine, symptomatic hepatodiaphragmatic interposition associated with abdominal pain, nocturnal vomiting, anorexia, and abdominal distension |
BAASTRUP, Christian Ingerslev | 1885 | 1950 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk | Radiologist, Radiology | Baastrup sign/disease (1933) | kissing spine, LBP, lumbar spine, neurosurgical |
PENDRED, Vaughan | 1869 | 1946 | England, English, UK, British | General Practice, GP | Pendred Syndrome (1896) | Thyroid, Goitre, Deafness |
WESTERMARK, Nils Johan Hugo | 1892 | 1980 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | Radiologist, Radiology | Westermark sign (1938) | PTE, CXR, regional oligaemia, pulmonary embolus, PTE, oligemia |
HAMPTON, Aubrey Otis | 1900 | 1955 | USA, America, American | Radiologist, Radiology | Hampton Hump (1940) | PTE, CXR, pulmonary infarction, pleural-based, pulmonary embolus |
FLEISCHNER, Felix G | 1893 | 1969 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Radiologist, Radiology | Fleischner Sign (1959) | PTE, CXR, central pulmonary artery enlargement, pulmonary embolism |
CHANG, CH Joseph | 1929 | 2017 | USA, America, American | Radiologist, Radiology | Chang sign (1965) | PTE, CXR, pulmonary infarction, pulmonary artery dilation, right descending pulmonary artery enlargement |
PALLA, Antonio | 1950 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Radiologist | Palla Sign (1983) | PTE, CXR, chang sign, dilated right descending pulmonary artery, right descending pulmonary artery enlargement | |
EKBOM, Karl-Axel | 1907 | 1977 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | Neurologist, neurology | Ekbom syndrome II [Delusional parasitosis] (1938) Willis-Ekbom syndrome [Restless Leg Syndrome] (1944) | delusion of parasitosis, WED, RLS, restless leg syndrome |
PAGET, James | 1814 | 1899 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Paget-Schroetter disease (1858) Paget’s disease of the nipple (1874) Paget’s disease of bone (1876) | Knee, osteochondrosis, apophysitis, OSD, Osteitis deformans, Vascular compression, Osgood-schlatter (1891), Carpal tunnel, pagets disease, disease of the nipple, upper limb DVT, effort thrombosis |
VON SCHRÖTTER, Leopold | 1837 | 1908 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Surgeon | Paget-Schroetter disease (1884) | Upper limb DVT, deep venous thrombosis, effort induced thrombosis, |
HAWKINS, Leland Greene | 1933 | 1991 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Hawkins fracture (1970) | Talus, astralgus |
LAZAREVIĆ, Laza | 1851 | 1891 | Serbian, Serbia, Српски | Neurology | Lazarević sign (1880) | Spine Lumbar lumbar disc lesions, sciatica - SLR test |
LASÈGUE, Ernest Charles | 1816 | 1883 | France, French, français | Physician | Lasègue's sign (1864); Lasègue-Falret syndrome (1877) | Spine Lumbar lumbar disc lesions, sciatica - SLR test, folie a deux |
LEWIS, Gwylim | 1914 | 1999 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Holstein–Lewis fracture (1963) | Humerus Distal 1/3 radial nerve palsy |
PIPKIN, Garrett | 1904 | 1981 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Pipkin fracture-dislocation (1957) | Hip femoral head fracture |
GARDEN, Robert Symon | 1910 | 1982 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Garden Classification of intracapsular femoral neck fractures (1961) | Hip Classification, AVN, avascular necrosis |
KIENBÖCK, Robert | 1871 | 1953 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Radiologist | Kienböck disease (1910) | Hand, Carpus, Lunate, AVN, avascular necrosis |
THOMAS, Hugh Owen | 1834 | 1891 | Wales, Welsh, Cymru | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Thomas splint (1865), Thomas test | Equipment |
ALBERS-SCHÖNBERG, Heinrich | 1865 | 1921 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Radiologist | Albers-Schönberg disease (1904) | Bone, Osteopetrosis, marble bone disease, increased radiologic density of the bones |
POTT, Percivall | 1714 | 1788 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Pott fracture (1768); Pott puffy tumour; Pott cancer (chimney-sweepers cancer); Pott disease; Pott curvature; Pott paraplegia | Ankle fracture, scrotal cancer, chimney sweep, curvature, tuberculosis spine |
MAISONNEUVE, Jacques Gilles | 1809 | 1897 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Maisonneuve fracture (1840) | Ankle Fracture Proximal fibula, medial malleolar fracture with syndesomisis disruption |
1917 | 2014 | USA, America, American | Intensivist | Osborn wave 1953 | camel hump sign of Osborn, hypothermic hump, late delta wave, hathook junction, J wave, H wave, K wave | |
1864 | 1940 | Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, Nederlands | Physician | Wenckebach Phenomenon (1898) (Second degree Atrioventricular Block) | ECG, Mobitz AV Block, Mobitz Type I, 2nd degree AV block, atrioventricular block | |
1873 | 1959 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Hay Block (1906) - [Mobitz II AV Block] | ECG, Mobitz AV Block, Mobitz Type II, 2nd degree AV block, atrioventricular block | |
1958 | Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, Nederlands | Cardiologist | de Winter T waves (2008) | STEMI, wave, T-wave, infarction, anterior STEMI equivalent, peaked T waves | ||
1924 | 2008 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Paediatrician | Romano-Ward Syndrome (1963) | ECG Syndrome, Congenital (autosomal dominant) long QT syndrome (LQTS) | |
1923 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Paediatrician | Romano-Ward Syndrome (1964) | ECG Syndrome, Congenital (autosomal dominant) long QT syndrome (LQTS) | ||
1901 | 1987 | Norway, Norge, Norwegian | Physician | ECG Syndrome, JLNS, Congenital (autosomal recessive) long QT syndrome (LQTS) bilateral sensorineural hearing loss | ||
1919 | 1989 | Norway, Norge, Norwegian | Physician | ECG Syndrome, JLNS, Congenital (autosomal recessive) long QT syndrome (LQTS) bilateral sensorineural hearing loss | ||
1921 | Lithuania, Lithuanian | Cardiologist | Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome (1952) | ECG Syndrome, LGL, AVRT, pre-excitation, accessory conduction pathway, short PR interval | ||
1898 | 1972 | USA, America, American | Cardiologist | ECG Syndrome, short P-R, PR interval, paroxysmal tachycardia, pre-excitation, preexcitation | ||
1885 | 1976 | England, English, UK, British | Cardiologist | ECG Syndrome, short P-R, PR interval, paroxysmal tachycardia, pre-excitation, preexcitation | ||
1886 | 1973 | USA, America, American | Cardiologist | Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome (1930); McGinn-White pattern (1935) | ECG Syndrome, short P-R, PR interval, paroxysmal tachycardia, pre-excitation, preexcitation, s1q3t3 | |
1880 | 1972 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk | Physician | Bornholm disease (1930) | Chest Pain, acute, transient viral myositis associated with Coxsackievirus B. Epidemic Myalgia, pleurodynia | |
DA COSTA, Jacob Mendes | 1833 | 1900 | USA, America, American | Physician | Da Costa Syndrome (1871) | Chest Pain, Soldiers heart, cardiac neurosis, neurocirculatory asthenia |
1909 | 1974 | USA, America, American | anaesthesiologist | APGAR score (1953) | Paeds Score, backronym, Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration | |
1869 | 1953 | Canada, Canadian | Gynaecology | Cullen sign (1918) | Ecchymosis, abdominal, atraumatic, ectopic pregnancy | |
1867 | 1906 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Blue Scrotum Sign of Bryant (1903) | Ecchymosis, abdominal, atraumatic, scrotum, AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm, rupture | |
England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Fox's sign (1966) | Ecchymosis, abdominal, atraumatic, AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm, pancreatitis | |||
1902 | 1967 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon Gynaecologist | Stabler Sign (1934) | Ecchymosis, abdominal, atraumatic, ectopic pregnancy | |
1877 | 1951 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Grey Turner sign (1920) | Ecchymosis, abdominal, atraumatic, pancreatitis, flank haemorrhage | |
1902 | 1986 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Thompson Test (1962) | achilles, Simmonds Test, Thompson Test, Calf squeeze Test, achiles tendon rupture | |
1910 | 1983 | England, English, UK, British | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Simmonds Test (1957) | achilles, Simmonds Test, Thompson Test, Calf squeeze Test, achiles tendon rupture | |
1668 | 1738 | Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, Nederlands | Physician, anatomist, botanist, chemist and humanist | Boerhaave syndrome (1724) | Oesophagus, rupture, oesophageal | |
1890 | 1969 | Poland, Polish, Polskie | Cardiologist | Dressler Beat (1952), Dressler Syndrome (1956) | Pericarditis, Pericardial effusion, ECG, VT, Fusion beat | |
1875 | 1939 | USA, America, American | Radiologist | Pancoast tumour, Pancoast Syndrome (1924) | NSLSC, lung carcinoma, neoplasm, horner syndrome, Radicular pain, local compression of brachial plexus | |
1829 | 1893 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Wagstaffe-Le Fort Fracture (1886) | Ankle Fracture fibula anteromedial ATFL | |
1869 | 1951 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Facial fractures | ||
1803 | 1866 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Goyrand Fracture (1832) | Wrist Distal radius fracture Smith | |
1795 | 1867 | France, French, français | General Surgeon | Velpeau bandage | leukaemia, hidradenitis suppurativa, bandage, paget's disease of nipple | |
1787 | 1847 | France, French, français | Surgeon and Gynecologist | Lisfranc fracture (1815) | Foot Fracture, ligament, fore-foot, mid-foot, amputation, line, joint | |
