Biographical Medical Eponyms

Medical Eponyms

What is in a name? Here we explore the people credited with discovering, describing, recording, inventing and defining advancements in the art of medicine. Many signs, symptoms, procedures and classifications are commonplace – others are deserving of recording as a result of the significant historical interest associated with their descriptive work and discoveries.

HEIDBRINK, Jay Albion18751957USA, America, AmericandentistHeidbank Kinet-O-Meter, Heidbank valve, Heidbank wrench, Heidbrink Model 75-B Oxygen Tent, Heidbank Anesthetiser Model A to T, Equipment, ventilator, flowmeter, valve, mask, gas mask, celluloid mask, wrench, dental surgeon
CONNELL, Karl18781941USA, America, Americananesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologistConnell airway, Anæsthetometer, Connell Gas Mask, Connell Flowmeter, Connell ModelWWI, ventilator, gas mask, respirator, flowmeter, OPA, oropharyngeal, military
BRAGG, William Henry18621942England, English, UK, BritishPhysicist, maths, mathematician, chemistBragg's Law, Bragg Spectrometer and Bragg-Paul PulsatorLacrosse, pulsator, mechanical ventilation,
HEWITT, Frederick William18571916England, English, UK, Britishanesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologistHewitt airway (1908)
BANG, Claus19241970Danish, Denmark, DanskPhysicianBang respirator (1953)Denmark, polio epidemic,
FRENCKNER, Paul18961967Sweden, Swedish, svenskaENT, otolaryngoplogistSpiropulsator, double lumen bronchoscopeventilator, bronchoscope,
GROVER, Ralph19202008USA, America, AmericanDermatologistGrover disease (1970)transient acantholytic dermatosis
ZAHORSKY, John Jr18711963Slovakia, Austro-Hungarianpediatrician, pediatrics, neonatology, paediatriciansixth disease (1910)numbered skin diseases, skin rashes, rashes of childhood, kids rashes, sixth disease
SWEET, Robert Douglas19172001England, English, UK, BritishDermatologistSweet syndrome (1964)Acute Febrile Neutrophilic Dermatosis
GOLDEN, Ross18891975USA, America, AmericanRadiologistGolden S Sign (1925)Ross Golden, S-sign, S shape, lung malignancy, hilar mass, lung cancer, horizontal fissure, CXT, CT chest, thorax,
THOMAS, Antony Michael19131971England, English, UK, BritishpathologistThomas sign (1955)ampulla of vater, silver stool
JAMES, Norman Reynolds19081987Australian, Ozzie, AussieanaesthetistJames ventilator (1950); James Autohand ventilator (1964) ventilator, hand bagging, anaesthetic, anesthetic
BISHOP, Edward Harry19131995USA, America, American, United Statesobstetrics, gynaecologyBishop Score (1964); Uterine Tocolysis (1961); Doppler Ultrasound (1966)labour, delivery, cervical dilatation, examination, score, gynecology
LØVSET, Jørgen18961981Norway, Norge, NorwegianObstetrician, gynaecologistLøvset’s Manoeuvre (1937); Løvset’s Umbilical Clip (1932); Løvset’s Cervical Dilators (1933)breech, delivery, feto-pelvic,
ROBERTS, Mona Dew18781939Wales, Welsh, Cymruanesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologistMona Roberts Airway (1916)oropharyngeal airway, OPA, airway, obstetrics, ether
COSSART, Yvonne19342014Australian, Australia, Aussie, OzzievirologistParvovirus B19 (1975)hepatitis, fifth disease, erythema infectiosum, hepatitis B, HBV, HPV, B19
HOLTER, Norman Jeffris19141983USA, America, AmericanPhysicist, Chemist, BiophysicistHolter monitor (1947)ECG, RECG, Holter monitor, ambulatory monitoring, Montana, Helena, explosive artist, nuclear medicine
MONDOR, Henri18851962France, French, françaissurgery, biography, surgeon, history, historianMondor disease (1939); Penile Mondor disease (1958)thrombophlebitis, breast, penis
TROUSSEAU, Armand18011867France, French, françaisPhysicianTrousseau sign, Trousseau syndrome, Trousseau spotsHypocalcaemia, visceral cancer, died of disease
KROGH, August18741949Danish, Denmark, DanskPhysiologistKrogh respirator, Krogh microtonometer, Krogh spirometer, Krogh principle, Krogh-Erlang equation, Bohr effectphysiology, capillary, spirometry, gas exchange, circulation, ventilator
BERTRAND, Charles Alexandre Hippolyte Amable17771849France, French, françaisphysician, toxicologistCharcoal as an antidotecharbon, arsenic, mercury, poisoning, antidote
BEAVER, Robert Atwood19061975England, English, UK, BritishanaesthetistBeaver respirator (1953), Beaver laryngoscope (1955)painter, polio, angled intubation, box intubation
BOTH, Edward Thomas19081987Australian, Ozzie, Aussieengineer, inventorBoth respirator, Both electrocardiograph, Both incubatorInsulcot, ventilation, polio, humid crib, electric vehicle, fax machine, visitel, adelaide, Australia
PUGH, William Russ18061897England, English, UK, Britishsurgeon, anaesthetistPugh's inhaler (1847)Australia, Tasmania, Launceston, ether, anesthesia, inhalation anaesthetic
GER, Ralph19122012South African, South Africa, USA, America, American, United StatesSurgeonGer's sign (1962)scrotal dimple, testicular torsion, anatomist apartheid,
REYNOLDS, Ernest Septimus18611926England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianMees lines (1901)arsenic, nails, Mees, beau, beer, peripheral neuritis, manchester
RUBEN, Henning Moritz19142004Danish, Denmark, DanskAnesthesiologistRuben valve, AMBU bag, Ambu mannikin, Head-tilt method, syringe driverEquipment, resuscitation, head tile, mouth to mouth, syringe driver, foot suction,
HOUNSFIELD, Godfrey Newbold19192004England, English, UK, BritishElectrical engineerHounsfield unit, Hounsfield scale, Computerised Tomographynobel prize, EMI, CT, computerised tomography
LEHANE, John Robert19452018England, English, UK, Britishanesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologistCormack-Lehane score (1984)Score, DAS Medal, Macewan medal, laryngoscopy, difficult airway, airway grades
GRISEL, Pierre18691959France, French, françaisENT, ear, nose, throat, pediatric surgeonGrisel syndrome (1930)ENT, tonsillitis, torticollis, atlanto-occiptal, nontraumatic, atlantoaxial joint, peripharyngeal inflammation
EVE, Frank Cecil18711952England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianEve's rocking method of artificial respiration (1932)artificial respiration, rocking, table,
PASK, Edgar Alexander19121966England, English, UK, Britishanesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologistRFD Admiralty pattern 5580 inflatable life jacket; immersion suitartificial respiration, altitude, life-jacket, immersion suit, hypothermia, parachute
SILVESTER, Henry Robert18281908England, English, UK, BritishphysicianSilvester method of artificial respiration (1858); Hypodermic inflation (1883)artificial respiration, drowning, moist dressing
BECK, Claude Schaeffer18941971USA, America, Americancardiology, cardiothoracics, surgeonBeck triad 1, Beck triad II, Beck I operation, Beck II operationtamponade, hypotension, distended jugular veins, muffled heart sounds, mitral stenosis, defibrillator, CPR
JANEWAY, Henry18731921USA, America, Americanphysician, radiation therapist, Janeway laryngoscope, Janeway gastrostomy, Green buttonEquipment, laryngoscope, radium respirator, radiation therapy, direct laryngoscopy
EMERSON, John Haven19061997USA, America, Americaninventor, humanistEmerson Lung (1931)Equipment, iron lung, polio, scuba, hyperbaric
LUDWIG, Wilhelm Frederick von17901865German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeonLudwig angina (1836)ent, submandibular, cellulitis, gangrene
MØRCH, Ernst Trier19081996Danish, Denmark, Dansk, USA, America, Americananesthesiologist, inventor, humanitarianMørch laryngoscope, Mørch Piston Respirator, Mueller-Mørch ventilatorEquipment, laryngoscope, respirator, ventilator
BIRD, Forrest19212015USA, America, Americaninventor, pilot, doctor, biomechanical engineerBird Mark respirators, BabyBird respirator, Bird Phasitron, Bird Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilationaeroplane, planes, aviator, G-suit, anti-G, portable ventilator, mechanical ventilator, mass produced
MILLER, Albert J19222020USA, America, AmericanCardiologistTexidor Twinge (1955)Chest Pain differential, precordial catch, atypical chest pain,
TEXIDOR, Teodoro Antonio19131998Cuba, CubanCardiologistTexidor Twinge (1955)Chest Pain differential, precordial catch, atypical chest pain,
HUCHARD, Henri18441910France, French, françaisPhysician, cardiologistSyndrôme de Huchard (1893), Huchard disease; Huchard sign;Chest Pain differential, precordial catch, atypical chest pain,
BRANHAM, Harris Miller18621936USA, America, Americanphysician, family physician, GP, Branham sign (1890)Nicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign, AV fistula, bradycardia, hypertension, GSW, prisoner
ISRAËL, James Adolf18481926German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland, JewishSurgeon, urologyNicoladoni-Israel-Branham sign (1877), Actinomyces israelii (1877)actinomycoses, fungus, bladder, urology, bradycardia, AV fistula, Jewish hospital
MATAS, Rudolph18601957USA, America, AmericanSurgeon, vascularMatas endoaneurysmorrhaphyIV drip, spinal anesthesia, medal, aortic ligation, endoaneurysmorrhaphy
FELL, George Edward18491918USA, America, AmericanSurgeon, engineer, inventer,innovatorFell apparatus, Fell-O’Dwyer apparatus, Fell laryngeal tube, Fell method, electric chairforced respiration, IPPV, facemask, electric chair, electrocution, opium, narcosis
O'DWYER, Joseph18411898USA, America, AmericanPhysician, anesthetist, anaesthetistO'Dwyer plain tube (1884), Fell-O’Dwyer apparatus (1895)equipment, croup, diphtheria, anesthesia, ETT, intratracheal intubation
DOUGLAS, James16751742Scottish, ScotlandAnatomist, obstetrician, surgeonPouch of Douglas, line of Douglas, folds of Douglas (1730)peritoneum, Horace, Pope, Hogarth
BOWEN, John Templeton18571940USA, America, American, United StatesDermatologistBowen’s disease (1912), Bowen’s disease of the vulva, Bowenoid papulosis, Bowen’s disease of the penisdermatology, CIS, carcinoma in situ, VIN, CIN, Erythroplasia of Queyrat, HPV 16,
ALCOCK, Benjamin18011860Ireland, Irish, GaeilgeAnatomist, anatomyAlcock’s Canal [Pudendal canal] 1842anatomy, pudendal canal, space, OBGYN
BAIN, James1934Canada, Canadiananesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologistBain circuit (1972)Equipment, ventilator, MAPLESON
DRӒGER, Johann Heinrich18471917German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandinventorPulmotor; Roth-Drӓger apparatusEquipment, ventilator
JACKSON REES, Gordon19182001England, English, UK, BritishAnaesthetistJackson Rees T-piece (1950), Jackson Rees circuit (1950), Jackson Rees T-tube (1966)Equipment, T-piece, ETT, NTT, nasotracheal, pediatric, paediatric anesthesia
MANLEY, Roger Edward Wentworth19301991England, English, UK, BritishAnaesthetistBlease-Manley ventilator; Manley Multivent Ventilator;Penlon Manley Multivent, Equipment, ventilator
MAPLESON, William Wellesley19262018England, English, UK, Britishphysicist of anaesthesiaMapleson circuits (1954), Mapleson medalventilator, physics, circuit, breathing circuit, DAS Medal
BEIGHTON, Peter1934England, English, UK, British, South Africamedical genetics, geneticist, orthoBeighton Score (1971)man behind, person behind, joint laxity, hypermobility,
JEGHERS, Harold Joseph19041990USA, America, AmericanPhysician, Internist, Internal MedicinePeutz-Jeghers syndrome (1949)
PEUTZ, Johannes Laurentius Augustinus18861957Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, NederlandsPhysician, InternistPeutz-Jeghers syndrome (1921)
WEIL, Adolf18481916German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysicianWeil disease (1886)
BEHCET, Hulusi18891948Turkey, Türk, TurkishDermatologistBehçet Disease (1937)Vasculitis
HUNT, William Edward19211999USA, America, AmericanNeurosurgeonHunt-Hess scale; Tolosa-Hunt syndromeheadache, Nonspecific inflammation of the cavernous sinus or superior orbital fissure, Painful ophthalmoplegia, mortality, aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
RÖNTGEN, Wilhelm Conrad18451923German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysicist, physicsRöntgen Ray (X-Ray) [1895], Röntgen unit, Röntgenbild, Röntgengesellschaft, 6401 Röntgen (1991), Roentgenium (2004)November 8, X-rays, xray, radiology, radiograph
ZAVANELLI, William Angelo1926USA, America, American, United Statesobstetrics, gynaecologyZavanelli Manoeuvre (1985)Shoulder dystocia, birth, cephalic replacement, Gunn-Zavanelli-O’Leary
MCROBERTS Jr, William A.19142006USA, America, American, United Statesobstetrics, gynaecologyMcRoberts Manoeuvre (1983)Shoulder dystocia, birth, maternal manipulation
RUBIN, Alan19232011USA, America, American, United Statesobstetrics, gynaecologyRubin Manoeuvre (1964)Shoulder dystocia, birth, fetal manipulation,
WOODS, Charles Edwin18881946USA, America, American, United Statesobstetrics, gynaecologyWoods’ Screw Manoeuvre (1943)shoulder dystocia, physics, birth, fetal manipulation,
PARK, William Hallock18631939USA, America, AmericanPark-Williams bacillus (1894); Williams stain (1905); Park-Williams fixativePark-Williams bacillus (1894); Park-Williams fixative; Typhoid Mary (1907)diphtheria, bacillus, antitoxin
HALLPIKE, Charles Skinner19001979England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianPeep-Show technique for pure tone audiometry (1947); Dix-Hallpike Test (1952); Elicitation of extreme vertigo upon lateral movement of a patient's head when lying in a supine position, BPPV
GRÖNBLAD, Ester Elizabeth18981970Sweden, Swedish, svenskaOphthalmologyGrönblad-Strandberg syndrome (1929)PXE, angiod streaks, Furusund, ophthalmologist, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum, Groenblad,
CALL, Emma Louise18471937Physician, anatomistUSA, America, AmericanCall-Exner body (1875)granulosa cell tumours, Graafscher Follikel, Siegmund Exner, gonadoblastomas; sclerosing stromal tumours of the ovary; and in endometrioid carcinoma of the ovary
ASHBY, Winfred Mayer18791975USA, America, AmericanPathologistAshby technique (1919)pianist, rcc, rbc, erythrocyte, piano, life-span,
CROSTI, Agostino18961988Italian, Italy, italianodermatologistCrosti syndrome (1951); Gianotti-Crosti syndrome (1955)reticulohistiocytoma of the back, Acrodermatitis papulosa infantilis, Papular acrodermatitis of childhood, Acrodermatitis Papular,
GIANOTTI, Ferdinando19201984Italian, Italy, italianopediatric dermatologistGianotti-Crosti syndrome (1955)Acrodermatitis papulosa infantilis, Papular acrodermatitis of childhood, Acrodermatitis Papular,
BURKITT, Denis Parsons19111993Irish, Ireland, northern Ireland, Norn IrishSurgery, surgeon, public healthBurkitt lymphoma (1958)EBV, Kampala, Uganda, bush surgeon, epstein
BARR, Yvonne Margaret19322016Irish, Ireland, Southern Ireland, AustralianVirologistEpstein-Barr virus (1964)Burkitt, HHSV-4, EBV
MENTEN, Maud Leonora18791960Canada, CanadianPhysician, biochemist, pathologistMichaelis-Menten equation (1913); Menten-Junge-Green method (1844)Salmonella toxin, vitamin C, sedimentation, haemoglobin, protein electrophoresis,
GAMSTORP, Ingrid19242007Sweden, Swedish, svenskaPaediatric neurologistGamstorp disease (1956); Gamstorp-Wohlfart Syndrome (1959)
SANTAVUORI, Pirkko19332004Finalnd, Suomi, Suomen tasavalta, Finnishpediatric neurologistSantavuori syndrome (1973), Muscle–Eye–Brain (MEB) disease (1977)Santavuori-Haltia syndrome, Hagberg, infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, infantile onset spinocerebellar ataxia, IOSCA, INCL, MED, Jansky-Bielchowsky disease,
DE LANGE, Cornelia Catharina18711951Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, NederlandsPaediatrician, pediatricsCornelia de Lange syndrome (1933)
SOTTAS, Jules18661945France, French, françaisneurologist, general practitioner, GP, historian, astronomerDejerine-Sotass disease (1893)naval history, neurology, paris, atrophy, HMNS
WILLIAMS, Cicely Delphine18931992Jamaica, Jamaican Patois, Paediatrician, nutritionist, activistKwashiorkor (1933)advocate, world health, malnutrition, nutrition, child health, breast feeding, ackee fruit, Kwashiorkor,
CORI, Gerty Theresa18961957Czech, čeština, Tschechisch, Czech Republic, Česká republikabiochemistCori cycle (1929); Cori ester (1936)G1p, glucose, glycogen
DICK, Gladys Rowena18811963USA, America, Americanphysician, pathologistDick Test (1924)scarlet fever, toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, hemolytic strep
CANADA, Wilma Jean19262017USA, America, AmericanRadiology, radiologistCronkhite-Canada syndrome (1955)polyposis, ectodermal, diner
HOGG, Georgina Ruth19162002Canada, CanadianPathologist Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (1977)Hornstein-Knickenberg, fibrofolliculoma
KNICKENBERG, MonikaGerman, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandDermatologyHornstein-Knickenberg syndrome (1975)Birt-Hogg-Dubé, perifollicular fibromas, extracutaneous cancer, colon polyps
HORNSTEIN, Otto Paul19262018German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandDermatologistHornstein-Knickenberg syndrome (1975)Birt-Hogg-Dubé, perifollicular fibromas, extracutaneous cancer, colon polyps
KENT, Albert Frank Stanley18631958England, English, UK, BritishPhysiologistBundle of Kent (1893, 1913)cardiology, anatomy, His, cardiac conduction
HIS, Wilhelm Jr18631934Swiss, SwtizerlandAnatomist, cardiologistBundle of His (1893), Werner-His disease (1916)cardiology, anatomy, trench fever
MENIÈRE, Prosper17991862France, French, françaisphysician, ENTMenière's disease (1861)ENT, otology, BPPV, vestibuilar, tinnitus
BÁRÁNY, Róbert18761936Hungary, Hungarian, MagyarENT, otolaryngology, otologistBárány chair, Bárány past pointing test, Bárány caloric testvestibular system, BPPV, nobel prize, auditory canal, POW, prisoner,
POLITZER, Adam18351920Hungary, Hungarian, MagyarENT, otolaryngology, otologistPolitzer manouvre (1863)ENT, otology, BPPV, vestibuilar
EPLEY, John McNaughton19302019USA, America, Americanotolaryngologist, ENTEpley maneuver (1980)ENT, BPPV, test, Hypotympanotomy retractor
GOODPASTURE, Ernest William18861960USA, America, AmericanPathologistGoodpasture syndrome (1919)renal, kidney, anti-GBM
KAWASAKI, Tomisaku1925Japanese. Japan, 日本語pediatrician, paediatricianKawasaki disease (1967)vasculitis, coronary aneurysm, strawberry tongue, desquamation, IVIG, ASA,
MEES, Rudolf Adriaan18731964Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, NederlandsPsychiatrist, PhysicianMees lines (1919)arsenic, poisoning, transverse white bands, nails, clinical examination, nail sign
LINDSAY, Philip Gaylord19372017USA, America, AmericanPhysician, psychiatristLindsay's nails (1967)azotemia, renal failure, aki,
TERRY, Richard Barratt19141960England, English, UK, BritishPhysician, hepatologist, liver diseaseTerry's nails (1954)liver disease, white nails, leuchoniychia, leukonychia, lunula, ground-glass
MUEHRCKE, Robert Carl19212003USA, America, AmericanPhysician, renal, nephrologistMuehrcke lines (1956)hypoalbunemia, nails, nail sign, 132 infantry, transverse lines, leuchonychia, leukonychia, hypoalbunaemia
MOYNIHAN, Berkeley George Andrew18651936England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon, surgeryMoynihan sign (1905); Moynihan forceps; Moynihan gutter; Moynihan humppancreas, gallbladder, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, right hepatic artery, caterpillar, lancellot spratt, sir, baron, lord, Leeds,
MORISON, James Rutherford18531939England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon, surgeryMorison pouch (1894), BIPP (1916)BIPP, pouch, hepatorenal, gallbladder, gallstones,
COLLINS, Patrick Gerard19231999Ireland, Irish, Gaeilgegeneral surgeonCollins sign (2009)cholelithiasis, gallbladder, cholecystitis, referred pain,
BOAS, Ismar Isidor18581938German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandGastroenterologistBoas sign (1894); Boas point (1894); Boas algesimeter (1891)cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, biliary tract, gallbladder, referred pain
ALDERS, Nicholas19041995Hungary, Hungarian, Magyar, Austria, Österreicher, AustrianObstetric, gynecologyAlders sign (1951)appendicitis, pregnancy, shifting tenderness
MALLET-GUY, Pierre18971995France, French, françaisSurgeonMallet-Guy sign (1943)pancreatitis, chronic, clinical examination, palpation
BALLANCE, Sir Charles Alfred18561936England, English, UK, BritishSurgeonBallance sign (1898)spleen, ENT, facial nerves, transplant
LOCKWOOD, Charles Barrett18561914England, English, UK, BritishsurgeonLockwood sign (1932); Lockwood's operation (1898); Lockwood's suspensory ligament (1885); Lockwood's tendon (1885)trickle fo flatulence, appendicitis, eye anatomy, ligament, femoral hernia, low approach
CORNO MONTINI, Renzo1926 19271965Italian, Italy, italiano, Peru, Lima, Peruvianpediatric, orthopedicCorno disease (1956)Sprengel, autosomal dominant, familial, scapula, Sprengel, scapula, familial, autosomal dominant, lima, peru
TOLOSA, Eduardo19001981Spain, Spanish, Español, EspañaNeurosurgeonTolosa-Hunt syndrome (1954)headache, Nonspecific inflammation of the cavernous sinus or superior orbital fissure, Painful ophthalmoplegia
RAZDOLSKII, Ivan Yakovlievich18901962Russia, Russian, РоссияNeurosurgeon, neuropathologistRazdolsky sign (1924)Иван Яковлевич Раздольский, spina iliaca, iliac spine, reflex
VOSKRESENSKY, Vladimir Mikhailovich19021951Russia, Russian, РоссияsurgeonVoskresensky sign (1940)appendicitis, clinical examination right iliac fossa, sliding, shirt, shirt-lifting, gliding sign, symptom
JOSEPH, Sister Mary18561939USA, America, AmericanNurse, sisterSister Joseph Nodule (1928)cancer, metastasis, umbilicus, adenocarcinoma, julia dempsey, nodule, pants-button, mayo, belly-button
ALIBERT, Jean-Louis-Marc17681837France, French, françaisDermatologistAlibert-Bazin syndrome (1825, 1858); Alibert disease (1816); Alibert mentagra (1825)Sycosis barbae, False keloid, keloid, Pian Fungoides, mycosis fungoides, T-cell lymphoma, Bazin
SPRENGEL, Otto18521917German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandsurgeonSprengel's deformity (1891); Coxa vera (1898)scapula, inscision, appendicitis, elevated, crono, renzo
BAMBERGER, Heinrich von18221888Austria, Österreicher, AustrianPhysicianBamberger sign (1856); Bamberger disease; Bamberger-Concato diseasePericardial Effusion, Pericarditis, Pericardial effusion, albuminuria, polyserositis, TB, ewart sign
MERKLEN, Pierre Félix18521906France, French, françaisPhysician, cardiologistGenu-pectorale (1892)Pericardial Effusion, squatting, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion
ZEHETMAYER, Franz18131846Austria, Österreicher, AustrianPhysicianKnie-Ellbogenlage (1845)Pericardial Effusion, squatting, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion
EWART, William18481929England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianEwart sign (1896); Ewart sign II (1896)twelve signs of pericardial effusion, Pericardial Effusion, squatting, knee-chest, Pericarditis, Pericardial effusion
LOWER, Richard16311691England, English, UK, BritishPhysiologistBlood transfusion (1666)Blood transfusion, Xenotransfusion, Cardiac tamponade
DENIS, Jean-Baptiste16351704France, French, françaisPhysician, philosopher, mathematicianXenotransfusion (1667); essence de Denis (1673)liqueur hémostatique, Denis haemostatic solution, Blood transfusion, sheep blood, calf blood
HIRTZ, Edgard18491916German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysicianHirtz sign (1911)Pericardial Effusion, squatting, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion
HEIM, Ernst Ludwig17471834German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysician, botanistHeim–Kreysig sign (1816)Pericarditis adherent
BARRERE, Pierre16901755France, French, françaisPhysician, BotanistKnee-chest position in pericardial effusionPericardial Effusion, squatting, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion
KREYSIG, Friedrich Ludwig17791839German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysician, botanistHeim–Kreysig sign (1816)Pericarditis adherent, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion
BROMAGE, Philip Raikes19202013England, English, UK, BritishAnaesthetistBromage scoremotor blockade, spinal, epidural
GISSANE, William18981981Australian, AustraliaSurgeonGissane angle (1946)Foot, calcaneum, accident surgery, emergency medicine, casualty, Birmingham
WOLTMAN, Henry18991964USA, America, AmericanNeurologist, neurologyWoltman sign (1924)Reflex, myotoinia, myxoedema, myxedema, chaney, Mayo clinic, hypothyroid, Chaney
WUNDERLICH, Carl Reinhold August18151877German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysicianWunderlich syndrome (1856); Wunderlich law (1868); Clinical Thermometry (1868)typhoid fever, renal haemorrhage, thermometer
MOSSO, Angelo18461910Italian, Italy, italianoPhysiologistMosso Method (1880); Mosso Balance (1882); Bozzolo sign (1887)aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, nasal mucosa, pulsation, muscular fatigue, exhaustion
PERMAN, Emil18561946Sweden, Swedish, svenskaGeneral SurgeonPerman sign (Perman-Rovsing sign) (1904)Appendicitis, LLQ, RLQ, rovsing,