1743 | 1795 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Chopart fracture-dislocation (1792) | Foot Fracture, amputation, line, joint, hindfoot, feet, foot injury | |
1834 | 1904 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Tillaux-Chaput fracture (1876) Appareil de Tillaux, Manœuvre de Tillaux, Aïe crépitant de Tillaux | Ankle Fracture fibula posterolateral SH III, de quervain, tenosynovitis | |
1857 | 1919 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Tillaux-Chaput fracture (1899) Les gants de Chaput | Ankle Fracture fibula posterolateral SH III, Les gants de Chaput, surgical gloves, Terrilon, stovaine | |
WAGSTAFFE, William Warwick (senior) | 1843 | 1910 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Wagstaffe-Le Fort Fracture (1875) | Ankle Fracture fibula anteromedial ATFL |
1868 | 1940 | Swiss, schweizerisch, Switzerland | Surgeon | De Quervain disease (1894) | Wrist tenosynovitis, pseudohermaphroditism, subacute struma, subacute thyroiditis | |
1841 | 1917 | Swiss, schweizerisch, Switzerland | Surgeon | Kocher shoulder reduction | shoulder reduction, thyroid disease, thyroidectomy, asepsis | |
1883 | 1975 | USA, America, American | Surgeon | Finkelstein Test (1930) | Wrist tenosynovitis, eichoiff, tillaux, de quervain | |
1810 | 1881 | Russia, Russian, Россия | Surgeon | Amputation of Pirogov (1854) | Foot amputation, ether, trauma surgery, military surgery, female nurses, Никола́й Ива́нович Пирого́в | |
1873 | 1945 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Rolando Fracture (1910) | Thumb, fracture, base, three-part, intra-articular, metacarpal, 3 part, tripartate | |
1807 | 1873 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Surgeon | Smith fracture (1847) | Wrist Distal radius fracture volar | |
1674 | 1750 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Colles Fracture (**1705) | Wrist Distal radius fracture, tourniquet | |
1855 | 1936 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Battle sign (1890) | Base of skull fracture, mastoid ecchymosis | |
1814 | 1902 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Moore fracture (1870) | Wrist Distal radius | |
1794 | 1871 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Barton fracture (1838) | Wrist Distal radius fracture | |
1911 | 1990 | England, English, UK, British | Actor | Terry-Thomas Sign (1977) | Hand Carpus scapholunate | |
1806 | 1865 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Malgaigne pelvic fracture (1859) | unstable pelvic fracture | |
1773 | 1843 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Surgeon | Colles fracture (1814) | Wrist Distal radius fracture | |
1725 | 1775 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Pouteau Fracture (Colles) (1760) | Wrist Distal radius fracture | |
1869 | 1940 | USA, America, American | Surgeon | Codman triangle (1926) | Shoulder, rotator cuff, subacromial bursitis | |
1762 | 1815 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Surgeon | Monteggia fracture (1812) | Forearm fracture, ulna fracture, radius dislocation | |
1903 | 1977 | Uruguay, uruguayan | Surgeon | Bado Classification (1962) | Forearm fracture, ulna fracture, radius dislocation | |
1722 | 1809 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Physician | Auenbrugger Sign (1761); Auenbrugger sign II (1761); Auenbrugger bone sign | Humerus Upper limb fracture, percussion, pericarditis, pericardial effusion, | |
1879 | 1951 | England, English, UK, British | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Bankart lesion (1923) | Shoulder Operation, dislocation, glenoid, reduction, shoulder dislocation | |
1901 | 1973 | USA, America, American | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Hill–Sachs lesion (1940) | shoulder dislocation, reduction, posterolateral humeral depression | |
1909 | 1987 | USA, America, American | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Hill–Sachs lesion (1940) | shoulder dislocation, reduction, posterolateral humeral depression | |
1869 | 1945 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon | Knee, medial, bony avulsion, MCL, medial collateral ligament | ||
1877 | 1958 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Surgeon | Knee, medial, bony avulsion, MCL, medial collateral ligament | ||
1874 | 1939 | USA, America, American | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (1910) | Hip AVN | |
1869 | 1927 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (1910) | Hip AVN | |
1875 | 1954 | France, French, français | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (1910) | Hip AVN | |
1877 | 1972 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (1909) | Hip AVN | |
1874 | 1947 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Radiologist | Köhler disease (1908) | rare, self-limiting, avascular necrosis, osteochondrosis, of the navicular bone in children, AVN, foot, foot injury | |
1868 | 1940 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Freiberg Infraction (1914) | Foot metatarsal osteonecrosis, osteochondrosis, infraction | |
1927 | 2002 | Swiss, schweizerisch, Switzerland | Orthopedic Surgeon | Danis-Weber classification (1972) | ankle fracture classification | |
1880 | 1962 | Belgium, Belgian | Orthopedic Surgeon | Danis-Weber classification (1949) | ankle fracture classification | |
1899 | 1976 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk | Surgeon | Lauge-Hansen classification (1950) | Ankle Fracture classification | |
1857 | 1933 | Wales, Welsh, Cymru | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Jones fracture (1902) | Foot Fracture, 5th Metatarsal, Foot Fracture, 5th Metatarsal, early XR, foot injury, dancing, Zone II | |
1932 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | Orthopedic Surgeon | Cedell fracture (1974) | Talus, Ankle fracture, Posterior talar process fracture, medial tubercle, posteromedial tubercle | ||
1851 | 1929 | England, English, UK, British | Orthopedic Surgeon | Shepherd fracture (1882) | Talus. Ankle, Posterior talar process fracture, lateral tubercle | |
1873 | 1956 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Osgood-Schlatter disease (1903) | osteochondrosis or traction apophysitis of the tibial tubercle knee, Knee, osteochondrosis, apophysitis, OSD, | |
1864 | 1934 | Swiss, schweizerisch, Switzerland | Orthopedic Surgeon | Osgood-Schlatter disease (1903) | osteochondrosis or traction apophysitis of the tibial tubercle knee, Knee, osteochondrosis, apophysitis, OSD, | |
Italian, Italy, italiano | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Lelli Test (2005) | Knee exam. ACL, rupture | |||
1849 | 1919 | Greece, Greek, Ελληνικά | Surgeon | Lachman Test (1976) | Knee exam. ACL, rupture | |
1919 | 2007 | USA, America, American | Surgeon | Lachman Test (1976) | Knee exam. ACL, rupture | |
1887 | 1949 | England, English, UK, British | Orthopaedic Surgeon | McMurray Test (1942) | Knee exam. Meniscus | |
1914 | 1996 | England, English, UK, British | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Apley grind test (1947) | Knee exam. Meniscus, grind, compression, distraction, clinical examination | |
1922 | 2005 | Canada, Canadian | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Salter-Harris Classification (1963) | Fracture Classification, epiphyseal plate fractures | |
1924 | 2010 | Canada, Canadian | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Salter-Harris Classification (1963) | Fracture Classification, epiphyseal plate fractures | |
1904 | Canada, Canadian | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Schatzker classification (1979) | Tibia Fracture classification | ||
1851 | 1912 | France, French, français | Surgeon and Gynecologist | Segond fracture (1879) | Knee fracture ACL, LCL | |
1916 | 1951 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Essex-Lopresti fracture (1951) | radial head fracture, DRUJ | |
1815 | 1857 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Gosselin Fracture (1855) | Ankle Fracture Tibia V-shaped | |
1897 | 1979 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Bosworth fracture (1947) | Ankle fracture-dislocation classification | |
1869 | 1938 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Cotton fracture (1915), Cotton-Loder position | Ankle Fracture trimalleolar | |
1946 | Croatia | Nurse specialist | Spaso Technique (1998) | Shoulder, Dislocation, Relocation | ||
1890 | 1970 | USA, America, American | Physiologist | Ashman Phenomenon (1947) | RBBB, ventricular ectopic, AF, Atrial fibrilliation, long-short RR interval | |
1897 | 1973 | USA, America, American | Cardiologist | Katz-Wachtel phenomenon (1937) | biventricular hypertrophy pediatric ecg VSD | |
1817 | 1894 | French, France, Francais | Physician | Brown-Séquard Syndrome | Eccentric, elixir, spinal cord, testicles | |
1774 | 1842 | Scottish, Scotland, UK | Physician | Bell's palsy (1827) Bell's phenomenon Long thoracic nerve of Bell | facial palsy, VII nerve, LMNX | |
1837 | 1909 | Scottish, Scotland | Surgeon | Argyll Robertson pupil (1869) | pupil, poorly reactive but with normal near accommodation, prostitute, syphillis, reflex iridoplegia | |
1794 | 1871 | USA, America, American | Orthopedics | Barton fracture (1838) | Wrist, distal radius, fracture, volar, dorsal | |
1837 | 1907 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Bennett fracture (1882); Bennett double ring splint | Thumb, base metacarpal, fracture, two-part, bipartate, bi-partate, 2 part | |
1884 | 1945 | USA, America, American | Pediatrician | Stevens-Johnson syndrome (1922) | Skin, autoimmune, rash, blistering erythematous skin condition, mucous membrane, SJS | |