BASTEDO, Walter Arthur18731952Canada, CanadiangastroenterologistBastedo sign (1909)Appendicitis, clinical sign, rovsing, insufflation, air enema,
MAGILL, Sir Ivan Whiteside18881986Ireland, Irish, GaeilgeAnaesthetistMagill Forceps (1921), Magill curve (1926), Magill ETT (1928),Equipment, laryngoscope, ETT, endotracheal tube, blind intubation, apparatus,
MACINTOSH, Sir Robert Reynolds18971989New Zealand, NZAnaesthetist and SurgeonMacintosh Laryngoscope blade (1943), gum elastic bougie (1949), RFD 5580 life jacket (1941), light wand (1957)Equipment, laryngoscope, curved
BIER, August Karl Gustav18611949German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeonBier Block (1908)Procedure, orthopedic, local anesthetic, prilocaine, colles, fracture
FOLEY, Frederic Eugene Basil18911966USA, America, AmericanurologistFoley Catheter (1929); Foley Operation (1937); Foley artificial urethral sphincter (1947); Foley rotatable resectoscope (1949); Foley hydraulic operating table (1950)Equipment, urology, catheter, prostate, hemostatic control, IDC,
RYLE, John Alfred18891950England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianRyle nasogastric tube (1921); angor animiNGT, nasogastric tube, angor animi
YANKAUER, Sidney18721932USA, America, Americanotolaryngologist, ENT, surgeonYankauer mask (1904); Yankauer suction catheter (1907); Yankauer operation (1910); Yankauer laryngeal medicator (1907); Yankauer Speculum (1911); Yankauer surgical instruments (1917); Equipment, Airway, ENT, suction
SELLICK, Brian Arthur19181996England, English, UK, BritishAnaesthetistSellick manouvre (1961)Procedure, cricoid, anesthesia, regurgitation, reflux, monouver
SELDINGER, Sven Ivar19211998Sweden, Swedish, svenskaRadiologistSeldinger Technique (1953)Procedure
GUEDEL, Arthur Ernest18831956USA, America, AmericananaesthesiologistGuedel-Waters cuffed ETT (1928); Guedel airway (1933); Guedel laryngeal plug (1934); Guedel classification (1937)Equipment, Airway, OPA, anesthesia depth, ether, cuff, endotracheal
GANZ, William19192009Slovakian, SlovakiacardiologyPulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) catheter (1970)Equipment, vascular access
SWAN, Jeremy19222005Ireland, Irish, GaeilgePulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) catheter (1970)Equipment, vascular access
WALDENSTRÖM, Jan Gösta19061996Sweden, Swedish, svenskaPhysician, haematologyWaldenström macroglobulinemia (1944); Waldenström uveoparotitis (1937); Waldenström hyperglobulinaemia (1943);  Waldenström disease (1945); Waldenström hepatitis (1950)
MÜLLER, Friedrich von18581941German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysicianMüller sign (1889)aortic regurgitation, pulsatile uvula, soft palate, incompetence
DUROZIEZ, Paul Louis18261897France, French, françaisPhysician, GPDuroziez Sign (1861); Duroziez disease; Duroziez rhythmmurmur, aortic regurgitation, insufficiency, double, femoral artery
CORRIGAN, Dominic John18021880Ireland, Irish, GaeilgePhysicianCorrigan pulse (1832); Corrigan sign; Corrigan button; Corrigan diseaseaortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, expansile, hammer, firing,
BECKER Otto Heinrich Enoch18281890German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandOphthalmologistBecker sign (1871); Becker testaortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, Prominent (spontaneous) pulsation of the retinal arteries.
BLUMGART, Herrmann Ludwig18951977USA, America, AmericanPhysicianBlumgart-Erstene murmur (1933); Blumgart–Yens detector (1925)nuclear medicine, radioactive, aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, nuclear medicine
COLE, Rufus18721966USA, America, AmericanPhysicianCole-Cecil murmur (1908)aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, murmur, diastolic, axilla
MINGAZZINI, Giovanni18591929Italian, Italy, italianoNeurologist, neurologyMingazzini test; Mingazzini field; Mingazzini manoeuvre; barre test, arm drift, lenticular
LANDOLFI, Michele18781959Italian, Italy, italianoPhysicianLandolfi sign (1909); Phonacoscopy (1906)aortic regurgitation, pupil ciculatory hippus, Phonacoscopy, fonacoscopio, pulmonary TB
QUINCKE, Heinricus Irenaeus18841922German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysicianQuincke’s pulse (1868); Quincke’s oedema (1882); Achorion of Quincke (1886); Lumbar puncture (1891); Quincke spinal needleEquipment, nobel prize, Needle, aortic regurgitation, pulse, fungus, mouse favus,
WATSON, Thomas17921882England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianWatson water-hammer pulse (1837)aortic regurgitation, water hammer, palpable pulse, insufficiency
TRAUBE, Ludwig18181876German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysician, pathologistTraube's sign, Traube ‘double-tone' (1867); Traube’s space (1868); Traube's pulse (1872)pistol shot, aortic regurgitation, insufficiency, pleural effusion, gastric bubble, pulsus bigeminus, pulsus alternans
BARRÉ, Jean-Alexandre18801967France, French, françaisNeurologistGuillain-Barré syndrome (1916); Barré sign (1919); Barré-Liéou syndrome (1926); Barré test (1937)GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute inflammatory paralytic neuropathy, Mingazzini
GUILLAIN, Georges Charles18761961France, French, françaisNeurologistGuillain-Barré syndrome (1916); Guillain-Thaon syndrome (1913); Guillain sign (1923); Guillain-Betrand-Lereboullet syndrome (1934); Garcin-Guillain syndrome (1927); Guillain-Mollaret triangle (1933)GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute inflammatory paralytic neuropathy
KARTAGENER, Manes18971975Austria, Polish, SwissphysicianKartagener syndrome (1933)
Kartagener disease (1942)
Eosinphilia, chronic lung, primary ciliary dyskinesia, situs inversus, bronchiectasis
LEMIERRE, André-Alfred18751956France, French, françaisBacteriologistLemierre syndrome (1936)ENT, postanginal, septicemia, oropharyngeal, internal jugular, bacteraemia, anaerobic,
EARLE, Henry17891838England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon, surgeryEarle-Volkmann triangle (1829)Ankle, posterior tibia fracture, conservative management, fracture bed, shoulder brace, cock-sparrow, bat, lancet
HUETER, Carl18381882German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeon, surgeryHueter-Volkmann Law (1862)anatomy, hallux valgus, bone growth, immature bone, obesity
MONRO, Alexander (secundus)17331817Scottish, ScotlandPhysician, anatomistMonro-Kellie hypothesis (1783)
Foramen of Monro (1783)
bell, kellie, ICP, brain, CSF
FOURNIER, Jean-Alfred18321914France, French, françaisDermatologistFournier gangrene (1883); Fournier sign (1891) Reactive arthritis (1868)Reactive arthritis, gangrene, perineal, scrotum, penile
KELLIE, George17701829Scottish, ScotlandSurgeon, surgeryMonro-Kellie hypothesis (1824)ICP, CSF, Leith, shark
BONNET, Charles17201793Swiss, schweizerisch, Switzerland, GenevaNaturalistCharles Bonnet syndrome (1760)Hallucination, visual impairment, entomology, visual hallucination, Republic of Geneva, grandfather
COTARD, Jules18401889France, French, françaisPsychiatristCotard Syndrome (1882)Delusion, nihilistic delusions, délire des négations
MEYER, Robert18641947German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandGynaecologyWeigert-Meyer rule (1877)urology, ureter, law, rule, duplication, insertion
WEIGERT, Carl18451904German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPathologistWeigert-Meyer rule (1877)
Weigert's law (1896)
urology, ureter, law, rule, duplication, insertion
KERLEY, Peter James19001979Ireland, Irish, GaeilgeRadiologist, radiologyKerley lines (1933)Radiology, CXR, pulmonary oedema, edema
PANTRIDGE, Frank19162004Northern Ireland, Norn IrishCardiology, cardiologist, emergency medicinePantridge defibrillator (1965), Pantridge Plan (1966)portable defibrillator, prehospital, belfast plan, mobile coronary care unit, belfast, AED,
BURNS, Allan17811813Scottish, ScotlandAnatomy, surgery, surgeonBurns ligament (1802)
Cardiac resuscitation (1809)
falciform ligament, crural, hernia, electric shock, CPR, resucitation
LIBMAN, Emanuel18721946USA, America, AmericanPhysicianLibman-Sacks endocarditis (1924)Endocarditis, SLE, lupus, APS, nonbacterial, verrucous
SACKS, Benjamin18961971USA, America, AmericanPhysicianLibman-Sacks endocarditis (1924)Endocarditis, SLE, lupus, APS, nonbacterial, verrucous
HEBERDEN, William17101801England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianHeberden nodes; Angina pectoris; HSPHeberden nodes; Angina pectoris; HSP
CHILAIDITI, Dimítrios18831975Turkey, Türk, TurkishRadiologist, RadiologyChilaiditi syndrome (1910)Intestine, symptomatic hepatodiaphragmatic interposition associated with abdominal pain, nocturnal vomiting, anorexia, and abdominal distension
BAASTRUP, Christian Ingerslev18851950Danish, Denmark, DanskRadiologist, RadiologyBaastrup sign/disease (1933)kissing spine, LBP, lumbar spine, neurosurgical
PENDRED, Vaughan18691946England, English, UK, BritishGeneral Practice, GPPendred Syndrome (1896)Thyroid, Goitre, Deafness
WESTERMARK, Nils Johan Hugo18921980Sweden, Swedish, svenskaRadiologist, RadiologyWestermark sign (1938)PTE, CXR, regional oligaemia, pulmonary embolus, PTE, oligemia
HAMPTON, Aubrey Otis19001955USA, America, AmericanRadiologist, RadiologyHampton Hump (1940)PTE, CXR, pulmonary infarction, pleural-based, pulmonary embolus
FLEISCHNER, Felix G18931969Austria, Österreicher, AustrianRadiologist, RadiologyFleischner Sign (1959)PTE, CXR, central pulmonary artery enlargement, pulmonary embolism
CHANG, CH Joseph19292017USA, America, AmericanRadiologist, RadiologyChang sign (1965)PTE, CXR, pulmonary infarction, pulmonary artery dilation, right descending pulmonary artery enlargement
PALLA, Antonio1950Italian, Italy, italianoRadiologistPalla Sign (1983)PTE, CXR, chang sign, dilated right descending pulmonary artery, right descending pulmonary artery enlargement
EKBOM, Karl-Axel19071977Sweden, Swedish, svenskaNeurologist, neurologyEkbom syndrome II [Delusional parasitosis] (1938)
Willis-Ekbom syndrome [Restless Leg Syndrome] (1944)
delusion of parasitosis, WED, RLS, restless leg syndrome
PAGET, James18141899England, English, UK, BritishSurgeonPaget-Schroetter disease (1858)
Paget’s disease of the nipple (1874)
Paget’s disease of bone (1876)
Knee, osteochondrosis, apophysitis, OSD, Osteitis deformans, Vascular compression, Osgood-schlatter (1891), Carpal tunnel, pagets disease, disease of the nipple, upper limb DVT, effort thrombosis
VON SCHRÖTTER, Leopold18371908Austria, Österreicher, AustrianSurgeonPaget-Schroetter disease (1884)Upper limb DVT, deep venous thrombosis, effort induced thrombosis,
HAWKINS, Leland Greene19331991USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic SurgeonHawkins fracture (1970)Talus, astralgus
LAZAREVIĆ, Laza18511891Serbian, Serbia, СрпскиNeurologyLazarević sign (1880)Spine Lumbar lumbar disc lesions, sciatica - SLR test
LASÈGUE, Ernest Charles18161883France, French, françaisPhysicianLasègue's sign (1864); Lasègue-Falret syndrome (1877)Spine Lumbar lumbar disc lesions, sciatica - SLR test, folie a deux
LEWIS, Gwylim19141999USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic SurgeonHolstein–Lewis fracture (1963)Humerus Distal 1/3 radial nerve palsy
PIPKIN, Garrett19041981USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic SurgeonPipkin fracture-dislocation (1957)Hip femoral head fracture
GARDEN, Robert Symon19101982England, English, UK, BritishSurgeonGarden Classification of intracapsular femoral neck fractures (1961)Hip Classification, AVN, avascular necrosis
KIENBÖCK, Robert18711953Austria, Österreicher, AustrianRadiologistKienböck disease (1910)Hand, Carpus, Lunate, AVN, avascular necrosis
THOMAS, Hugh Owen18341891Wales, Welsh, CymruOrthopaedic SurgeonThomas splint (1865), Thomas testEquipment
ALBERS-SCHÖNBERG, Heinrich18651921German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandRadiologistAlbers-Schönberg disease (1904)Bone, Osteopetrosis, marble bone disease, increased radiologic density of the bones
POTT, Percivall17141788England, English, UK, BritishSurgeonPott fracture (1768); Pott puffy tumour; Pott cancer (chimney-sweepers cancer); Pott disease; Pott curvature; Pott paraplegiaAnkle fracture, scrotal cancer, chimney sweep, curvature, tuberculosis spine
MAISONNEUVE, Jacques Gilles18091897France, French, françaisSurgeonMaisonneuve fracture (1840)Ankle Fracture Proximal fibula, medial malleolar fracture with syndesomisis disruption


19172014USA, America, AmericanIntensivist

Osborn wave 1953

camel hump sign of Osborn, hypothermic hump, late delta wave, hathook junction, J wave, H wave, K wave

WENCKEBACH, Karel Frederik

18641940Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, NederlandsPhysician

Wenckebach Phenomenon (1898)

(Second degree Atrioventricular Block)

ECG, Mobitz AV Block, Mobitz Type I, 2nd degree AV block, atrioventricular block

HAY, John

18731959England, English, UK, BritishPhysician

Hay Block (1906) - [Mobitz II AV Block]

ECG, Mobitz AV Block, Mobitz Type II, 2nd degree AV block, atrioventricular block

DE WINTER, Robbert J.

1958Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, NederlandsCardiologist

de Winter T waves (2008)

STEMI, wave, T-wave, infarction, anterior STEMI equivalent, peaked T waves

ROMANO, Cesarino

19242008Italian, Italy, italianoPaediatrician

Romano-Ward Syndrome (1963)

ECG Syndrome, Congenital (autosomal dominant) long QT syndrome (LQTS)

WARD, Owen Conor

1923Ireland, Irish, GaeilgePaediatrician

Romano-Ward Syndrome (1964)

ECG Syndrome, Congenital (autosomal dominant) long QT syndrome (LQTS)


19011987Norway, Norge, NorwegianPhysician

Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome (1957)

ECG Syndrome, JLNS, Congenital (autosomal recessive) long QT syndrome (LQTS) bilateral sensorineural hearing loss


19191989Norway, Norge, NorwegianPhysician

Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome (1957)

ECG Syndrome, JLNS, Congenital (autosomal recessive) long QT syndrome (LQTS) bilateral sensorineural hearing loss

LOWN, Bernard

1921Lithuania, LithuanianCardiologist

Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome (1952)

ECG Syndrome, LGL, AVRT, pre-excitation, accessory conduction pathway, short PR interval

WOLFF, Louis

18981972USA, America, AmericanCardiologist

Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome (1930)

ECG Syndrome, short P-R, PR interval, paroxysmal tachycardia, pre-excitation, preexcitation


18851976England, English, UK, BritishCardiologist

Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome (1930)

ECG Syndrome, short P-R, PR interval, paroxysmal tachycardia, pre-excitation, preexcitation

WHITE, Paul Dudley

18861973USA, America, AmericanCardiologist

Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome (1930); McGinn-White pattern (1935)

ECG Syndrome, short P-R, PR interval, paroxysmal tachycardia, pre-excitation, preexcitation, s1q3t3


18801972Danish, Denmark, DanskPhysician

Bornholm disease (1930)

Chest Pain, acute, transient viral myositis associated with Coxsackievirus B. Epidemic Myalgia, pleurodynia

DA COSTA, Jacob Mendes

18331900USA, America, AmericanPhysician

Da Costa Syndrome (1871)

Chest Pain, Soldiers heart, cardiac neurosis, neurocirculatory asthenia


19091974USA, America, Americananaesthesiologist

APGAR score (1953)

Paeds Score, backronym, Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration

CULLEN, Thomas Stephen

18691953Canada, CanadianGynaecology

Cullen sign (1918)

Ecchymosis, abdominal, atraumatic, ectopic pregnancy

BRYANT, John Henry

18671906England, English, UK, BritishPhysician

Blue Scrotum Sign of Bryant (1903)

Ecchymosis, abdominal, atraumatic, scrotum, AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm, rupture

FOX, John Adrian

England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon

Fox's sign (1966)

Ecchymosis, abdominal, atraumatic, AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm, pancreatitis

STABLER, Francis Edward

19021967England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon Gynaecologist

Stabler Sign (1934)

Ecchymosis, abdominal, atraumatic, ectopic pregnancy


18771951England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon

Grey Turner sign (1920)

Ecchymosis, abdominal, atraumatic, pancreatitis, flank haemorrhage

THOMPSON, T. Campbell

19021986USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic Surgeon

Thompson Test (1962)

achilles, Simmonds Test, Thompson Test, Calf squeeze Test, achiles tendon rupture

SIMMONDS, Franklin Adin

19101983England, English, UK, BritishOrthopaedic Surgeon

Simmonds Test (1957)

achilles, Simmonds Test, Thompson Test, Calf squeeze Test, achiles tendon rupture


16681738Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, NederlandsPhysician, anatomist, botanist, chemist and humanist

Boerhaave syndrome (1724)

Oesophagus, rupture, oesophageal


18901969Poland, Polish, PolskieCardiologist

Dressler Beat (1952), Dressler Syndrome (1956)

Pericarditis, Pericardial effusion, ECG, VT, Fusion beat

PANCOAST, Henry Khunrath

18751939USA, America, AmericanRadiologist

Pancoast tumour, Pancoast Syndrome (1924)

NSLSC, lung carcinoma, neoplasm, horner syndrome, Radicular pain, local compression of brachial plexus

LE FORT, Léon Clément

18291893France, French, françaisSurgeon

Wagstaffe-Le Fort Fracture (1886)

Ankle Fracture fibula anteromedial ATFL


18691951France, French, françaisSurgeon

Le Fort facial fracture classification (1901)

Facial fractures

GOYRAND, Jean-Gaspard Blaise

18031866France, French, françaisSurgeon

Goyrand Fracture (1832)

Wrist Distal radius fracture Smith

VELPEAU, Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie

17951867France, French, françaisGeneral Surgeon

Velpeau bandage

leukaemia, hidradenitis suppurativa, bandage, paget's disease of nipple


17871847France, French, françaisSurgeon and Gynecologist

Lisfranc fracture (1815)

Foot Fracture, ligament, fore-foot, mid-foot, amputation, line, joint

CHOPART, François

17431795France, French, françaisSurgeon

Chopart fracture-dislocation (1792)

Foot Fracture, amputation, line, joint, hindfoot, feet, foot injury

TILLAUX, Paul Jules

18341904France, French, françaisSurgeon

Tillaux-Chaput fracture (1876)

Appareil de Tillaux, Manœuvre de Tillaux, Aïe crépitant de Tillaux

Ankle Fracture fibula posterolateral SH III, de quervain, tenosynovitis

CHAPUT, Henri Victor

18571919France, French, françaisSurgeon

Tillaux-Chaput fracture (1899)

Les gants de Chaput

Ankle Fracture fibula posterolateral SH III, Les gants de Chaput, surgical gloves, Terrilon, stovaine

WAGSTAFFE, William Warwick (senior)

18431910England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon

Wagstaffe-Le Fort Fracture (1875)

Ankle Fracture fibula anteromedial ATFL


18681940Swiss, schweizerisch, SwitzerlandSurgeon

De Quervain disease (1894)

Wrist tenosynovitis, pseudohermaphroditism, subacute struma, subacute thyroiditis

KOCHER, Emil Theodor

18411917Swiss, schweizerisch, SwitzerlandSurgeon

Kocher shoulder reduction

shoulder reduction, thyroid disease, thyroidectomy, asepsis


18831975USA, America, AmericanSurgeon

Finkelstein Test (1930)

Wrist tenosynovitis, eichoiff, tillaux, de quervain

PIROGOV, Nikolay Ivanovich

18101881Russia, Russian, РоссияSurgeon

Amputation of Pirogov (1854)

Foot amputation, ether, trauma surgery, military surgery, female nurses, Никола́й Ива́нович Пирого́в


18731945Italian, Italy, italianoOrthopaedic Surgeon

Rolando Fracture (1910)

Thumb, fracture, base, three-part, intra-articular, metacarpal, 3 part, tripartate

SMITH, Robert William

18071873Ireland, Irish, GaeilgeSurgeon

Smith fracture (1847)

Wrist Distal radius fracture volar

PETIT, Jean-Louis

16741750France, French, françaisSurgeon

Colles Fracture (**1705)

Wrist Distal radius fracture, tourniquet

BATTLE, William Henry Marfleet

18551936England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon

Battle sign (1890)

Base of skull fracture, mastoid ecchymosis

MOORE, Edward Mott

18141902USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic Surgeon

Moore fracture (1870)

Wrist Distal radius

BARTON, John Rhea

17941871USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic Surgeon

Barton fracture (1838)

Wrist Distal radius fracture


19111990England, English, UK, BritishActor

Terry-Thomas Sign (1977)

Hand Carpus scapholunate

MALGAIGNE, Joseph François

18061865France, French, françaisSurgeon

Malgaigne pelvic fracture (1859)

unstable pelvic fracture

COLLES, Abraham

17731843Ireland, Irish, GaeilgeSurgeon

Colles fracture (1814)

Wrist Distal radius fracture


17251775France, French, françaisSurgeon

Pouteau Fracture (Colles) (1760)

Wrist Distal radius fracture

CODMAN, Ernest Amory

18691940USA, America, AmericanSurgeon

Codman triangle (1926)
Codman tumour (1931)
Codman exercises (1934)
Codman test (1934)

Shoulder, rotator cuff, subacromial bursitis

MONTEGGIA, Giovanni Battista

17621815Italian, Italy, italianoSurgeon

Monteggia fracture (1812)

Forearm fracture, ulna fracture, radius dislocation

BADO, José Luis

19031977Uruguay, uruguayanSurgeon

Bado Classification (1962)

Forearm fracture, ulna fracture, radius dislocation


17221809Austria, Österreicher, AustrianPhysicianAuenbrugger Sign (1761); Auenbrugger sign II (1761); Auenbrugger bone signHumerus Upper limb fracture, percussion, pericarditis, pericardial effusion,

BANKART, Arthur Sidney Blundell

18791951England, English, UK, BritishOrthopaedic Surgeon

Bankart lesion (1923)

Shoulder Operation, dislocation, glenoid, reduction, shoulder dislocation

HILL, Harold Arthur

19011973USA, America, AmericanOrthopaedic Surgeon

Hill–Sachs lesion (1940)

shoulder dislocation, reduction, posterolateral humeral depression

SACHS, Maurice David

19091987USA, America, AmericanOrthopaedic Surgeon

Hill–Sachs lesion (1940)

shoulder dislocation, reduction, posterolateral humeral depression

STIEDA, Eugen Julius Karl Paul Alfred

18691945German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeon

Köhler-Pelligrini-Stieda disease (1907)

Knee, medial, bony avulsion, MCL, medial collateral ligament


18771958Italian, Italy, italianoSurgeon

Köhler-Pelligrini-Stieda disease (1905)

Knee, medial, bony avulsion, MCL, medial collateral ligament

LEGG, Arthur Thornton

18741939USA, America, AmericanOrthopaedic Surgeon

Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (1910)


PERTHES, Georg Clemens

18691927German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandOrthopaedic Surgeon

Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (1910)


CALVÉ, Jacques

18751954France, French, françaisOrthopaedic Surgeon

Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (1910)


WALDENSTRÖM, Johann Henning

18771972Sweden, Swedish, svenskaOrthopaedic Surgeon

Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (1909)


KÖHLER , Alban

18741947German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandRadiologist

Köhler disease (1908)

rare, self-limiting, avascular necrosis, osteochondrosis, of the navicular bone in children, AVN, foot, foot injury

FREIBERG, Albert Henry

18681940USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic Surgeon

Freiberg Infraction (1914)

Foot metatarsal osteonecrosis, osteochondrosis, infraction

WEBER, Bernhard Georg

19272002Swiss, schweizerisch, SwitzerlandOrthopedic Surgeon

Danis-Weber classification (1972)

ankle fracture classification

DANIS, Robert

18801962Belgium, BelgianOrthopedic Surgeon

Danis-Weber classification (1949)

ankle fracture classification


18991976Danish, Denmark, DanskSurgeon

Lauge-Hansen classification (1950)

Ankle Fracture classification

JONES, Sir Robert

18571933Wales, Welsh, CymruOrthopaedic Surgeon

Jones fracture (1902)

Foot Fracture, 5th Metatarsal, Foot Fracture, 5th Metatarsal, early XR, foot injury, dancing, Zone II

CEDELL, Carl-Axel

1932Sweden, Swedish, svenskaOrthopedic Surgeon

Cedell fracture (1974)

Talus, Ankle fracture, Posterior talar process fracture, medial tubercle, posteromedial tubercle

SHEPHERD, Francis J.

18511929England, English, UK, BritishOrthopedic Surgeon

Shepherd fracture (1882)

Talus. Ankle, Posterior talar process fracture, lateral tubercle

OSGOOD, Robert Bayley

18731956USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic Surgeon

Osgood-Schlatter disease (1903)

osteochondrosis or traction apophysitis of the tibial tubercle knee, Knee, osteochondrosis, apophysitis, OSD,


18641934Swiss, schweizerisch, SwitzerlandOrthopedic Surgeon

Osgood-Schlatter disease (1903)

osteochondrosis or traction apophysitis of the tibial tubercle knee, Knee, osteochondrosis, apophysitis, OSD,

LELLI, Alessandro

Italian, Italy, italianoOrthopaedic Surgeon

Lelli Test (2005)

Knee exam. ACL, rupture

NOULIS, George C

18491919Greece, Greek, ΕλληνικάSurgeon

Lachman Test (1976)

Knee exam. ACL, rupture


19192007USA, America, AmericanSurgeon

Lachman Test (1976)

Knee exam. ACL, rupture

MCMURRAY, Thomas Porter

18871949England, English, UK, BritishOrthopaedic Surgeon

McMurray Test (1942)

Knee exam. Meniscus

APLEY, Alan Graham

19141996England, English, UK, BritishOrthopaedic Surgeon

Apley grind test (1947)

Knee exam. Meniscus, grind, compression, distraction, clinical examination

HARRIS, W. Robert

19222005Canada, CanadianOrthopaedic Surgeon

Salter-Harris Classification (1963)

Fracture Classification, epiphyseal plate fractures

SALTER, Robert Bruce

19242010Canada, CanadianOrthopaedic Surgeon

Salter-Harris Classification (1963)

Fracture Classification, epiphyseal plate fractures


1904Canada, CanadianOrthopaedic Surgeon

Schatzker classification (1979)

Tibia Fracture classification

SEGOND, Paul Ferdinand

18511912France, French, françaisSurgeon and Gynecologist

Segond fracture (1879)

Knee fracture ACL, LCL

ESSEX-LOPRESTI, Peter Gordon Lawrence

19161951England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon

Essex-Lopresti fracture (1951)

radial head fracture, DRUJ

GOSSELIN, Léon Athanase

18151857France, French, françaisSurgeon

Gosselin Fracture (1855)

Ankle Fracture Tibia V-shaped

BOSWORTH, David Marsh

18971979USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic Surgeon

Bosworth fracture (1947)

Ankle fracture-dislocation classification

COTTON, Frederic Jay

18691938USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic Surgeon

Cotton fracture (1915), Cotton-Loder position

Ankle Fracture trimalleolar


1946CroatiaNurse specialist

Spaso Technique (1998)