1894 | 1934 | USA, America, American | Pediatrician | Stevens-Johnson syndrome (1922) | Skin, autoimmune, rash, blistering erythematous skin condition, mucous membrane, SJS | |
1924 | 2003 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | ICU | Intensive care, law, | ||
1796 | 1853 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Physician | Graves disease (1835) Graves Ophthalmopathy (1969) | Thyroid, goitre, orbitopathy, Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, Thyroid eye diseaseTAO, TED | |
1649 | 1734 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Pulse watch (1707) | Pulsometer, asthmometer, second-hand watch | |
1799 | 1854 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | (Graves) - Basedow disease (1840) | Merseburger Triad Thyroid, goitre, orbitopathy, Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, Thyroid eye diseaseTAO, TED, Schweinfurther Grün | |
1755 | 1822 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Parry-Romberg syndrome (1825, 1846); Parry Disease (Graves disease) (1825) | hirschprung, goitre, exophthalmos, basedow, facial hemiatrophy | |
1795 | 1873 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Romberg sign, Romberg test (1846); Parry-Romberg syndrome (1825, 1846); Howship-Romberg sign (1840, 1847) | neurology, sensory ataxia, tabes dorsalis, facial hemiatrophy, obturator | |
1823 | 1904 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Ophthalmologist | Stellwag sign (1869) | Thyroid Eye, orbitopathy, exophthalmos, graves, ophthalmopathy | |
1803 | 1852 | England, English, UK, British | Ophthalmologist | Dalrymple sign (1852) | Thyroid Eye, orbitopathy, exophthalmos, graves | |
1853 | 1907 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Neurologist | Möbius disease (1884) | ophthalmoplegic migraine, congenital facial diplegia, Thyroid Eye, orbitopathy, exophthalmos, graves, weakness of eye convergence | |
1828 | 1870 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Ophthalmologist | Graefe sign (1864) Usher syndrome (1858) Adson-Graefe forceps | sudden visual loss due to retinal artery embolism; optic retinitis; iridectomy in angle closure, retinitis pigmentosa and perceptive deafness | |
1844 | 1908 | France, French, français | Neurologist, psychiatrist | Joffroy sign (1893) | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, absence wrinkling forehead Graves Ophthalmopathy | |
1829 | 1893 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Wagstaffe-Le Fort Fracture (1875, 1886) Great Great GrandFather of FOAMed Le Fort amputation
| Ankle Fracture fibula anteromedial ATFL FOAMed | |
1843 | 1910 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Wagstaffe-Le Fort Fracture (1875, 1886) | Ankle Fracture fibula anteromedial ATFL | |
1857 | 1919 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Tillaux-Chaput fracture (1876, 1899) Les gants de Chaput | Ankle Fracture fibula posterolateral SH III, Les gants de Chaput, surgical gloves, Terrilon, stovaine | |
1834 | 1904 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Tillaux-Chaput fracture (1876, 1899) Appareil de Tillaux Manœuvre de Tillaux Aïe crépitant de Tillaux | Ankle Fracture fibula posterolateral SH III, tenosynovitis | |
1885 | 1950 | England, English, UK, British | Physiologist | Bazett formula (1920) | QT interval, QTc, ECG, square root, RR | |
1881 | 1947 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk | Physician | Fridericia Formula (1920) | QT interval, QTc, ECG, cube root, RR | |
1856 | 1922 | England, English, UK, British | Physiologist | First ECG in a human (1887) | ECG, Jimmy the dog, Lippmann’s capillary electrometer | |
1842 | 1919 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Neuroscientist | Luciani beats; Luciani period; Group beating, second degree, 2nd, AV block | ||
1843 | 1913 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Second degree Atrioventricular (AV) Block. Using apexcardiogram first to document AV block in humans (1873) | ECG, Mobitz AV Block, Mobitz, 2nd degree AV block, atrioventricular block, apexcardiogram | |
1847 | 1914 | England, English, UK, British | Physiologist | ECG, Mobitz AV Block, Mobitz, 2nd degree AV block, atrioventricular block | ||
1889 | 1951 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Mobitz Classification of Second degree Atrioventricular Block (1924) | ECG, Mobitz AV Block 2nd degree AV block, atrioventricular block | |
1891 | 1966 | USA, America, American, Poland, Polish, Polskie | Cardiologist | Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome (1952); Levine sign; Levine Scale (1933); Cossio-Levine Sign (1934) | ECG Syndrome, LGL, AVRT, pre-excitation, accessory conduction pathway, short PR interval | |
1924 | 2007 | USA, America, American | Physiologist | Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome (1952) Ganong: Review of Medical Physiology | ECG Syndrome, LGL, AVRT, pre-excitation, accessory conduction pathway, short PR interval | |
1854 | 1913 | Scottish, Scotland | Physician | Gibson murmur (1906) | machinery murmur, second left interspace, patent ductus arteriosus, PDA | |
1781 | 1826 | France, French, français | Physician | Stethoscope (1816) | Equipment | |
1798 | 1866 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Key-Hodgkin murmur (1827); Hodgkin's disease | Murmur, diastolic murmur, aortic regurgitation, saw cutting through wood | |
1793 | 1849 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Key-Hodgkin murmur (1827) | Murmur, diastolic murmur, aortic regurgitation, saw cutting through wood | |
1809 | 1891 | France, French, français | Pediatrician | Bruit de Roger (Roger's murmur) (1879) | Murmur. VSD, ventricular septal defects | |
1868 | 1941 | England, English, UK, British | Paediatrician | Still's disease (1896) Still's murmur (1909) | Murmur, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, vibratory murmur, physiological bruit, benign functional, cardiac murmur, pediatric | |
1868 | 1939 | USA, America, American | Physician | Cabot–Locke murmur (1903); Cabot rings (1903) | Murmur, mid-diastolic murmur of acute rheumatic mitral valvulitis diastolic, pernicious anemia, | |
1874 | 1971 | USA, America, American | Physician | Cabot–Locke murmur (1903) | Murmur, early diastolic murmur, untreated anaemia | |
1879 | 1932 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Carey Coombs Murmur (1907) | Murmur, mid-diastolic murmur of acute rheumatic mitral valvulitis diastolic | |
1898 | 1990 | USA, America, American | Physician | Dock's murmur (1967) Dock's Law (Sutton's Law) (1961) | Murmur, Early diastolic murmur, severe stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery | |
1851 | 1942 | Scottish, Scotland | Physician | Graham Steell Murmur (1888) | Murmur, high pitched early diastolic murmur, pulmonary incompetence, pulmonary hypertension | |
1812 | 1886 | USA, America, American | Physician | Austin Flint Murmur (1862); Flint's Law (1852) | Murmur, mid-diastolic aortic regurgitant murmur heard at the apex | |
1905 | 1993 | Mexican, Mexico | Cardiologist | Accentuation of the murmur of tricuspid regurgitation and tricuspid stenosis with inspiration | ||
1908 | 1994 | USA, America, American | Cardiologist | Lenègre-Lev disease (1964) | Acquired CHB, complete heart block | |
1904 | 1972 | France, French, français | Cardiologist | Lenègre-Lev disease (1964) | Acquired CHB, complete heart block | |
1721 | 1770 | England, English, UK, British | Physician, Poet | Contusio cordis (1763) von Recklinghausen Disease (1767) | Neurofibromatosis, NF-1 | |
1833 | 1910 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Pathologist | von Recklinghausen disease (1882) | Neurofibromatosis, NF-1, NF1, Café-au-lait, freckling, Lisch nodules | |
Argentinian, Argentina | Cardiologist | Sgarbossa criteria (1996) | LBBB, STEMI | |||
1889 | 1953 | USA, America, American | Dentist | Huber-point Needle (1946) aka Tuohy Needle | Equipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic | |
1908 | 1959 | USA, America, American | anaesthesiologist | Tuohy Needle (1946) aka Huber-Point Needle | Equipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic | |
1858 | 1925 | USA, America, American | Dermatologist | Fox–Fordyce disease (1902) | papule, rash, chronic, hidradenitis, Apocrine miliaria | |
1846 | 1937 | USA, America, American | Dermatologist | Fox–Fordyce disease (1902) | Rash, papule, chronic, hidradenitis, Apocrine miliaria | |
1867 | 1950 | USA, America, American | Cardiologist | Conner sign (1926) | Pericarditis, Pericardial effusion | |
1927 | USA, America, American | Cardiologist | Spodick's sign (1974) | Pericarditis, ECG | ||
1838 | 1900 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Surgeon | |||
1804 | 1878 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Physician | Stokes-Adams syndrome (Adams 1827; Stokes 1846) Cheyne-Stokes Respiration (Cheyne 1818; Stokes 1854) | Syncope, palpitations | |
1777 | 1836 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Cheyne-Stokes Respiration (Cheyne 1818; Stokes 1854) | ||
1777 | 1836 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Cheyne-Stokes Respiration (Cheyne 1818; Stokes 1854) | ||
1791 | 1875 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Surgeon | Adams-Stokes syndrome (Adam 1827; Stokes 1846) | Syncope, palpitations | |
1850 | 1918 | France, French, français | Physician | Biot respiration (1876) | Ataxic breathing | |
1822 | 1902 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Kussmaul breathing (1874) | ||
1816 | 1880 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Dermatologist | |||