Shoulder, Dislocation, Relocation

ASHMAN, Richard

18901970USA, America, AmericanPhysiologist

Ashman Phenomenon (1947)

RBBB, ventricular ectopic, AF, Atrial fibrilliation, long-short RR interval

KATZ, Louis Nelson

18971973USA, America, AmericanCardiologist

Katz-Wachtel phenomenon (1937)

biventricular hypertrophy pediatric ecg VSD

BROWN-SÉQUARD, Charles Edouard

18171894French, France, FrancaisPhysician

Brown-Séquard Syndrome

Eccentric, elixir, spinal cord, testicles

BELL, Sir Charles

17741842Scottish, Scotland, UKPhysician

Bell's palsy (1827)

Bell's phenomenon

Long thoracic nerve of Bell

facial palsy, VII nerve, LMNX


18371909Scottish, ScotlandSurgeon

Argyll Robertson pupil (1869)

pupil, poorly reactive but with normal near accommodation, prostitute, syphillis, reflex iridoplegia

BARTON, John Rhea

17941871USA, America, AmericanOrthopedics

Barton fracture (1838)

Barton Bandage

Wrist, distal radius, fracture, volar, dorsal

BENNETT, Edward Hallaran

18371907Ireland, Irish, GaeilgeOrthopaedic Surgeon

Bennett fracture (1882); Bennett double ring splint

Thumb, base metacarpal, fracture, two-part, bipartate, bi-partate, 2 part

STEVENS, Albert Mason

18841945USA, America, AmericanPediatrician

Stevens-Johnson syndrome  (1922)

Skin, autoimmune, rash, blistering erythematous skin condition, mucous membrane, SJS

JOHNSON, Frank Chambliss

18941934USA, America, AmericanPediatrician

Stevens-Johnson syndrome (1922)

Skin, autoimmune, rash, blistering erythematous skin condition, mucous membrane, SJS

SAFAR, Peter Josef

19242003Austria, Österreicher, AustrianICU

Laws for the Navigation of Life

Intensive care, law,

GRAVES, Robert James

17961853Ireland, Irish, GaeilgePhysician

Graves disease (1835)

Graves Ophthalmopathy (1969)

Thyroid, goitre, orbitopathy, Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, Thyroid eye diseaseTAO, TED


16491734England, English, UK, BritishPhysician

Pulse watch (1707)

Pulsometer, asthmometer, second-hand watch

BASEDOW, Karl Adolph von

17991854German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysician

(Graves) - Basedow disease (1840)

Merseburger Triad Thyroid, goitre, orbitopathy, Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, Thyroid eye diseaseTAO, TED, Schweinfurther Grün

PARRY, Caleb Hillier

17551822England, English, UK, BritishPhysician

Parry-Romberg syndrome (1825, 1846); Parry Disease (Graves disease) (1825)

hirschprung, goitre, exophthalmos, basedow, facial hemiatrophy

ROMBERG, Moritz Heinrich

17951873German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysician

Romberg sign, Romberg test (1846); Parry-Romberg syndrome (1825, 1846); Howship-Romberg sign (1840, 1847)

neurology, sensory ataxia, tabes dorsalis, facial hemiatrophy, obturator


18231904Austria, Österreicher, AustrianOphthalmologist

Stellwag sign (1869)

Thyroid Eye, orbitopathy, exophthalmos, graves, ophthalmopathy


18031852England, English, UK, BritishOphthalmologist

Dalrymple sign (1852)

Thyroid Eye, orbitopathy, exophthalmos, graves

MÖBIUS, Paul Julius

18531907German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandNeurologist

Möbius disease (1884)
Möbius syndrome (1888)
Möbius sign (1894)

ophthalmoplegic migraine, congenital facial diplegia, Thyroid Eye, orbitopathy, exophthalmos, graves, weakness of eye convergence

GRAEFE, Albrecht von

18281870German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandOphthalmologist

Graefe sign (1864)

Usher syndrome (1858)

Adson-Graefe forceps

sudden visual loss due to retinal artery embolism; optic retinitis; iridectomy in angle closure, retinitis pigmentosa and perceptive deafness


18441908France, French, françaisNeurologist, psychiatrist

Joffroy sign (1893)

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, absence wrinkling forehead Graves Ophthalmopathy

LE FORT, Léon Clément

18291893France, French, françaisSurgeon

Wagstaffe-Le Fort Fracture (1875, 1886)

Great Great GrandFather of FOAMed

Le Fort amputation


Ankle Fracture fibula anteromedial ATFL FOAMed

WAGSTAFFE, William Warwick (senior)

18431910England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon

Wagstaffe-Le Fort Fracture (1875, 1886)

Ankle Fracture fibula anteromedial ATFL

CHAPUT, Henri Victor

18571919France, French, françaisSurgeon

Tillaux-Chaput fracture (1876, 1899)

Les gants de Chaput

Ankle Fracture fibula posterolateral SH III, Les gants de Chaput, surgical gloves, Terrilon, stovaine

TILLAUX, Paul Jules

18341904France, French, françaisSurgeon

Tillaux-Chaput fracture (1876, 1899)

Appareil de Tillaux

Manœuvre de Tillaux

Aïe crépitant de Tillaux

Ankle Fracture fibula posterolateral SH III, tenosynovitis

BAZETT, Henry Cuthbert

18851950England, English, UK, BritishPhysiologist

Bazett formula (1920)

QT interval, QTc, ECG, square root, RR

FRIDERICIA, Louis Sigurd

18811947Danish, Denmark, DanskPhysician

Fridericia Formula (1920)

QT interval, QTc, ECG, cube root, RR

WALLER, Augustus Desiré

18561922England, English, UK, BritishPhysiologist

First ECG in a human (1887)

ECG, Jimmy the dog, Lippmann’s capillary electrometer


18421919Italian, Italy, italianoNeuroscientist

Luciani beats; Luciani period; Group beating (1873)

Luciani beats; Luciani period; Group beating, second degree, 2nd, AV block

GALABIN, Alfred Lewis

18431913England, English, UK, BritishPhysician

Second degree Atrioventricular (AV) Block. Using apexcardiogram first to document AV block in humans (1873)

ECG, Mobitz AV Block, Mobitz, 2nd degree AV block, atrioventricular block, apexcardiogram

GASKELL, Walter Holbrook

18471914England, English, UK, BritishPhysiologist

Second degree Atrioventricular Block

ECG, Mobitz AV Block, Mobitz, 2nd degree AV block, atrioventricular block

MOBITZ, Woldemar

18891951German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysician

Mobitz Classification of Second degree Atrioventricular Block (1924)

ECG, Mobitz AV Block 2nd degree AV block, atrioventricular block

LEVINE, Samuel Albert

18911966USA, America, American, Poland, Polish, PolskieCardiologist

Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome (1952); Levine sign; Levine Scale (1933); Cossio-Levine Sign (1934)

ECG Syndrome, LGL, AVRT, pre-excitation, accessory conduction pathway, short PR interval

GANONG JR, William Francis

19242007USA, America, AmericanPhysiologist

Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome (1952)

Ganong: Review of Medical Physiology

ECG Syndrome, LGL, AVRT, pre-excitation, accessory conduction pathway, short PR interval

GIBSON, George Alexander

18541913Scottish, ScotlandPhysician

Gibson murmur (1906)

machinery murmur, second left interspace, patent ductus arteriosus, PDA


17811826France, French, françaisPhysician

Stethoscope (1816)



17981866England, English, UK, BritishPhysician

Key-Hodgkin murmur (1827); Hodgkin's disease

Murmur, diastolic murmur, aortic regurgitation, saw cutting through wood

KEY, Charles Aston

17931849England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon

Key-Hodgkin murmur (1827)

Murmur, diastolic murmur, aortic regurgitation, saw cutting through wood

ROGER, Henri-Louis

18091891France, French, françaisPediatrician

Bruit de Roger (Roger's murmur) (1879)

Murmur. VSD, ventricular septal defects

STILL, Sir George Frederic

18681941England, English, UK, BritishPaediatrician

Still's disease (1896)

Still's murmur (1909)

Murmur, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, vibratory murmur, physiological bruit, benign functional, cardiac murmur, pediatric

CABOT, Richard Clarke

18681939USA, America, AmericanPhysician

Cabot–Locke murmur (1903); Cabot rings (1903)

Murmur, mid-diastolic murmur of acute rheumatic mitral valvulitis diastolic, pernicious anemia,

LOCKE, Edwin Allen

18741971USA, America, AmericanPhysician

Cabot–Locke murmur (1903)

Murmur, early diastolic murmur, untreated anaemia

COOMBS, Carey Franklin

18791932England, English, UK, BritishPhysician

Carey Coombs Murmur (1907)

Murmur, mid-diastolic murmur of acute rheumatic mitral valvulitis diastolic

DOCK, William

18981990USA, America, AmericanPhysician

Dock's murmur (1967)

Dock's Law (Sutton's Law) (1961)

Murmur, Early diastolic murmur, severe stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery

STEELL, Graham

18511942Scottish, ScotlandPhysician

Graham Steell Murmur (1888)

Murmur, high pitched early diastolic murmur, pulmonary incompetence, pulmonary hypertension

FLINT, Austin

18121886USA, America, AmericanPhysician

Austin Flint Murmur (1862); Flint's Law (1852)

Murmur, mid-diastolic aortic regurgitant murmur heard at the apex


19051993Mexican, MexicoCardiologist

Rivero-Carvallo sign and manouver

Accentuation of the murmur of tricuspid regurgitation and tricuspid stenosis with inspiration

LEV, Maurice

19081994USA, America, AmericanCardiologist

Lenègre-Lev disease (1964)

Acquired CHB, complete heart block


19041972France, French, françaisCardiologist

Lenègre-Lev disease (1964)

Acquired CHB, complete heart block


17211770England, English, UK, BritishPhysician, Poet

Contusio cordis (1763)

von Recklinghausen Disease (1767)

Neurofibromatosis, NF-1


18331910German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPathologist

von Recklinghausen disease (1882)

Neurofibromatosis, NF-1, NF1, Café-au-lait, freckling, Lisch nodules


Argentinian, ArgentinaCardiologist

Sgarbossa criteria (1996)


HUBER, Ralph Lee

18891953USA, America, AmericanDentist

Huber-point Needle (1946) aka Tuohy Needle

Equipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic

TUOHY, Edward Boyce

19081959USA, America, Americananaesthesiologist

Tuohy Needle (1946) aka Huber-Point Needle

Equipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic

FORDYCE, John Addison

18581925USA, America, AmericanDermatologist

Fox–Fordyce disease (1902)

papule, rash, chronic, hidradenitis, Apocrine miliaria

FOX, George Henry

18461937USA, America, AmericanDermatologist

Fox–Fordyce disease (1902)

Rash, papule, chronic, hidradenitis, Apocrine miliaria

CONNER, Lewis Atterbury

18671950USA, America, AmericanCardiologist

Conner sign (1926)

Pericarditis, Pericardial effusion


1927USA, America, AmericanCardiologist

Spodick's sign (1974)

Pericarditis, ECG

STOKES, Sir William

18381900Ireland, Irish, GaeilgeSurgeon

STOKES, William

18041878Ireland, Irish, GaeilgePhysician

Stokes-Adams syndrome  (Adams 1827; Stokes 1846)

Cheyne-Stokes Respiration (Cheyne 1818; Stokes 1854)

Syncope, palpitations


17771836England, English, UK, BritishPhysician

Cheyne-Stokes Respiration (Cheyne 1818; Stokes 1854)


17771836England, English, UK, BritishPhysician

Cheyne-Stokes Respiration (Cheyne 1818; Stokes 1854)

ADAMS, Robert

17911875Ireland, Irish, GaeilgeSurgeon

Adams-Stokes syndrome (Adam 1827; Stokes 1846)

Syncope, palpitations

BIOT, Camille

18501918France, French, françaisPhysician

Biot respiration (1876)

Ataxic breathing


18221902German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysician

Kussmaul breathing (1874)

HEBRA, Ferdinand

18161880Austria, Österreicher, AustrianDermatologist

SKODA, Jospeh

18051881Czech, čeština, TschechischPhysician

Skodaic ressonance (1837)

Sign, Clinical, lung

ROKITANSKY, Karel Freiherr von

18041878Czech, čeština, TschechischPathologistMayer-Rokitansky-Küster syndrome: (1838); Rokitansky disease (1842); Rokitansky-Maude Abbott syndrome (1875); Rokitansky syndromesuperior mesenteric artery syndrome, budd-chiari, cardiac anatomy,


18601927Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, NederlandsPhysician

Einthoven triangle, Einthoven law, Einthoven string galvanometer

ECG, Einthoven's triangle

DUPUYTREN, Guillaume

17771835France, French, françaisSurgeon

DUPUYTREN Contracture

BONNET, Amédée

18091858France, French, françaisSurgeon

Lachman Test (1976)

Knee exam. ACL, rupture


17811826France, French, françaisPhysician

Stethoscope (1816)

Equipment, stethoscope, cirrhosis, melanoma

OSLER, Sir William

18491919Canada, Canadian, BritishPhysician

Oslerism; Osler Sign; Osler node; 

Aequanimitas, quote


18731949Italy, ItalianoOrthopaedic Surgeon

Rolando Fracture (1910)

Thumb, base metacarpal, fracture, three-part, tripartate, tri-partate, 3 part

SMITH, Robert William

18071873Ireland, Irish, GaeilgeOrthopaedic surgery

Smith fracture

wrist, fracture, distal radius
PHALEN, George S.19111998USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic SurgeonPhalen testCarpal Tunnel
TINEL, Jules18791952France, French, françaisNeurologistHoffmann-Tinel sign (1915)Carpal Tunnel
DURKAN, John AUSA, America, AmericanOrthopedic SurgeonDurkan test (1991)Carpal Tunnel
HOFFMANN, Paul18841962German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysiologistHoffmann-Tinel sign (1915)Carpal Tunnel
HOFFMANN, Johann18571919German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandNeurologistHoffmann reflex (1911); Werdnig–Hoffmann syndromeupper motor neuron lesion, reflex, spinal muscular atrophy type 1, hypotonia in infancy
KIRSCHNER, Martin18791942German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeon, anaesthetistKirschner Wire (K-wire)Equipment
MORTON, Thomas George18351903USA, America, AmericanSurgeonMorton Neuralgia; Morton Neuroma (1876)Foot Pain neuroma, metatarsalgia
BÖHLER, Lorenz18851973Austria, Österreicher, AustrianPhysician, SurgeonBoehler angle (1936)Foot, calcaneum
SMITH-PETERSEN, Marius Nygaard18861953Norway, Norge, NorwegianOrthopedic SurgeonSmith-Peterson approach to the hipHip Equipment
THOMPSON, Frederick Roeck19071983USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic SurgeonThompson hip prosthesisHip Equipment
MOORE, Austin Talley18991963USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic SurgeonAustin Moore hip Prosthesis (1942)Hip Equipment
BARLOW, Thomas Geoffrey19151975England, English, UK, BritishOrthopaedic SurgeonBarlow maneuver (1962)Hip Exam CDH. DDH, developmental dysplasia of the hip, congenital
ORTOLANI, Marino19041983Italian, Italy, italianoPaediatricianOrtolani test (1936)Hip Exam CDH. DDH, congenital, developmental dysplasia of the hip
GALEAZZI, Riccardo18661952Italian, Italy, italianoSurgeonGaleazzi fracture (1934), Galeazzi Test (1935)Forearm fracture dislocation, Hip Exam CDH. DDH
THROCKMORTON, Tom Bentley18851961USA, America, AmericanRadiologyThrockmorton Sign (John Thomas Sign)Hip fracture, penis points to pathology
CHARNLEY, John19111982England, English, UK, BritishOrthopedic SurgeonCharnley prosthesisHip prosthesis, equipment
NÉLATON, Auguste18071873France, French, françaisPhysicianRoser-Nélaton lineHip
ROSER, Wilhelm18171888German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandophthalmologistRoser-Nélaton line (1845)Hip
HOLSTEIN, Arthur19142000USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic SurgeonHolstein–Lewis fracture (1963)Humerus Distal 1/3 radial nerve palsy
BAKER, William Morrant18391896England, English, UK, BritishGeneral SurgeonBaker cyst (1877)Knee cyst
DUVERNEY, Guichard Joseph16481730France, French, françaisOtologistDuverney fracture (1751)Pelvis, iliac wing, fracture
NEER II, Charles Sumner19172011USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic SurgeonNeer classification proximal humeral fractures (1970)Shoulder, head of humerus
BROCA, Auguste18591924France, French, françaisOrthopaedic SurgeonBankart lesion (1890)Shoulder Operation
MILCH, Henry18951964USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic SurgeonMilch shoulder reduction (1938)Shoulder, Dislocation, Relocation
JEFFERSON, Geoffrey18861961England, English, UK, BritishNeurosurgeonJefferson Fracture (1920)Spine Cervical, fracture, atlas, C1, axial load,
SPURLING, Roy Glenwood18941968USA, America, AmericanOrthopedic SurgeonSpurling's manoeuvre (1944)Spine Cervical, radiculopathy
CHANCE, George Quentin1904England, English, UK, BritishRadiologyChance fracture (1948)Spine Lumbar Fracture
HILDEN, Wilhelm Fabricius von (William Fabry)15601634German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandNeurosurgeon
VOLKMANN, Richard von18301889German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeonVolkmann contracture
COOPER, Sir Astley Paston17681841England, English, UK, BritishSurgeonCoopers ligament
HOLDSWORTH, Frank Wild19041969England, English, UK, BritishOrthopaedic SurgeonHoldsworth fracture (1963)
KAUSCH, Walther18671928German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeonWhipple procedure (1907)Whipple procedure, pancreas
HARTMANN, Henri Albert18601952France, French, françaisSurgeonHartmann procedure (1921), Hartmann pouchColon, colorectal
HARTMANN, Alexis Frank18981964USA, America, Americanpediatrician and biochemistHartmann solution (1932)compound sodium lactate, sodium lactate solution, Ringer-Locke’s solution, Ringer-lactate, lactated Ringer’s solution (LRS)
RINGER, Sidney18351910England, English, UK, BritishclinicianRingers solution (1882)Fluids, compound sodium lactate, sodium lactate solution, Ringer-Locke’s solution, Ringer-lactate, lactated Ringer’s solution (LRS)
CODIVILLA, Alessandro18611912Italian, Italy, italianoSurgeonWhipple procedure (1898)Whipple procedure, pancreas
CURTIS, Arthur Hale18811955USA, America, AmericangynecologistFitz-Hugh Curtis Syndrome (1930)STI, RUQ pain, perihepatitic, salpingitis, PID, Chlamydia, Neisseria
FITZ-HUGH, Thomas18941963USA, America, AmericansurgeonFitz-Hugh Curtis Syndrome (1934)STI, RUQ pain, perihepatitic, salpingitis, PID, Chlamydia, Neisseria
HIRSCHSPRUNG, Harald18301916Danish, Denmark, DanskPaediatricianHirschsprung disease (1886)aganglionosis, distal colon, functional obstruction, developmental disorder, colon
NISSEN, Rudolph18961981German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeonNissen fundoplication
RAMSTEDT, Conrad18671963German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeonRAMSTEDT Pylorotomy (1912)RAMSTEDT Pylorotomy, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, pylorus, pediatric, paediatric, projectile vomit, Sir Harold Stiles, Rammstedt
LADD, William Edwards18801967USA, America, AmericanLadd's bandsLadd's bands, Ladd’s operation, Ladd-Gross syndrome, Ladd’s syndrome (1932)pediatric, paediatric, surgery
WILMS, Max18671918German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeonWilms Tumour (1899)kidney, tumour, tumor, nephroblastoma
BOCHDALEK, Vincent Alexander18011883Czech, čeština, TschechischAnatomistBochdalek hernia (1848);
Bochdalek foramen;
Bochdalek cyst;
Bochdalek basket
MECKEL, Johann Friedrich (the younger)17811833German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandAnatomistMeckel Diverticulum (1809); Meckel cartilage; Meckel syndrome; Meckel-Serres Conception of Recapitulation (1808)
MORGAGNI, Giovanni Battista16821771Italian, Italy, italianoPhysicianMorgagni hernia
SPIEGEL, Adriaan van den15781625FlemishAnatomistSpigelian hernia; Spiegelian fascia; Spigelian line; Spiegel lobe
FALLOPPIO, Gabriele15231562Italian, Italy, italianoPhysicianFallopian tube (1562)uteri tuba, tube, tubes, Fallopian, Fallopio, condom, cava tympani, stapes, placenta, fimbriae, cervix
WHIPPLE, Allen Oldfather18811963USA, America, AmericanSurgeonWhipple procedure (1934); Whipple triad (1938)Whipple procedure, Whipple triad, insulinoma
WHIPPLE, Georges Hoyt18781976USA, America, AmericanPathologistWhipple disease (1907)Whipple disease, iron, liver, anaemia, Tropheryma whipplei, lymphostasis
ARNOLD, Julius18351915German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPathologistArnold-Chiari malformation (1907)
CHIARI, Hans18511916Austria, Österreicher, AustrianPathologistBudd–Chiari syndrome (1899)
BUDD, George18081882England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianBudd–Chiari syndrome (1845)Vascular compression, Liver
ROVSING, Niels Thorkild18621927Danish, Denmark, DanskSurgeon, surgeryRovsing sign (1907); Rovsing Operation; Rovsing Syndrome;Appendicitis, perman, appendicectomy, trans gender, transgender, Male to female sex reassignment surgery
MCBURNEY, Charles Heber18451913USA, America, AmericanSurgeonMcBurney’s point (McBurney’s sign) (1889); McBurney’s Incision (1894)Appendicitis, appendix, anatomy
ARAPOV, Dmitry Alekseevich18971984Russia, Russian, РоссияSurgeonArapov contracture (1968)Дмитрий Алексеевич Арапов, appendicitis, contracture
SITKOVSKIY, Pyotr Porfiryevich18821933Russia, Russian, РоссияSurgeonSitkovskiy Sign (1922)Петр Порфирьевич Ситковский, Appendicitis
VOLKOVICH, Nikolay Markianovich18581928Russia, Russian, РоссияSurgeonVolkovich-Kocher sign (1926); McBurney's point (1898)Николай Маркианович Волкович, Appendicitis
SAINT, Charles Frederick Morris18861973South African, South AfricaSurgeonSaint Triadhiatus hiatal hernia, gallbladder disease, diverticulosis
LERICHE, René18791955France, French, françaisSurgeonLeriche operation (1913); Leriche syndrome (1940)
MÉNÉTRIER, Pierre Eugène18591935France, French, françaisSurgeon, pathologistMénétrier disease (1888)
WELLS, Philip StevenCanada, CanadianPhysicianWells scores DVT (2001); Wells scores PE (2003)PE, DVT, xcriteria, score, algorithm, investigations, thromboembolism
MONDINI, Carlo17291803Italian, Italy, italianoAnatomistMondini DeformityDeafness, cochlea, congenital
KANEKO, Ziro19151997Japanese. Japan, 日本語NeuropsychiatristDoppler flowmeter (1960)Radiology, Ultrasound, Doppler flowmeter
SATOMURA, Shigeo19191960Japanese. Japan, 日本語ScientistDoppler Cardiograph, blood-rheograph and trasncutaneous flowmeterRadiology, Ultrasound, Doppler flowmeter, trasncutaneous flowmeter, Doppler Cardiograph
LUDWIG, Carl18161895German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysicianKymographECG, cardiac physiology
GALVANI, Luigi17371798Italian, Italy, italianoPhysicianGalvanometer and the Galvanic skin response Galvanic cell; Galvani potential; Galvanic corrosion; Galvanization ECG
LEWIS, Thomas18811945Wales, Welsh, CymruCardiology, CardiologistLewis Lead (1913); Water-Hammer pulse (1933)Lewis Lead, ECG, PQRST
FONTAINE, Guy Hughes19362018France, French, françaisCardiology, cardiologistFontaine leads; Epsilon wave and ARVD/CARVD, ARVC, epsilon wave, F-ECG, bipolar precordial leads, Fontaine leads, Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
TIETZE, Alexander18641927German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeonTietze syndrome (1921)Chest Pain, costochondritis, idiopathic
WALLENBERG, Adolf18621949Poland, Polish, PolskieNeurologistWallenberg syndrome (1895); Wallenberg Tract (1896)brainstem, infarct, lateral medullary syndrome, posterior inferior cerebellar artery PICA
WOOD, Alexander18171884Scottish, ScotlandphysicianHypodermic Syringe (1853)Equipment, Needle
RYND, Francis18011861Ireland, Irish, GaeilgephysicianHypodermic Syringe (1844)Equipment, Needle
WEGENER, Friedrich19071990German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPathologistWegener granulomatosis (1936)Vasculitis, GPA, granulomatosis, polyangiitis, nazi
REITER, Hans18811969German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysicianReiter syndrome (1916)Reactive arthritis, nazi, Leptospira icterohaeinorrhagica, Weil disease
MACKENZIE, James18531925Scottish, ScotlandCardiologist, GPMackenzie polygraphFather British Cardiology, lie-detector, Mackenzie polygraph
WALDEYER, Wilhelm von18361921German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandAnatomistWaldeyer tonsillar ring (1884)chromosome, neuron theory, women in medicine, mysogenist, colonial medicine
CAPGRAS, Joseph18731950France, French, françaisPsychiatristCapgras Syndrome (1923)Delusion, delusional belief, imposter, Les Folies raisonnantes,
LYELL, Alan19172007Scottish, ScotlandDermatologistLyell syndrome 1956 (aka: Toxic epidermal necrolysis)toxic epidermal necrolysis, TEN
SHERREN, James18721945England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon, surgerySherren Triangle (1903)Appendicitis, hyperaesthesia
MARKLE IV, George Bushar19211999USA, America, AmericanSurgeon, surgeryMarkle sign (1973)Appendicitis, Markle Sign, Markle Test, Heel Drop Jarring Test
COPE, Vincent Zachary18811974England, English, UK, BritishSurgeon, surgeryCope obturator test (1919); Cope psoas test (1921)Appendicitis, Cope Psoas test, obturator sign,
BLUMBERG, Jacob Moritz18731955German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandSurgeonBlumberg sign (1907)Appendicitis, rebound tenderness, appendix
AARON, Charles Dettie18661951USA, America, AmericanGastroenterologyAaron sign (1913)Appendicitis, chronic, detroit, gastroenterology,
BASSLER, Anthony18741959USA, America, AmericanGastroenterologistBassler sign (1913)Appendicitis, chronic, pinch, pinching
ALVARADO, AlfredoUSA, America, AmericanSurgeon, surgeryAlvarado score (1986)Appendicitis, score, grading, MANTRELS
MASSOUH, FaroukEngland, English, UK, BritishSurgeon, surgeryMassouh signAppendicitis
DUNPHY, John Englebert19081981USA, America, AmericanSurgeon, surgeryDunphy sign (1953)Appendicitis, cough test, coughing