1805 | 1881 | Czech, čeština, Tschechisch | Physician | Skodaic ressonance (1837) | Sign, Clinical, lung | |
1804 | 1878 | Czech, čeština, Tschechisch | Pathologist | Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster syndrome: (1838); Rokitansky disease (1842); Rokitansky-Maude Abbott syndrome (1875); Rokitansky syndrome | superior mesenteric artery syndrome, budd-chiari, cardiac anatomy, | |
1860 | 1927 | Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, Nederlands | Physician | Einthoven triangle, Einthoven law, Einthoven string galvanometer | ECG, Einthoven's triangle | |
1777 | 1835 | France, French, français | Surgeon | |||
1809 | 1858 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Lachman Test (1976) | Knee exam. ACL, rupture | |
1781 | 1826 | France, French, français | Physician | Stethoscope (1816) | Equipment, stethoscope, cirrhosis, melanoma | |
1849 | 1919 | Canada, Canadian, British | Physician | Oslerism; Osler Sign; Osler node; | Aequanimitas, quote | |
1873 | 1949 | Italy, Italiano | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Rolando Fracture (1910) | Thumb, base metacarpal, fracture, three-part, tripartate, tri-partate, 3 part | |
1807 | 1873 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | Orthopaedic surgery | wrist, fracture, distal radius | ||
PHALEN, George S. | 1911 | 1998 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Phalen test | Carpal Tunnel |
TINEL, Jules | 1879 | 1952 | France, French, français | Neurologist | Hoffmann-Tinel sign (1915) | Carpal Tunnel |
DURKAN, John A | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Durkan test (1991) | Carpal Tunnel | ||
HOFFMANN, Paul | 1884 | 1962 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physiologist | Hoffmann-Tinel sign (1915) | Carpal Tunnel |
HOFFMANN, Johann | 1857 | 1919 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Neurologist | Hoffmann reflex (1911); Werdnig–Hoffmann syndrome | upper motor neuron lesion, reflex, spinal muscular atrophy type 1, hypotonia in infancy |
KIRSCHNER, Martin | 1879 | 1942 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon, anaesthetist | Kirschner Wire (K-wire) | Equipment |
MORTON, Thomas George | 1835 | 1903 | USA, America, American | Surgeon | Morton Neuralgia; Morton Neuroma (1876) | Foot Pain neuroma, metatarsalgia |
BÖHLER, Lorenz | 1885 | 1973 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Physician, Surgeon | Boehler angle (1936) | Foot, calcaneum |
SMITH-PETERSEN, Marius Nygaard | 1886 | 1953 | Norway, Norge, Norwegian | Orthopedic Surgeon | Smith-Peterson approach to the hip | Hip Equipment |
THOMPSON, Frederick Roeck | 1907 | 1983 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Thompson hip prosthesis | Hip Equipment |
MOORE, Austin Talley | 1899 | 1963 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Austin Moore hip Prosthesis (1942) | Hip Equipment |
BARLOW, Thomas Geoffrey | 1915 | 1975 | England, English, UK, British | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Barlow maneuver (1962) | Hip Exam CDH. DDH, developmental dysplasia of the hip, congenital |
ORTOLANI, Marino | 1904 | 1983 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Paediatrician | Ortolani test (1936) | Hip Exam CDH. DDH, congenital, developmental dysplasia of the hip |
GALEAZZI, Riccardo | 1866 | 1952 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Surgeon | Galeazzi fracture (1934), Galeazzi Test (1935) | Forearm fracture dislocation, Hip Exam CDH. DDH |
THROCKMORTON, Tom Bentley | 1885 | 1961 | USA, America, American | Radiology | Throckmorton Sign (John Thomas Sign) | Hip fracture, penis points to pathology |
CHARNLEY, John | 1911 | 1982 | England, English, UK, British | Orthopedic Surgeon | Charnley prosthesis | Hip prosthesis, equipment |
NÉLATON, Auguste | 1807 | 1873 | France, French, français | Physician | Roser-Nélaton line | Hip |
ROSER, Wilhelm | 1817 | 1888 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | ophthalmologist | Roser-Nélaton line (1845) | Hip |
HOLSTEIN, Arthur | 1914 | 2000 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Holstein–Lewis fracture (1963) | Humerus Distal 1/3 radial nerve palsy |
BAKER, William Morrant | 1839 | 1896 | England, English, UK, British | General Surgeon | Baker cyst (1877) | Knee cyst |
DUVERNEY, Guichard Joseph | 1648 | 1730 | France, French, français | Otologist | Duverney fracture (1751) | Pelvis, iliac wing, fracture |
NEER II, Charles Sumner | 1917 | 2011 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Neer classification proximal humeral fractures (1970) | Shoulder, head of humerus |
BROCA, Auguste | 1859 | 1924 | France, French, français | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Bankart lesion (1890) | Shoulder Operation |
MILCH, Henry | 1895 | 1964 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Milch shoulder reduction (1938) | Shoulder, Dislocation, Relocation |
JEFFERSON, Geoffrey | 1886 | 1961 | England, English, UK, British | Neurosurgeon | Jefferson Fracture (1920) | Spine Cervical, fracture, atlas, C1, axial load, |
SPURLING, Roy Glenwood | 1894 | 1968 | USA, America, American | Orthopedic Surgeon | Spurling's manoeuvre (1944) | Spine Cervical, radiculopathy |
CHANCE, George Quentin | 1904 | England, English, UK, British | Radiology | Chance fracture (1948) | Spine Lumbar Fracture | |
HILDEN, Wilhelm Fabricius von (William Fabry) | 1560 | 1634 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Neurosurgeon | ||
VOLKMANN, Richard von | 1830 | 1889 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon | Volkmann contracture | |
COOPER, Sir Astley Paston | 1768 | 1841 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Coopers ligament | |
HOLDSWORTH, Frank Wild | 1904 | 1969 | England, English, UK, British | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Holdsworth fracture (1963) | |
KAUSCH, Walther | 1867 | 1928 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon | Whipple procedure (1907) | Whipple procedure, pancreas |
HARTMANN, Henri Albert | 1860 | 1952 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Hartmann procedure (1921), Hartmann pouch | Colon, colorectal |
HARTMANN, Alexis Frank | 1898 | 1964 | USA, America, American | pediatrician and biochemist | Hartmann solution (1932) | compound sodium lactate, sodium lactate solution, Ringer-Locke’s solution, Ringer-lactate, lactated Ringer’s solution (LRS) |
RINGER, Sidney | 1835 | 1910 | England, English, UK, British | clinician | Ringers solution (1882) | Fluids, compound sodium lactate, sodium lactate solution, Ringer-Locke’s solution, Ringer-lactate, lactated Ringer’s solution (LRS) |
CODIVILLA, Alessandro | 1861 | 1912 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Surgeon | Whipple procedure (1898) | Whipple procedure, pancreas |
CURTIS, Arthur Hale | 1881 | 1955 | USA, America, American | gynecologist | Fitz-Hugh Curtis Syndrome (1930) | STI, RUQ pain, perihepatitic, salpingitis, PID, Chlamydia, Neisseria |
FITZ-HUGH, Thomas | 1894 | 1963 | USA, America, American | surgeon | Fitz-Hugh Curtis Syndrome (1934) | STI, RUQ pain, perihepatitic, salpingitis, PID, Chlamydia, Neisseria |
HIRSCHSPRUNG, Harald | 1830 | 1916 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk | Paediatrician | Hirschsprung disease (1886) | aganglionosis, distal colon, functional obstruction, developmental disorder, colon |
NISSEN, Rudolph | 1896 | 1981 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon | Nissen fundoplication | |
RAMSTEDT, Conrad | 1867 | 1963 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon | RAMSTEDT Pylorotomy (1912) | RAMSTEDT Pylorotomy, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, pylorus, pediatric, paediatric, projectile vomit, Sir Harold Stiles, Rammstedt |
LADD, William Edwards | 1880 | 1967 | USA, America, American | Ladd's bands | Ladd's bands, Ladd’s operation, Ladd-Gross syndrome, Ladd’s syndrome (1932) | pediatric, paediatric, surgery |
WILMS, Max | 1867 | 1918 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon | Wilms Tumour (1899) | kidney, tumour, tumor, nephroblastoma |
BOCHDALEK, Vincent Alexander | 1801 | 1883 | Czech, čeština, Tschechisch | Anatomist | Bochdalek hernia (1848); Bochdalek foramen; Bochdalek cyst; Bochdalek basket | hernia |
MECKEL, Johann Friedrich (the younger) | 1781 | 1833 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Anatomist | Meckel Diverticulum (1809); Meckel cartilage; Meckel syndrome; Meckel-Serres Conception of Recapitulation (1808) | |
MORGAGNI, Giovanni Battista | 1682 | 1771 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Physician | Morgagni hernia | |
SPIEGEL, Adriaan van den | 1578 | 1625 | Flemish | Anatomist | Spigelian hernia; Spiegelian fascia; Spigelian line; Spiegel lobe | |
FALLOPPIO, Gabriele | 1523 | 1562 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Physician | Fallopian tube (1562) | uteri tuba, tube, tubes, Fallopian, Fallopio, condom, cava tympani, stapes, placenta, fimbriae, cervix |
WHIPPLE, Allen Oldfather | 1881 | 1963 | USA, America, American | Surgeon | Whipple procedure (1934); Whipple triad (1938) | Whipple procedure, Whipple triad, insulinoma |
WHIPPLE, Georges Hoyt | 1878 | 1976 | USA, America, American | Pathologist | Whipple disease (1907) | Whipple disease, iron, liver, anaemia, Tropheryma whipplei, lymphostasis |
ARNOLD, Julius | 1835 | 1915 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Pathologist | Arnold-Chiari malformation (1907) | |
CHIARI, Hans | 1851 | 1916 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Pathologist | Budd–Chiari syndrome (1899) | |