LANDRY, Jean-Baptiste Octave18261865France, French, françaisNeurologistGuillain-Barré syndrome (1859)ascending paralysis, GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute inflammatory paralytic neuropathy
STROHL, André18871977France, French, françaisNeurologistGuillain-Barré syndrome (1916)GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute inflammatory paralytic neuropathy
FISHER, Charles Miller19132012Canada, CanadianNeurologistMiller Fisher syndrome (1956)GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome, acute inflammatory paralytic neuropathy
ROSENBACH, Ottomar18511907German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysicianRosenbach sign (1878); Rosenbach-Semon Law (1880); Rosenbach test (1880)aortic regurgitation, pulsatile liver, bile in urine, paralysis of extensor before flexor muscles
HILL, Leonard Erskine18661952England, English, UK, BritishPhysiologistHill's sign (1909)aortic regurgitation, systolic pressure, popliteal-brachial gradient
BOZOLLO, Camillo18451920Italian, Italy, italianoPhysicianBozzolo sign (1887); Kahler-Bozzolo disease (1897)
de VIEUSSENS, Raymond16411715France, French, françaisAnatomistVieussens pulse (1715)aortic regurgitation, insufficiency
CUMMING, Thomas17981887Northern Ireland, Norn IrishPhysicianCuming sign (1822)aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency,
CECIL, Arthur Bond18851967USA, America, AmericanSurgeon, urologistCole-Cecil murmur (1908); Cecil operation (1946); Cecil-Culp Operation (1966)hypospadias, aortic regurgitation, AR, pulse, insufficiency, murmur, diastolic, axilla
LINCOLN, Abraham18091865USA, America, AmericanPresidentLincoln sign (1863)aortic regurgitation, popliteal artery
DRUMMOND, David18521932England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianDrummond sign (1908)aortic aneurysm, Tracheal whiff, aortic insufficiency
GERHARDT, Carl18331902German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPhysicianGerhardt sign (1882) [aka Sailer sign]pulsatile spleen, lien verberans, aortic regurgitation, insufficiency
RYTAND, David Abramson19091991USA, America, AmericanPhysician, cardiologistRytand murmur (1946); Rytand's law (1951)Murmur, mid-diastolic murmur, blowing, AV block, atroventricular block
FORSSMANN, Werner19041979German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschlandmedicine, physicianPulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) catheter (1929)cardiac cathetrization seldinger, pulmonary artery catheter, nobel prize, Equipment, vascular access, pulmonary artery catheter
COURNAND, André Frédéric18951988France, French, françaisPhysicianPulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) cathetercardiac cathetrization seldinger, pulmonary artery catheter, nobel prize, Equipment, vascular access, pulmonary artery catheter
RICHARDS, Dickinson Woodruff18951973USA, America, AmericanphysicianPulmonary artery (Swan-Ganz) cathetercardiac cathetrization seldinger, pulmonary artery catheter, nobel prize, Equipment, vascular access, pulmonary artery catheter
DENBOROUGH, Michael19292014Australia, AustralianAnaesthetist, anesthesiologyMaladie de Denborough; Malignant hyperthermia (1960); King-Denborough Syndrome (1970)malignant hyperthermia, hyperpyrexia, anesthetic
BERMAN, Robert Alvin19141999USA, America, AmericananesthesiologistBerman Airway (1949); Berman Resuscitube; Berman Respir-Aider; Berman QuikCuffOPA, oropharangeal, airway, anesthetic, translucent
HINGSON, Robert Andrew19131996USA, America, AmericanHingson-Edwards needle; Equipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic
WEISS, Jess Bernard19172007USA, America, AmericananaesthesiologistWeiss Epidural NeedleEquipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic
OVASSAPIAN, Andranik19362010USA, America, AmericananaesthesiologistOvassapian Intubating AirwayEquipment, Airway, fibreoptic, OPA
CRAWFORD, Oral Bascom19212008USA, America, AmericananesthesiologistCrawford needle (1951)Equipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic
BOYLE, Henry Edmund Gaskin18751941Barbadian, BarbadosAnaesthetistBoyle Intratracheal ether apparatus (1912); Boyle machine (1919); Boyle-Davis gag (1922)Equipment, airway, tonsillectomy, ether, nitrous
MALLAMPATI, Seshagiri Rao1941Indian, IndiaAnesthesiologistMallampati score (1985)Score, airway, intubation, anesthetic, difficult, intubation
BRAIN, Archie Ian Jeremy1942England, English, UK, BritishAnaesthetistlaryngeal mask (LMA™) (1983)Equipment, Airway
HUSTEAD, Robert19282008USA, America, AmericananesthesiologistHustead needleEquipment, Needle, epidural anaesthesia, Non coring, hypodermic
WHITACRE, Roland John19091956USA, America, AmericananesthesiologistWhitacre needleEquipment, Needle
AYRE, Thomas Philip19011979England, English, UK, BritishAnaesthetistAyre T-piece breathing system (1937)Equipment, Airway, t-piece, pediatrics
MILLER, Robert Arden19061976USA, America, AmericanAnesthesiologistMiller Laryngoscope (1941)Equipment, laryngoscope, straight, pediatric anesthesia,
CHAUSSIER, Francois17461828France, French, françaisphysiican, anatomistLe tube laryngien de Chaussier (1806)Equipment, endotracheal tube, ETT, neonatal resuscitation
MURPHY, Francis John19001972USA, America, AmericananesthesiologistMurphy eye ETT (1941)Equipment, endotracheal tube, ETT, eye
ROTH, Moritz18391914Swiss, schweizerisch, SwitzerlandpathologistRoth Spots (1872)endocarditis, ophthalmology
JANEWAY, Edward Gamaliel18411911USA, America, AmericanPhysician, pathologistJaneway lesion (1899)endocarditis
LÜER, Hermann Adolph Wülfing18361910German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandManufacturerLuer SyringeJeanne Amélie Lüer, syringe, equipment,
MURPHY, John Benjamin18571916USA, America, AmericanSurgeonMurphy Sign (1894); Murphy’s Punch Test; Murphy’s sequence; Murphy Button; Murphy’s Drip; Murphy’s TriadRUQ Pain, gallbladder, cholecystitis, biliary colic, renal colic, pyelonephritis, Anastomosis,
EGER II, Edmond I19302017USA, America, AmericananesthesiologistMinimal alveolar concentration (MAC)Physiology
FALRET, Jules Phillipe18241902France, French, françaisPsychiatristLasègue-Falret syndrome (1877)folie a deux
FALRET, Jean Pierre17941870France, French, françaisPsychiatristFalret syndrome (1854)manic depression, bipolar
GANSER, Sigbert Josef Maria18531931German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPsychiatristGanser Syndrome (1898)
SYME, James17991870Scottish, ScotlandGeneral surgeonSyme foot amputationFoot amputation, aseptic technique, oesophagectomy, urethral stricture, rectum
MÜLLER, Walther18881949German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandOrthopedic surgeonMueller–Weiss syndrome (1927)Foot, avascular necrosis, osteonecorsis, navicular bone, foot, spontaneous, adult
WEISS, Konrad18911976Austria, Österreicher, AustrianRadiologistMueller–Weiss syndrome (1927)Foot, avascular necrosis, osteonecorsis, navicular bone, foot, spontaneous, adult
BRAILSFORD, James Frederick18881961England, English, UK, BritishRadiologistBrailsford disease (1939)Foot, avascular necrosis, osteonecorsis, navicular bone, foot, spontaneous, adult
CERADINI, Giulio18441894Italian, Italy, italianoPhysiologist, engineerBozzolo sign (1887); Block-Sistema Automatico; semilunar valve closure (1872)engineer
PINS, Emil18451913Austria, Österreicher, AustrianPhysicianPins Sign (1889), Pins Sign II (1889); Pins musical heart murmur (1890)Pinsschen Zeichen, Mediastinalgeräusch, Pericardial Effusion, squatting, Knie-Ellbogenlage, genu-pectorale, Knee-chest position, pericardial effusion
HOWSHIP, John17811841England, English, UK, BritishsurgeonHowship-Romberg sign (1840); Howship lacunae;illustration, obturator, hernia, neuralgia, GFS, osteoclasts, growing skull fracture, Pettigrew
BRYAN, Williams McIver Jr19172007USA, America, AmericanObstetrics, GynecologyBryan sign (1955)pregnancy, gravid, appendicitis, clinical sign
DIX, Margaret Ruth19021991USA, America, AmericanNeurologistDix–Hallpike test (1952)Elicitation of extreme vertigo upon lateral movement of a patient's head when lying in a supine position
NITABUCH, Raissa1859Russia, Russian, РоссияPhysician, anatomist, pathologistNitabuch membrane (1887)placenta, fibrinoid layer,
PURKINJE, Jan Evangelista17871869Czech, čeština, TschechischAnatomist, PhysiologistPurkinje fibres (1845)cardiology, anatomy,
ASCHOFF, Ludwig18661942German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPathologist, physicianAschoff bodies (1904); Rokitansky-Aschoff Sinuses (1905); Aschoff-Tawara node (1906)gallbladder, adenomyositis, cardiology, anatomy, AV node
TAWARA, Sunao18731956Japanese. Japan, 日本語Pathologist, physicianTawara node (1906)cardiology, anatomy, AV node, atrioventricular,
LANGHANS, Theodor18391915German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPathologistLanghans giant cells (1868); layer of Langhans; Langhans fibrinoid
WINTERHALTER, Elisabeth18561952German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschlandneuroanatomist, physician, feministWinterhalter's ganglia (1896)ovary, ganglion, ganglia, autonomic,
SCHACHOWA, Seraphima1854Russia, Russian, РоссияhistologistSchachowa spiral tubes (1876)tubuli renales
MERRITT, Katharine Krom18861986USA, America, Americanpediatrician, physicianKasabach–Merritt syndrome (1940)thrombopenic purpura, hemangioma
ABBOTT, Maude Elizabeth18691940Canada, CanadianPathology, pathologistRokitansky-Maude Abbott syndrome (1924)ostium primum, mitral valve, congenital cardiac disease
POTTER, Edith Louise19011993USA, America, Americanpediatric, pathologistPotter syndrome (1946); Potter facies; Potter sequence; Potter classification of polycystic kidney disease (1964)facies, syndrome, oligohydramnios, renal agensis
BOIVIN, Marie Anne Victoire17731841France, French, françaismidwifeBivalve Vaginal Speculum (1825); Boivin Intropelvimetermidwife, speculum
GASKIN, Ina Mae1940USA, America, AmericanMidwife Gaskin (all fours) manoeuvre (1976)Midwife, birth, all 4's, fours, shoulder dystocia
STRAUSS, Lotte19131985German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPathologistChurg–Strauss syndrome (1951)Vasculitis, Eosinphilia, Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis, EGPA
LOUIS-BAR, Denise19141999Belgium, Belgique, België, Belgien, FlemishNeuropathologistLouis-Bar syndrome (1941)ataxia telangiectasia
CURTH, Helene Ollendorff18991982Germany, DeutschlanddermatologistCurth-Macklin syndrome (1954); Ollendorf probe sign (1923); Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome (1928); Curth’s criteria for the diagnosis of cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes (1976)
MACKLIN, Madge Thurlow18931962USA, America, AmericangeneticistCurth-Macklin syndrome (1954)eugenics, canada, icthyosis, IHCM,
WALKER, Mary Broadfoot18881974Scottish, ScotlandPhysicianMary Walker Effect (1934)physostigmine, neostigmine, prostigmin, Myasthenia Gravis,
WYNNE-DAVIES, Ruth19262012England, English, UK, Britishorthopaedic, geneticWynne Davies Ligamentous Laxity (1970)genetics, scoliosis,
FREY-GOTTESMAN, Lucja18891942Poland, PolskaPhysicianFrey syndrome (1923)hyperhidrosis, lemon, auriculotemporal syndrome, parotid gland, gun shot wound, jewish, concentration camp, ghetto
HURLER, Gertrud18891965German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPaediatricianHurler syndrome (1920); Hurler-Scheie syndrome (1962)MPS, gargoyle, gargoylism, Mucopolysaccharidosis, MPS 1, MPS 1-H,
FLOURENS, Jean Pierre Marie17941867France, French, françaisPhysiologyFlourens Field Theorypigeon, cerebellum, semi-circular canals
EDWARDS, John Hilton19282007England, English, UK, BritishgeneticistEdwards syndrome (1960)trisomy 18, trisomy 17, patau, genetics, congenital defect, birth
PATAU, Klaus19081975German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandcytogenetecistPatau syndrome (1960)bartholin, monster, trisomy 13, 17, 18
ULLRICH, Otto18941957German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandpediatricianUllrich-Turner syndrome (1930); Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome (1936); Ullrich syndrome (1930)
BONNEVIE, Kristine Elisabeth Heuch18721948Norway, Norge, NorwegianBiologist, geneticist, zoologistBonnevie-Ullrich syndrome (1934, 1936)zoology, house mouse, micro bleb, polydactyly
NOONAN, Jacqueline Anne1921USA, America, Americanpediatrician, cardiologistNoonan syndrome (1968)
CANAVAN, Myrtelle May18791953USA, America, AmericanNeuropathologist Canavan disease (1931)spongy
KOBYLINKSI, Oskar18561926Poland, Polish, PolskieGeneral practitionerNoonan syndrome (1883)baltic, polish, German, GP, web neck
DABSKA, Maria Magdalena19212014Poland, Polish, Polskie, Polskapathology, pathologist, oncologistDąbska tumor (1969)Parachordoma, surgical pathology,