BUDD, George | 1808 | 1882 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Budd–Chiari syndrome (1845) | Vascular compression, Liver |
ROVSING, Niels Thorkild | 1862 | 1927 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk | Surgeon, surgery | Rovsing sign (1907); Rovsing Operation; Rovsing Syndrome; | Appendicitis, perman, appendicectomy, trans gender, transgender, Male to female sex reassignment surgery |
MCBURNEY, Charles Heber | 1845 | 1913 | USA, America, American | Surgeon | McBurney’s point (McBurney’s sign) (1889); McBurney’s Incision (1894) | Appendicitis, appendix, anatomy |
ARAPOV, Dmitry Alekseevich | 1897 | 1984 | Russia, Russian, Россия | Surgeon | Arapov contracture (1968) | Дмитрий Алексеевич Арапов, appendicitis, contracture |
SITKOVSKIY, Pyotr Porfiryevich | 1882 | 1933 | Russia, Russian, Россия | Surgeon | Sitkovskiy Sign (1922) | Петр Порфирьевич Ситковский, Appendicitis |
VOLKOVICH, Nikolay Markianovich | 1858 | 1928 | Russia, Russian, Россия | Surgeon | Volkovich-Kocher sign (1926); McBurney's point (1898) | Николай Маркианович Волкович, Appendicitis |
SAINT, Charles Frederick Morris | 1886 | 1973 | South African, South Africa | Surgeon | Saint Triad | hiatus hiatal hernia, gallbladder disease, diverticulosis |
LERICHE, René | 1879 | 1955 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Leriche operation (1913); Leriche syndrome (1940) | |
MÉNÉTRIER, Pierre Eugène | 1859 | 1935 | France, French, français | Surgeon, pathologist | Ménétrier disease (1888) | |
WELLS, Philip Steven | Canada, Canadian | Physician | Wells scores DVT (2001); Wells scores PE (2003) | PE, DVT, xcriteria, score, algorithm, investigations, thromboembolism | ||
MONDINI, Carlo | 1729 | 1803 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Anatomist | Mondini Deformity | Deafness, cochlea, congenital |
KANEKO, Ziro | 1915 | 1997 | Japanese. Japan, 日本語 | Neuropsychiatrist | Doppler flowmeter (1960) | Radiology, Ultrasound, Doppler flowmeter |
SATOMURA, Shigeo | 1919 | 1960 | Japanese. Japan, 日本語 | Scientist | Doppler Cardiograph, blood-rheograph and trasncutaneous flowmeter | Radiology, Ultrasound, Doppler flowmeter, trasncutaneous flowmeter, Doppler Cardiograph |
LUDWIG, Carl | 1816 | 1895 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Kymograph | ECG, cardiac physiology |
GALVANI, Luigi | 1737 | 1798 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Physician | Galvanometer and the Galvanic skin response Galvanic cell; Galvani potential; Galvanic corrosion; Galvanization | ECG |
LEWIS, Thomas | 1881 | 1945 | Wales, Welsh, Cymru | Cardiology, Cardiologist | Lewis Lead (1913); Water-Hammer pulse (1933) | Lewis Lead, ECG, PQRST |
FONTAINE, Guy Hughes | 1936 | 2018 | France, French, français | Cardiology, cardiologist | Fontaine leads; Epsilon wave and ARVD/C | ARVD, ARVC, epsilon wave, F-ECG, bipolar precordial leads, Fontaine leads, Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy |
TIETZE, Alexander | 1864 | 1927 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon | Tietze syndrome (1921) | Chest Pain, costochondritis, idiopathic |
WALLENBERG, Adolf | 1862 | 1949 | Poland, Polish, Polskie | Neurologist | Wallenberg syndrome (1895); Wallenberg Tract (1896) | brainstem, infarct, lateral medullary syndrome, posterior inferior cerebellar artery PICA |
WOOD, Alexander | 1817 | 1884 | Scottish, Scotland | physician | Hypodermic Syringe (1853) | Equipment, Needle |
RYND, Francis | 1801 | 1861 | Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge | physician | Hypodermic Syringe (1844) | Equipment, Needle |
WEGENER, Friedrich | 1907 | 1990 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Pathologist | Wegener granulomatosis (1936) | Vasculitis, GPA, granulomatosis, polyangiitis, nazi |
REITER, Hans | 1881 | 1969 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Reiter syndrome (1916) | Reactive arthritis, nazi, Leptospira icterohaeinorrhagica, Weil disease |
MACKENZIE, James | 1853 | 1925 | Scottish, Scotland | Cardiologist, GP | Mackenzie polygraph | Father British Cardiology, lie-detector, Mackenzie polygraph |
WALDEYER, Wilhelm von | 1836 | 1921 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Anatomist | Waldeyer tonsillar ring (1884) | chromosome, neuron theory, women in medicine, mysogenist, colonial medicine |
CAPGRAS, Joseph | 1873 | 1950 | France, French, français | Psychiatrist | Capgras Syndrome (1923) | Delusion, delusional belief, imposter, Les Folies raisonnantes, |
LYELL, Alan | 1917 | 2007 | Scottish, Scotland | Dermatologist | Lyell syndrome 1956 (aka: Toxic epidermal necrolysis) | toxic epidermal necrolysis, TEN |
SHERREN, James | 1872 | 1945 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon, surgery | Sherren Triangle (1903) | Appendicitis, hyperaesthesia |
MARKLE IV, George Bushar | 1921 | 1999 | USA, America, American | Surgeon, surgery | Markle sign (1973) | Appendicitis, Markle Sign, Markle Test, Heel Drop Jarring Test |
COPE, Vincent Zachary | 1881 | 1974 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon, surgery | Cope obturator test (1919); Cope psoas test (1921) | Appendicitis, Cope Psoas test, obturator sign, |
BLUMBERG, Jacob Moritz | 1873 | 1955 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Surgeon | Blumberg sign (1907) | Appendicitis, rebound tenderness, appendix |
AARON, Charles Dettie | 1866 | 1951 | USA, America, American | Gastroenterology | Aaron sign (1913) | Appendicitis, chronic, detroit, gastroenterology, |
BASSLER, Anthony | 1874 | 1959 | USA, America, American | Gastroenterologist | Bassler sign (1913) | Appendicitis, chronic, pinch, pinching |
ALVARADO, Alfredo | USA, America, American | Surgeon, surgery | Alvarado score (1986) | Appendicitis, score, grading, MANTRELS | ||
MASSOUH, Farouk | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon, surgery | Massouh sign | Appendicitis | ||
DUNPHY, John Englebert | 1908 | 1981 | USA, America, American | Surgeon, surgery | Dunphy sign (1953) | Appendicitis, cough test, coughing |
LANDRY, Jean-Baptiste Octave | 1826 | 1865 | France, French, français | Neurologist | Guillain-Barré syndrome (1859) | ascending paralysis, GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute inflammatory paralytic neuropathy |
STROHL, André | 1887 | 1977 | France, French, français | Neurologist | Guillain-Barré syndrome (1916) | GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute inflammatory paralytic neuropathy |
FISHER, Charles Miller | 1913 | 2012 | Canada, Canadian | Neurologist | Miller Fisher syndrome (1956) | GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute inflammatory paralytic neuropathy |
ROSENBACH, Ottomar | 1851 | 1907 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Rosenbach sign (1878); Rosenbach-Semon Law (1880); Rosenbach test (1880) | aortic regurgitation, pulsatile liver, bile in urine, paralysis of extensor before flexor muscles |
HILL, Leonard Erskine | 1866 | 1952 | England, English, UK, British | Physiologist | Hill's sign (1909) | aortic regurgitation, systolic pressure, popliteal-brachial gradient |
BOZOLLO, Camillo | 1845 | 1920 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Physician | Bozzolo sign (1887); Kahler-Bozzolo disease (1897) | |
de VIEUSSENS, Raymond | 1641 | 1715 | France, French, français | Anatomist | Vieussens pulse (1715) | aortic regurgitation, insufficiency |
CUMMING, Thomas | 1798 | 1887 | Northern Ireland, Norn Irish | Physician | Cuming sign (1822) | aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, |
CECIL, Arthur Bond | 1885 | 1967 | USA, America, American | Surgeon, urologist | Cole-Cecil murmur (1908); Cecil operation (1946); Cecil-Culp Operation (1966) | hypospadias, aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, murmur, diastolic, axilla |
LINCOLN, Abraham | 1809 | 1865 | USA, America, American | President | Lincoln sign (1863) | aortic regurgitation, popliteal artery |
DRUMMOND, David | 1852 | 1932 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Drummond sign (1908) | aortic aneurysm, Tracheal whiff, aortic insufficiency |
GERHARDT, Carl | 1833 | 1902 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Physician | Gerhardt sign (1882) [aka Sailer sign] | pulsatile spleen, lien verberans, aortic regurgitation, insufficiency |
RYTAND, David Abramson | 1909 | 1991 | USA, America, American | Physician, cardiologist | Rytand murmur (1946); Rytand's law (1951) | Murmur, mid-diastolic murmur, blowing, AV block, atroventricular block |
FORSSMANN, Werner | 1904 | 1979 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | medicine, physician | Pulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) catheter (1929) | cardiac cathetrization seldinger, pulmonary artery catheter, nobel prize, Equipment, vascular access, pulmonary artery catheter |
COURNAND, André Frédéric | 1895 | 1988 | France, French, français | Physician | Pulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) catheter | cardiac cathetrization seldinger, pulmonary artery catheter, nobel prize, Equipment, vascular access, pulmonary artery catheter |
RICHARDS, Dickinson Woodruff | 1895 | 1973 | USA, America, American | physician | Pulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) catheter | cardiac cathetrization seldinger, pulmonary artery catheter, nobel prize, Equipment, vascular access, pulmonary artery catheter |
DENBOROUGH, Michael | 1929 | 2014 | Australia, Australian | Anaesthetist, anesthesiology | Maladie de Denborough; Malignant hyperthermia (1960); King-Denborough Syndrome (1970) | malignant hyperthermia, hyperpyrexia, anesthetic |
BERMAN, Robert Alvin | 1914 | 1999 | USA, America, American | anesthesiologist | Berman Airway (1949); Berman Resuscitube; Berman Respir-Aider; Berman QuikCuff | OPA, oropharangeal, airway, anesthetic, translucent |
HINGSON, Robert Andrew | 1913 | 1996 | USA, America, American | Hingson-Edwards needle; | Equipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic | |
WEISS, Jess Bernard | 1917 | 2007 | USA, America, American | anaesthesiologist | Weiss Epidural Needle | Equipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic |
OVASSAPIAN, Andranik | 1936 | 2010 | USA, America, American | anaesthesiologist | Ovassapian Intubating Airway | Equipment, Airway, fibreoptic, OPA |
CRAWFORD, Oral Bascom | 1921 | 2008 | USA, America, American | anesthesiologist | Crawford needle (1951) | Equipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic |
BOYLE, Henry Edmund Gaskin | 1875 | 1941 | Barbadian, Barbados | Anaesthetist | Boyle Intratracheal ether apparatus (1912); Boyle machine (1919); Boyle-Davis gag (1922) | Equipment, airway, tonsillectomy, ether, nitrous |
MALLAMPATI, Seshagiri Rao | 1941 | Indian, India | Anesthesiologist | Mallampati score (1985) | Score, airway, intubation, anesthetic, difficult, intubation | |
BRAIN, Archie Ian Jeremy | 1942 | England, English, UK, British | Anaesthetist | laryngeal mask (LMA™) (1983) | Equipment, Airway | |
HUSTEAD, Robert | 1928 | 2008 | USA, America, American | anesthesiologist | Hustead needle | Equipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic |
WHITACRE, Roland John | 1909 | 1956 | USA, America, American | anesthesiologist | Whitacre needle | Equipment, Needle |
AYRE, Thomas Philip | 1901 | 1979 | England, English, UK, British | Anaesthetist | Ayre T-piece breathing system (1937) | Equipment, Airway, t-piece, pediatrics |
MILLER, Robert Arden | 1906 | 1976 | USA, America, American | Anesthesiologist | Miller Laryngoscope (1941) | Equipment, laryngoscope, straight, pediatric anesthesia, |
CHAUSSIER, Francois | 1746 | 1828 | France, French, français | physiican, anatomist | Le tube laryngien de Chaussier (1806) | Equipment, endotracheal tube, ETT, neonatal resuscitation |
MURPHY, Francis John | 1900 | 1972 | USA, America, American | anesthesiologist | Murphy eye ETT (1941) | Equipment, endotracheal tube, ETT, eye |
ROTH, Moritz | 1839 | 1914 | Swiss, schweizerisch, Switzerland | pathologist | Roth Spots (1872) | endocarditis, ophthalmology |
JANEWAY, Edward Gamaliel | 1841 | 1911 | USA, America, American | Physician, pathologist | Janeway lesion (1899) | endocarditis |
LÜER, Hermann Adolph Wülfing | 1836 | 1910 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Manufacturer | Luer Syringe | Jeanne Amélie Lüer, syringe, equipment, |
MURPHY, John Benjamin | 1857 | 1916 | USA, America, American | Surgeon | Murphy Sign (1894); Murphy’s Punch Test; Murphy’s sequence; Murphy Button; Murphy’s Drip; Murphy’s Triad | RUQ Pain, gallbladder, cholecystitis, biliary colic, renal colic, pyelonephritis, Anastomosis, |
EGER II, Edmond I | 1930 | 2017 | USA, America, American | anesthesiologist | Minimal alveolar concentration (MAC) | Physiology |
FALRET, Jules Phillipe | 1824 | 1902 | France, French, français | Psychiatrist | Lasègue-Falret syndrome (1877) | folie a deux |
FALRET, Jean Pierre | 1794 | 1870 | France, French, français | Psychiatrist | Falret syndrome (1854) | manic depression, bipolar |
GANSER, Sigbert Josef Maria | 1853 | 1931 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Psychiatrist | Ganser Syndrome (1898) | |
SYME, James | 1799 | 1870 | Scottish, Scotland | General surgeon | Syme foot amputation | Foot amputation, aseptic technique, oesophagectomy, urethral stricture, rectum |
MÜLLER, Walther | 1888 | 1949 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Orthopedic surgeon | Mueller–Weiss syndrome (1927) | Foot, avascular necrosis, osteonecorsis, navicular bone, foot, spontaneous, adult |
WEISS, Konrad | 1891 | 1976 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Radiologist | Mueller–Weiss syndrome (1927) | Foot, avascular necrosis, osteonecorsis, navicular bone, foot, spontaneous, adult |
BRAILSFORD, James Frederick | 1888 | 1961 | England, English, UK, British | Radiologist | Brailsford disease (1939) | Foot, avascular necrosis, osteonecorsis, navicular bone, foot, spontaneous, adult |
CERADINI, Giulio | 1844 | 1894 | Italian, Italy, italiano | Physiologist, engineer | Bozzolo sign (1887); Block-Sistema Automatico; semilunar valve closure (1872) | engineer |
PINS, Emil | 1845 | 1913 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Physician | Pins Sign (1889), Pins Sign II (1889); Pins musical heart murmur (1890) | Pinsschen Zeichen, Mediastinalgeräusch, Pericardial Effusion, squatting, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion |
HOWSHIP, John | 1781 | 1841 | England, English, UK, British | surgeon | Howship-Romberg sign (1840); Howship lacunae; | illustration, obturator, hernia, neuralgia, GFS, osteoclasts, growing skull fracture, Pettigrew |
BRYAN, Williams McIver Jr | 1917 | 2007 | USA, America, American | Obstetrics, Gynecology | Bryan sign (1955) | pregnancy, gravid, appendicitis, clinical sign |
DIX, Margaret Ruth | 1902 | 1991 | USA, America, American | Neurologist | Dix–Hallpike test (1952) | Elicitation of extreme vertigo upon lateral movement of a patient's head when lying in a supine position |
NITABUCH, Raissa | 1859 | Russia, Russian, Россия | Physician, anatomist, pathologist | Nitabuch membrane (1887) | placenta, fibrinoid layer, | |
PURKINJE, Jan Evangelista | 1787 | 1869 | Czech, čeština, Tschechisch | Anatomist, Physiologist | Purkinje fibres (1845) | cardiology, anatomy, |
ASCHOFF, Ludwig | 1866 | 1942 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Pathologist, physician | Aschoff bodies (1904); Rokitansky-Aschoff Sinuses (1905); Aschoff-Tawara node (1906) | gallbladder, adenomyositis, cardiology, anatomy, AV node |
TAWARA, Sunao | 1873 | 1956 | Japanese. Japan, 日本語 | Pathologist, physician | Tawara node (1906) | cardiology, anatomy, AV node, atrioventricular, |
LANGHANS, Theodor | 1839 | 1915 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Pathologist | Langhans giant cells (1868); layer of Langhans; Langhans fibrinoid | |
WINTERHALTER, Elisabeth | 1856 | 1952 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | neuroanatomist, physician, feminist | Winterhalter's ganglia (1896) | ovary, ganglion, ganglia, autonomic, |
SCHACHOWA, Seraphima | 1854 | Russia, Russian, Россия | histologist | Schachowa spiral tubes (1876) | tubuli renales | |
MERRITT, Katharine Krom | 1886 | 1986 | USA, America, American | pediatrician, physician | Kasabach–Merritt syndrome (1940) | thrombopenic purpura, hemangioma |
ABBOTT, Maude Elizabeth | 1869 | 1940 | Canada, Canadian | Pathology, pathologist | Rokitansky-Maude Abbott syndrome (1924) | ostium primum, mitral valve, congenital cardiac disease |
POTTER, Edith Louise | 1901 | 1993 | USA, America, American | pediatric, pathologist | Potter syndrome (1946); Potter facies; Potter sequence; Potter classification of polycystic kidney disease (1964) | facies, syndrome, oligohydramnios, renal agensis |
BOIVIN, Marie Anne Victoire | 1773 | 1841 | France, French, français | midwife | Bivalve Vaginal Speculum (1825); Boivin Intropelvimeter | midwife, speculum |
GASKIN, Ina Mae | 1940 | USA, America, American | Midwife | Gaskin (all fours) manoeuvre (1976) | Midwife, birth, all 4's, fours, shoulder dystocia | |
STRAUSS, Lotte | 1913 | 1985 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Pathologist | Churg–Strauss syndrome (1951) | Vasculitis, Eosinphilia, Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis, EGPA |
LOUIS-BAR, Denise | 1914 | 1999 | Belgium, Belgique, België, Belgien, Flemish | Neuropathologist | Louis-Bar syndrome (1941) | ataxia telangiectasia |
CURTH, Helene Ollendorff | 1899 | 1982 | Germany, Deutschland | dermatologist | Curth-Macklin syndrome (1954); Ollendorf probe sign (1923); Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome (1928); Curth’s criteria for the diagnosis of cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes (1976) | |
MACKLIN, Madge Thurlow | 1893 | 1962 | USA, America, American | geneticist | Curth-Macklin syndrome (1954) | eugenics, canada, icthyosis, IHCM, |
WALKER, Mary Broadfoot | 1888 | 1974 | Scottish, Scotland | Physician | Mary Walker Effect (1934) | physostigmine, neostigmine, prostigmin, Myasthenia Gravis, |
WYNNE-DAVIES, Ruth | 1926 | 2012 | England, English, UK, British | orthopaedic, genetic | Wynne Davies Ligamentous Laxity (1970) | genetics, scoliosis, |
FREY-GOTTESMAN, Lucja | 1889 | 1942 | Poland, Polska | Physician | Frey syndrome (1923) | hyperhidrosis, lemon, auriculotemporal syndrome, parotid gland, gun shot wound, jewish, concentration camp, ghetto |
HURLER, Gertrud | 1889 | 1965 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Paediatrician | Hurler syndrome (1920); Hurler-Scheie syndrome (1962) | MPS, gargoyle, gargoylism, Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS 1, MPS 1-H, |
FLOURENS, Jean Pierre Marie | 1794 | 1867 | France, French, français | Physiology | Flourens Field Theory | pigeon, cerebellum, semi-circular canals |
EDWARDS, John Hilton | 1928 | 2007 | England, English, UK, British | geneticist | Edwards syndrome (1960) | trisomy 18, trisomy 17, patau, genetics, congenital defect, birth |
PATAU, Klaus | 1908 | 1975 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | cytogenetecist | Patau syndrome (1960) | bartholin, monster, trisomy 13, 17, 18 |
ULLRICH, Otto | 1894 | 1957 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | pediatrician | Ullrich-Turner syndrome (1930); Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome (1936); Ullrich syndrome (1930) | |
BONNEVIE, Kristine Elisabeth Heuch | 1872 | 1948 | Norway, Norge, Norwegian | Biologist, geneticist, zoologist | Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome (1934, 1936) | zoology, house mouse, micro bleb, polydactyly |
NOONAN, Jacqueline Anne | 1921 | USA, America, American | pediatrician, cardiologist | Noonan syndrome (1968) | ||
CANAVAN, Myrtelle May | 1879 | 1953 | USA, America, American | Neuropathologist | Canavan disease (1931) | spongy |
KOBYLINKSI, Oskar | 1856 | 1926 | Poland, Polish, Polskie | General practitioner | Noonan syndrome (1883) | baltic, polish, German, GP, web neck |
DABSKA, Maria Magdalena | 1921 | 2014 | Poland, Polish, Polskie, Polska | pathology, pathologist, oncologist | Dąbska tumor (1969) | Parachordoma, surgical pathology, |
LÉVY, Gabrielle | 1886 | 1935 | France, French, français | Neurologist | Roussy-Lévy syndrome (1926), Lhermitte-Lévy syndrome (1931) | |
LHERMITTE, Jacques Jean | 1877 | 1979 | France, French, français | neurologist and neuropsychiatrist | Lhermitte sign (1924, 1927), Lejonne-Lhermitte disease (1909), Lhermitte-Cornil-Quesnel syndrome (1920), Lhermitte-Duclos disease (1920), Lhermitte-McAlpine syndrome (1926), Lhermitte syndrome (1922), Lhermitte-Lévy syndrome (1931) | |
ROUSSY, Gustave | 1874 | 1978 | Swiss, schweizerisch, Switzerland, France, French, français | neuropathologist | Darier-Roussy sarcoid (1904), Déjérine-Roussy syndrome (1906), Roussy-Lévy syndrome (1926), Roussy-Cornil syndrome (1919) | |
SCHACHENMANN, Gertrud Dina | 1910 | 1997 | Swiss, schweizerisch, Switzerland, | Pediatrician | Smith-Theiler-Schachenmann syndrome (1966) | rib widening, microganthia |
KLEEFSTRA, Tjitske | 1970 | Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, Nederlands | clinical genetics, geneticist | Kleefstra syndrome (2006) | Kleefstras syndrom, 9q subtelomere deletion syndrome (9qSTDS), EHMT1, haploinsufficiency | |
SYBERT, Virginia | USA, America, American | medical genetics, dermatology, pediatrics | Palmoplantar keratoderma (PPK) of Sybert (1988) | |||
SYBERT, Virginia | USA, America, American | medical genetics, dermatology, pediatrics | Palmoplantar keratoderma (PPK) of Sybert (1988) | |||
ESTERLY, Nancy Burton | 1935 | 2017 | USA, America, American | Paediatrics, dermatology | Esterly-McKusick syndrome (1971) | stiff skin syndrome |
ESTERLY, Nancy Burton | 1935 | 2017 | USA, America, American | Paediatrics, dermatology | Esterly-McKusick syndrome (1971) | stiff skin syndrome |
BLACKWELL, Elizabeth | 1821 | 1910 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Elizabeth Blackwell Award; National Women Physicians Day | Female Physician |
GARRETT ANDERSON, Elizabeth | 1836 | 1917 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | first female physician in the UK | |
HORAN, Margaret Burton | 1909 | 2004 | Australia | pediatric, paediatrician | Nance-Horan syndrome (1974) | cataracts-oto-dental, syndrome, X-linked cataract-dental syndrome, X-linked, congenital cataracts and microcornea, Hutchinson |
KLUMPKE, Augusta | 1859 | 1927 | USA, America, American | Neurologist | Klumpke palsy (1885) | brachial, plexus, mother, |
WELANDER, Lisa | 1909 | 2001 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | Neurologist | Welander distal myopathy (1951); Kugelberg-Welander syndrome (1956) | |
ANDERSEN, Dorothy Hansine | 1901 | 1963 | USA, America, American | Paediatrician, pediatrics | Andersen disease (1956); Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas (1938) | Glycogen storage disease type IV, cystic fibrosis of the pancreas, sweat test, trypsin |
DUBOWITZ, Lilly | 1930 | 2016 | Hungary, Hungarian, Magyar | paediatrics, pediatric, neurology | Dubowitz Score (1970), Dubowitz neurology examination (1980) | neonatology, neurological exam, tone, power, pre-term, full-term, Sebők |
JOHANSON, Ann J | 1934 | 2020 | USA, America, American | Paediatric endocrinologist | Johanson-Blizzard syndrome (1971) | short stature, growth hormone, Turner, |
LøKEN, Aagot Christie | 1911 | 2007 | Norway, Norge, Norwegian | Neuropathologist | Senior-Løken syndrome (1961) | |
CANALE, Virginia Claire | 1936 | 2005 | USA, America, American | pediatric Haematologist | Canale-Smith syndrome (1967) | Chronic lymphadenopathy simulating malignant lymphoma |
KAVEGGIA, Elizabeth Gathy | 1926 | 2014 | Hungary, Hungarian, Magyar | Paediatrician, geneticist | Optiz-Kaveggia syndrome (1974) [FG Syndrome], Kaveggia syndrome (1975) | rain man, dustin hoffman, vermis |
BABER, Margaret Doreen | 1910 | 1997 | Wales, Welsh, Cymru | paediatrician, pediatric | Baber syndrome (1956) | cirrhosis, amino-aciduria, Fanconi |
HOLT, Mary Clayton | 1924 | 1993 | England, English, UK, British | physician, cardiology | Holt-Oram syndrome (1960) | cardiac rehabilitation, ASD, hand malformations, triphalangeal, |
SAKATI, Nadia Awni | 1938 | Syrian, Saudi | pediatrician | Sakati-Nyhan-Tisdale syndrome (1971); Woodhouse–Sakati syndrome (1983); Sanjad-Sakati syndrome (1991) | congenital, genetics, inbred | |
ANSELL, Barbara Mary | 1923 | 2001 | England, English, UK, British | Paediatric rheumatologist | Ansell-Bywaters-Elderking syndrome (1975) | CINCA, NOMID, arthritis, pediatric, rhematology |
BARTHEL, Dorothy W | 1911 | 2003 | USA, America, American | Physio, physical therapist | Barthel index (1965) | geriatrics, stroke, |
WATERLOW, Judy A | 1933 | England, English, UK, British | Nurse, nursing, | Waterlow score (1985) | pressure sore | |
BERG, Katherine O | Canada, Canadian | Physio, physical therapy | Berg Balance Scale (1989) | frailty, balance | ||
NEILL, Catherine A | 1921 | 2006 | England, English, UK, British | cardiologist, paediatrician, pediatrics | Neill-Dingwall syndrome (1950), Scimtar syndrome (1960) | scimitar, Cockayne, progeria, pulmonary hypoplasia and partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR) |
ILLIG, Ruth | 1924 | 2017 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | pediatric endocrinologist | Illig syndrome (1970) | |
BIANCO-SILVERSTRONI, Ida | 1917 | 2006 | Italy, Italia | Physician, hematologist | Silvestroni-Bianco anaemia (1948) | thalassemia, hematology, Italy |
MANN, Ida Caroline | 1893 | 1983 | England, English, UK, British | ophthalmologist, ophthalmic surgeon, | Mann classification of coloboma (1937) | Australia, Perth, slit lamp, Dame, mustard gas, trachoma, |
AL-GAZALI, Lihadh | Iraq, UAE, Arab | genetics, research, pediatric, paediatric | Al Gazali Syndrome (1994); Al-Gazali-Bakalinova syndrome (1998) | |||
NELSON, Matilda Mary | 1930 | 2010 | England, English, UK, British, south african, south africa | Geneticist, human genetics | Emery-Nelson syndrome (1970) | |
REED, Dorothy Mabel | 1874 | 1964 | USA, America, American | pathology, pediatric, public health | Reed-Sternberg cells (1902) | sternberg, hodgkin, lymphoma, milk, Madison, wisconsin, Mendenhall, |
OPPENHEIMER, Ella Hutzler | 1897 | 1981 | USA, America, American | Pathologist | Landing-Oppenheimer syndrome (1957) | Ceroid storage disease in childhood, lipidoses |
NOACK, Margot | 1909 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | orthopedic, pediatric | Noack syndrome (1959) | Apert, Pfeiffer, Oegg, acrocephalosyndactyly | |
GOUTIERES, Francoise | France, French, français | neurologist, pediatric | Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome (1984) | |||
TOLKSDORF, Marlis | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Paediatrician, pediatrics, cytogenetics | Wiedemann-Tolksdorf syndrome (1973) | |||
ANDERSEN, Ellen Damgaard | Denmark, Danmark | Physician | Andersen syndrome, Andersen-Tawil syndrome (1971) | |||
SCHNITZLER, Lilane | 1938 | France, French, français | dermatologist | Schnitzler syndrome (1972) | ||
BLOOMBERG, Esther Lillian | 1907 | USA, America, American | Albright-Butler-Bloomberg disease (1937) | chemist, technician | ||
DIESENDRUCK, Judith Abarbanel | 1920 | 2007 | Russian born, USA, America, American | Bacteriologist | Nelson-Diesendruck basal medium (1952) | Jewish, Zionist, Pioneer Women, American Professors for peace in the Middle East |
HARPER, Rita Gilman | 1934 | USA, America, American | Physician | Harper syndrome (1967) | Seckel syndrome, bird-headed | |
CHRISTOL, Bernadette | 1934 | 2011 | France, French, français | dermatologist | Bazex-Dupré-Christol syndrome (1964) | JALBY, X-linked, congenital hypotrichosis, follicular atrophoderma, basal cell neoplasms |
SAKURAI (Kitagawa), Tsuya | 1911 | 1995 | Japanese. Japan, 日本語 | physician, ophthalmologist | Sakurai-Lisch nodules (1935) | |
HECHT, Jacqueline Tauber | USA, America, American | Geneticist and paediatrician | Hecht-Scott syndrome (1981) | FACTO, dwarfism, Fibular aplasia-tibial campomelia-oligosyndactyly | ||
DE BARSY, Anne-Marie | 1939 | Belgium, Belgique, België, Belgien, Flemish | neurologist | de Barsy syndrome (1938) | ||
HERTWIG, Paula | 1889 | 1983 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Biologist | Hertwig-Weyers syndrome (1942) | |
MYHRE, Selma Ann | 1937 | 2012 | USA, America, American | pediatric, pathology, Geneticist | Mhyre syndrome (1981) | Hageman |
WARBURG, Mette | 1926 | 2015 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk | ophthalmologist | Walker-Warburg syndrome (1971) | |
DEES, Susan C | 1909 | 2001 | USA, America, American | Paediatrician | Aldrich-Dees syndrome (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome) | asthma, allergy, |
SMITH, Ann C. M. | 1951 | USA, America, American | genetic counselor, geneticist | Smith-Magenis syndrome (1986) | morrison, chisholm, | |
MAGENIS, Ruth Ellen | 1925 | 2014 | USA, America, American | Geneticist, pediatrician, paediatrician | Smith-Magenis syndrome (1986) | chromosome 15, angelman, prader-willi, 7 children, |
DUDLEY, Florence Chisholm | 1902 | 1962 | USA, America, American | assistant in medical genetics | Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome (1943) | |
FORBES, Anne Pappenheimer | 1911 | 1992 | USA, America, American | Physician, endocrinologist | Forbes-Albright syndrome (1954) | galactorrhea-amenorrhea caused by a chromophobe prolactin-producing adenoma of the pituitary |
HALL, Judith Goslin | 1939 | USA, America, American | Geneticist and paediatrician | Hall-Pallister syndrome (1980), Hall type of pseudoachondroplasia | achondroplasia | |
LYON, Mary Frances | 1925 | 2014 | England, English, UK, British | Cytogeneticist | Lyon hypothesis (1961), Lyonisation (1963) | |
BELL, Julia | 1879 | 1979 | England, English, UK, British | Physician | Martin-Bell syndrome (1943) | |
WOLCOTT, Carol Nancy Dettman | 1941 | 1994 | USA, America, American | Paediatrician, pediatrics | Wolcott-Rallison syndrome (1972) | IDDM, Early-onset diabetes mellitus with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia |
FOWLER, Clare Juliet | 1950 | England, English, UK, British | urologist, neuro-urologist | Fowler syndrome (1985) | ||
LARSEN, Ingegerd Frøyshov | 1937 | Norway, Norge, Norwegian | Physician | Hansen-Larsen-Berg syndrome (1976) | total color blindness, progressive cone dystrophy, degenerative liver disease, endocrine dysfunction, Retinohepatoendocrinologic | |
IMERSLUND, Olga | 1907 | 1987 | Norway, Norge, Norwegian | Paediatrician | Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome (1960) | Juvenile megaloblastic anaemia, Megaloblastic anaemia 1 (MGA 1), Imerslund anaemia, Selective vitamin B12 (cobalamin) malabsorption with proteinuria |
TORIELLO, Helga V. | 1952 | USA, America | genetics, geneticist | Toriello‐Carey syndrome (1988) | Corpus callosum agenesis facial anomalies Robin sequence; Corpus callosum agenesis-blepharophimosis-Robin sequence syndrome; Agenesis of corpus callosum | |
YOUNG, Freida | 1910 | 2004 | England, English, UK, British | Pathology, pathologist | Dyke-Young anaemia (1938) | |
DRAVET, Charlottte | 1936 | France, French, français | Psychiatrist, Epileptologist | Dravet syndrome (1982) | severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy SMEI | |
LAXOVA, Renata | 1931 | Czech, čeština, Tschechisch | Paediatric geneticist | Neu-Laxová syndrome (1971) | holocaust, nicholas winton, Polgar, PHGDH, ichthyosis, marked intrauterine growth restriction, microcephaly, short neck, central nervous system anomalies, lissencephaly | |
VAN LOHUIZEN, Cato H J | 1893 | 1937 | Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, Nederlands | pediatric paediatrician | Van Lohuizen syndrome (1922) | Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita (CMTC) |
OPITZ, John M | 1935 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland, USA, America, American | pediatrician, geneticist | Herrmann-Opitz syndrome (1969); Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome (1974); Opitz N syndrome; Opitz GBBB syndrome; Opitz trigonocephaly (C) syndrome; | ||
WILLIAMS, Anna Wessels | 1963 | 1954 | USA, America, American | bacteriologist, immunologist | Park-Williams bacillus (1894); Williams stain (1905); Park-Williams fixative | trachoma, rabies, diphtheria, antitoxin |
WHITE, Priscilla | 1900 | 1989 | USA, America, American | physician, obstetrical physician | White Classification of Diabetes in Pregnancy (1949) | diabetes, gestational, pregnancy, fetal mortality, maternal mortality, foetal mortality, pre-gestational, pregestational, |
FINK, Bernard Raymond | 1914 | 2000 | English, Belgian, USA, America, American | anesthetic, anesthesiology | Fink effect (1955); Fink Non-rebreathing Valve (1954); Fink Laryngoscope Blade (1958) | Physiology |
CORNING, James Leonard | 1855 | 1923 | USA, America, American | Neurology, neurologist | Bier Block (1885); spinal block (1885); Corning tourniquet; Corning clamp | epidural |
HOLMES, Charles McKinnon | 1935 | 2020 | New Zealand, NZ, kiwi, New Zealander | Anaesthetist | Bier Block (1963) | |
VOGT, Cécile | 1875 | 1962 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | neuropathologist | Vogt-Vogt syndrome | |
BEIGHTON, Greta | 1939 | 2017 | England, English, UK, British, South Africa | nursing, genetics, history | Beighton Score | genetics, ortho, ehlers, south africa, nursing |
PAGON, Roberta Anderson | 1945 | USA, America, American | Paediatrician, pediatrics, genetics | Pagon syndrome (1985) | ||
LANCEFIELD, Rebecca Craighill | 1895 | 1981 | USA, America, American | Bacteriologist | Lancefield classification, Lancefield method (1928) | BHS, hemolytic, haemolytic, strep |
HESS Jr, Robert McDonald | 1931 | 2019 | USA, America, American | Neurosurgeon | Hunt-Hess scale | mortality, aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage |
STRÜMPELL, Adolf | 1853 | 1925 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Neurologist | Strümpell sign; Strumpell-Lorrain Disease (1880); Marie-Strümpell Disease (1884); Westphal-Strümpell Pseudosclerosis (1897); | |
WESTPHAL, Karl Friedrich Otto | 1883 | 1890 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Neurologist | Edinger-Westphal nucleus; Westphal-Strümpell Pseudosclerosis (1883); Westphal-Leyden syndrome; Erb–Westphal symptom; Westphal syndrome | |
BLEASE, John | 1906 | 1985 | England, English, UK, British | inventor | Blease-Manley ventilator; Alfo-Blease anaesthetic machine; Blease ‘Pulmoflator’ | Equipment, ventilator |
ENGSTRÖM, Carl-Gunnar | 1912 | 1987 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | anaesthetist, physician | Engström respirator (1953) | ventilator, respirator |
CORMACK, Ronald Sidney | 1930 | England, English, UK, British | anesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist | Cormack-Lehane score (1984) | Score, DAS Medal, Macewan medal, laryngoscopy, difficult airway, airway grades | |
OBRAZTSOV, Vasily Parmenovich | 1849 | 1920 | Russia, Russian, Россия | Physician | Obraztsova sign (Симптом Образцова) | Appendicitis, Cope Psoas test |
ALDRICH, Charles John | 1861 | 1908 | USA, America, American | physician, neurologist | Mees lines (1904) | hysteria, meed slines, arsenic, Leuconychia striata arsenicalis transversus |
LODER, Halsey Beach | 1883 | 1966 | USA, America, American | orthopedic, surgeon | Cotton-Loder position | distal radius, colles, pop, plaster cast, bone-setting |
LEWANDOWSKY, Felix | 1879 | 1921 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Dermatologist | Jadassohn-Lewandowsky syndrome, Lewandowsky-Lutz dysplasia | pachyonychia congenita |
JADASSOHN, Josef | 1863 | 1936 | German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland | Dermatologist | Jadassohn-Lewandowsky syndrome, Borst-Jadassohn (épithélioma de), Jadassohn-Tièche blue naevus | |
NIKOLSKY, Pyotr Vasilyevich | 1858 | 1940 | Russia, Russian, Россия | Dermatologist | Nikolsky sign | skin, bullous disease, pemphigus, pemphogoid, TEN, SJS |
ASBOE-HANSEN, Gustav | 1917 | 1989 | Danish, Denmark, Dansk | Dermatologist | Asboe-Hansen sign, Asboe-Hansen disease | skin, bullous disease, pemphigus, pemphogoid, TEN, SJS |
LUTZ, Wilhelm | 1888 | 1958 | Swiss, Swtizerland, Suisse, Schweizerisch | Dermatologist | Lewandowsky-Lutz dysplasia, Lutz-Miescher syndrome, Lutz sign | skin, bullous disease, pemphigus, pemphogoid, TEN, SJS |
SHEKLAKOV, Nikolay | 1918 | 1989 | Russia, Russian, Россия | Dermatologist | Sheklakov sign (1965) | skin, bullous disease, pemphigus, pemphogoid, TEN, SJS |
BAZIN, Pierre-Antoine-Ernest | 1807 | 1878 | France, French, français | Physician | Bazin disease, Alibert-Bazin syndrome | mycosis fungoides, erythema induratum |
BENNET, V. Ray | 1922 | 1996 | USA, America, American | Engineer, inventor | Bennett ventilator (1949); Bennett Oxygen Valve; Bennett Ventilation Meter (1951); Bennett Respiratory facial mask (1948) | ventilator, face-mask, respirator, anesthetic, ventilation |
BEAN, William Bennett | 1909 | 1989 | USA, America, American, Poland, Polish, Polskie | Cardiologist | Bean syndrome (1958) [Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome] | naevus, GI tract, GI bleeding, blue rubber, lindsay nail, half-half |
LANNELONGUE, Odilon Marc | 1840 | 1911 | France, French, français | Surgeon | Osgood-Schlatter disease (1878) | Knee, osteochondrosis, apophysitis, OSD, tibial, microtrauma, infrapatellar, knee pain |
BARRÈRE, Adrien | 1874 | 1931 | France, French, français | Artist, caricaturist | Lithographs | |
FRENCKNER, Paul | 1896 | 1967 | Sweden, Swedish, svenska | Spiropulsator, double lumen bronchoscope | Frenckner Spiropulsator, double lumen bronchoscope | ventilator, bronchoscope, |
ADDISON, Thomas | 1793 | 1860 | Physician | Addison disease | Addison disease, suprarenal, keloid, suicide, depression | |
FORCHHEIMER, Frederick | 1853 | 1913 | USA, America, American | Physician, pediatrician, paediatrics | Forchheimer spots (1898) | third disease, pediatric xanthem |
CHVOSTEK, František | 1864 | 1944 | Austria, Österreicher, Austrian | Physician | Chvostek Sign | Hypocalcaemia |
HUTCHINSON, Sir Jonathan | 1828 | 1913 | England, English, UK, British | Surgeon | Hutchinson teeth, Hutchinson triad of congenital syphilis, Hutchinson angioma, | Wrist Distal radius radial styloid process with extension into the wrist joint (intra-articular extension). |
eponym: a person, place, or thing after whom or after which something is named, or believed to be named.
Origin: from Greek epōnumos ‘given as a name, giving one’s name to someone or something’, from epi ‘upon’ + onoma ‘name’. noun: eponym; plural noun: eponyms; adjective: eponymous
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