LÉVY, Gabrielle18861935France, French, françaisNeurologistRoussy-Lévy syndrome (1926), Lhermitte-Lévy syndrome (1931)
LHERMITTE, Jacques Jean18771979France, French, françaisneurologist and neuropsychiatristLhermitte sign (1924, 1927), Lejonne-Lhermitte disease (1909), Lhermitte-Cornil-Quesnel syndrome (1920), Lhermitte-Duclos disease (1920), Lhermitte-McAlpine syndrome (1926), Lhermitte syndrome (1922), Lhermitte-Lévy syndrome (1931)
ROUSSY, Gustave18741978Swiss, schweizerisch, Switzerland, France, French, françaisneuropathologistDarier-Roussy sarcoid (1904), Déjérine-Roussy syndrome (1906), Roussy-Lévy syndrome (1926), Roussy-Cornil syndrome (1919)
SCHACHENMANN, Gertrud Dina19101997Swiss, schweizerisch, Switzerland, PediatricianSmith-Theiler-Schachenmann syndrome (1966)rib widening, microganthia
KLEEFSTRA, Tjitske1970Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, Nederlandsclinical genetics, geneticistKleefstra syndrome (2006)Kleefstras syndrom, 9q subtelomere deletion syndrome (9qSTDS), EHMT1, haploinsufficiency
SYBERT, VirginiaUSA, America, Americanmedical genetics, dermatology, pediatricsPalmoplantar keratoderma (PPK) of Sybert (1988)
SYBERT, VirginiaUSA, America, Americanmedical genetics, dermatology, pediatricsPalmoplantar keratoderma (PPK) of Sybert (1988)
ESTERLY, Nancy Burton19352017USA, America, AmericanPaediatrics, dermatologyEsterly-McKusick syndrome (1971)stiff skin syndrome
ESTERLY, Nancy Burton19352017USA, America, AmericanPaediatrics, dermatologyEsterly-McKusick syndrome (1971)stiff skin syndrome
BLACKWELL, Elizabeth18211910England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianElizabeth Blackwell Award; National Women Physicians Day Female Physician
GARRETT ANDERSON, Elizabeth18361917England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianfirst female physician in the UK
HORAN, Margaret Burton19092004Australiapediatric, paediatricianNance-Horan syndrome (1974)cataracts-oto-dental, syndrome, X-linked cataract-dental syndrome, X-linked, congenital cataracts and microcornea, Hutchinson
KLUMPKE, Augusta18591927USA, America, AmericanNeurologistKlumpke palsy (1885)brachial, plexus, mother,
WELANDER, Lisa19092001Sweden, Swedish, svenskaNeurologistWelander distal myopathy (1951); Kugelberg-Welander syndrome (1956)
ANDERSEN, Dorothy Hansine19011963USA, America, AmericanPaediatrician, pediatricsAndersen disease (1956); Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas (1938)Glycogen storage disease type IV, cystic fibrosis of the pancreas, sweat test, trypsin
DUBOWITZ, Lilly19302016Hungary, Hungarian, Magyarpaediatrics, pediatric, neurologyDubowitz Score (1970), Dubowitz neurology examination (1980)neonatology, neurological exam, tone, power, pre-term, full-term, Sebők
JOHANSON, Ann J19342020USA, America, AmericanPaediatric endocrinologistJohanson-Blizzard syndrome (1971)short stature, growth hormone, Turner,
LøKEN, Aagot Christie19112007Norway, Norge, NorwegianNeuropathologistSenior-Løken syndrome (1961)
CANALE, Virginia Claire19362005USA, America, Americanpediatric HaematologistCanale-Smith syndrome (1967)Chronic lymphadenopathy simulating malignant lymphoma
KAVEGGIA, Elizabeth Gathy19262014Hungary, Hungarian, MagyarPaediatrician, geneticistOptiz-Kaveggia syndrome (1974) [FG Syndrome], Kaveggia syndrome (1975)rain man, dustin hoffman, vermis
BABER, Margaret Doreen19101997Wales, Welsh, Cymrupaediatrician, pediatricBaber syndrome (1956)cirrhosis, amino-aciduria, Fanconi
HOLT, Mary Clayton19241993England, English, UK, Britishphysician, cardiologyHolt-Oram syndrome (1960)cardiac rehabilitation, ASD, hand malformations, triphalangeal,
SAKATI, Nadia Awni1938Syrian, SaudipediatricianSakati-Nyhan-Tisdale syndrome (1971); Woodhouse–Sakati syndrome (1983); Sanjad-Sakati syndrome (1991)congenital, genetics, inbred
ANSELL, Barbara Mary19232001England, English, UK, BritishPaediatric rheumatologistAnsell-Bywaters-Elderking syndrome (1975)CINCA, NOMID, arthritis, pediatric, rhematology
BARTHEL, Dorothy W19112003USA, America, AmericanPhysio, physical therapistBarthel index (1965)geriatrics, stroke,
WATERLOW, Judy A1933England, English, UK, BritishNurse, nursing, Waterlow score (1985)pressure sore
BERG, Katherine OCanada, CanadianPhysio, physical therapyBerg Balance Scale (1989)frailty, balance
NEILL, Catherine A19212006England, English, UK, Britishcardiologist, paediatrician, pediatricsNeill-Dingwall syndrome (1950), Scimtar syndrome (1960)scimitar, Cockayne, progeria, pulmonary hypoplasia and partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR)
ILLIG, Ruth19242017German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschlandpediatric endocrinologistIllig syndrome (1970)
BIANCO-SILVERSTRONI, Ida19172006Italy, ItaliaPhysician, hematologistSilvestroni-Bianco anaemia (1948)thalassemia, hematology, Italy
MANN, Ida Caroline18931983England, English, UK, Britishophthalmologist, ophthalmic surgeon, Mann classification of coloboma (1937)Australia, Perth, slit lamp, Dame, mustard gas, trachoma,
AL-GAZALI, LihadhIraq, UAE, Arabgenetics, research, pediatric, paediatricAl Gazali Syndrome (1994); Al-Gazali-Bakalinova syndrome (1998)
NELSON, Matilda Mary19302010England, English, UK, British, south african, south africaGeneticist, human geneticsEmery-Nelson syndrome (1970)
REED, Dorothy Mabel18741964USA, America, Americanpathology, pediatric, public healthReed-Sternberg cells (1902)sternberg, hodgkin, lymphoma, milk, Madison, wisconsin, Mendenhall,
OPPENHEIMER, Ella Hutzler18971981USA, America, AmericanPathologistLanding-Oppenheimer syndrome (1957)Ceroid storage disease in childhood, lipidoses
NOACK, Margot1909German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschlandorthopedic, pediatricNoack syndrome (1959)Apert, Pfeiffer, Oegg, acrocephalosyndactyly
GOUTIERES, FrancoiseFrance, French, françaisneurologist, pediatricAicardi-Goutieres syndrome (1984)
TOLKSDORF, MarlisGerman, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandPaediatrician, pediatrics, cytogeneticsWiedemann-Tolksdorf syndrome (1973)
ANDERSEN, Ellen DamgaardDenmark, DanmarkPhysicianAndersen syndrome, Andersen-Tawil syndrome (1971)
SCHNITZLER, Lilane1938France, French, françaisdermatologistSchnitzler syndrome (1972)
BLOOMBERG, Esther Lillian1907USA, America, AmericanAlbright-Butler-Bloomberg disease (1937)chemist, technician
DIESENDRUCK, Judith Abarbanel19202007Russian born, USA, America, AmericanBacteriologistNelson-Diesendruck basal medium (1952)Jewish, Zionist, Pioneer Women, American Professors for peace in the Middle East
HARPER, Rita Gilman1934USA, America, AmericanPhysicianHarper syndrome (1967)Seckel syndrome, bird-headed
CHRISTOL, Bernadette19342011France, French, françaisdermatologistBazex-Dupré-Christol syndrome (1964)JALBY, X-linked, congenital hypotrichosis, follicular atrophoderma, basal cell neoplasms
SAKURAI (Kitagawa), Tsuya19111995Japanese. Japan, 日本語physician, ophthalmologistSakurai-Lisch nodules (1935)
HECHT, Jacqueline TauberUSA, America, AmericanGeneticist and paediatricianHecht-Scott syndrome (1981)FACTO, dwarfism, Fibular aplasia-tibial campomelia-oligosyndactyly
DE BARSY, Anne-Marie1939Belgium, Belgique, België, Belgien, Flemishneurologistde Barsy syndrome (1938)
HERTWIG, Paula18891983German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandBiologistHertwig-Weyers syndrome (1942)
MYHRE, Selma Ann19372012USA, America, Americanpediatric, pathology, GeneticistMhyre syndrome (1981)Hageman
WARBURG, Mette19262015Danish, Denmark, DanskophthalmologistWalker-Warburg syndrome (1971)
DEES, Susan C19092001USA, America, AmericanPaediatricianAldrich-Dees syndrome (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)asthma, allergy,
SMITH, Ann C. M.1951USA, America, Americangenetic counselor, geneticistSmith-Magenis syndrome (1986)morrison, chisholm,
MAGENIS, Ruth Ellen19252014USA, America, AmericanGeneticist, pediatrician, paediatricianSmith-Magenis syndrome (1986)chromosome 15, angelman, prader-willi, 7 children,
DUDLEY, Florence Chisholm19021962USA, America, Americanassistant in medical geneticsAllan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome (1943)
FORBES, Anne Pappenheimer19111992USA, America, AmericanPhysician, endocrinologistForbes-Albright syndrome (1954)galactorrhea-amenorrhea caused by a chromophobe prolactin-producing adenoma of the pituitary
HALL, Judith Goslin1939USA, America, AmericanGeneticist and paediatricianHall-Pallister syndrome (1980), Hall type of pseudoachondroplasiaachondroplasia
LYON, Mary Frances19252014England, English, UK, BritishCytogeneticistLyon hypothesis (1961), Lyonisation (1963)
BELL, Julia18791979England, English, UK, BritishPhysicianMartin-Bell syndrome (1943)
WOLCOTT, Carol Nancy Dettman19411994USA, America, AmericanPaediatrician, pediatricsWolcott-Rallison syndrome (1972)IDDM, Early-onset diabetes mellitus with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia
FOWLER, Clare Juliet1950England, English, UK, Britishurologist, neuro-urologistFowler syndrome (1985)
LARSEN, Ingegerd Frøyshov1937Norway, Norge, NorwegianPhysicianHansen-Larsen-Berg syndrome (1976)total color blindness, progressive cone dystrophy, degenerative liver disease, endocrine dysfunction, Retinohepatoendocrinologic
IMERSLUND, Olga19071987Norway, Norge, NorwegianPaediatricianImerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome (1960)Juvenile megaloblastic anaemia, Megaloblastic anaemia 1 (MGA 1), Imerslund anaemia, Selective vitamin B12 (cobalamin) malabsorption with proteinuria
TORIELLO, Helga V.1952USA, Americagenetics, geneticistToriello‐Carey syndrome (1988)Corpus callosum agenesis facial anomalies Robin sequence; Corpus callosum agenesis-blepharophimosis-Robin sequence syndrome; Agenesis of corpus callosum
YOUNG, Freida19102004England, English, UK, BritishPathology, pathologistDyke-Young anaemia (1938)
DRAVET, Charlottte1936France, French, françaisPsychiatrist, EpileptologistDravet syndrome (1982)severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy SMEI
LAXOVA, Renata1931Czech, čeština, TschechischPaediatric geneticistNeu-Laxová syndrome (1971)holocaust, nicholas winton, Polgar, PHGDH, ichthyosis, marked intrauterine growth restriction, microcephaly, short neck, central nervous system anomalies, lissencephaly
VAN LOHUIZEN, Cato H J18931937Dutch, Holland, Netherlands, Nederlandspediatric paediatricianVan Lohuizen syndrome (1922)Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita (CMTC)
OPITZ, John M1935German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschland, USA, America, Americanpediatrician, geneticistHerrmann-Opitz syndrome (1969); Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome (1974); Opitz N syndrome; Opitz GBBB syndrome; Opitz trigonocephaly (C) syndrome;
WILLIAMS, Anna Wessels19631954USA, America, Americanbacteriologist, immunologistPark-Williams bacillus (1894); Williams stain (1905); Park-Williams fixativetrachoma, rabies, diphtheria, antitoxin
WHITE, Priscilla19001989USA, America, Americanphysician, obstetrical physicianWhite Classification of Diabetes in Pregnancy (1949)diabetes, gestational, pregnancy, fetal mortality, maternal mortality, foetal mortality, pre-gestational, pregestational,
FINK, Bernard Raymond19142000English, Belgian, USA, America, Americananesthetic, anesthesiologyFink effect (1955); Fink Non-rebreathing Valve (1954); Fink Laryngoscope Blade (1958)Physiology
CORNING, James Leonard18551923USA, America, AmericanNeurology, neurologistBier Block (1885); spinal block (1885); Corning tourniquet; Corning clampepidural
HOLMES, Charles McKinnon19352020New Zealand, NZ, kiwi, New ZealanderAnaesthetistBier Block (1963)
VOGT, Cécile18751962German, Germany, Deutsche, Deutschlandneuropathologist Vogt-Vogt syndrome
BEIGHTON, Greta19392017England, English, UK, British, South Africanursing, genetics, historyBeighton Scoregenetics, ortho, ehlers, south africa, nursing
PAGON, Roberta Anderson1945USA, America, AmericanPaediatrician, pediatrics, geneticsPagon syndrome (1985)
LANCEFIELD, Rebecca Craighill18951981USA, America, AmericanBacteriologistLancefield classification, Lancefield method (1928)BHS, hemolytic, haemolytic, strep
HESS Jr, Robert McDonald19312019USA, America, AmericanNeurosurgeonHunt-Hess scalemortality, aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
STRÜMPELL, Adolf18531925German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandNeurologistStrümpell sign; Strumpell-Lorrain Disease (1880); Marie-Strümpell Disease (1884); Westphal-Strümpell Pseudosclerosis (1897);
WESTPHAL, Karl Friedrich Otto18831890German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandNeurologistEdinger-Westphal nucleus; Westphal-Strümpell Pseudosclerosis (1883); Westphal-Leyden syndrome; Erb–Westphal symptom; Westphal syndrome
BLEASE, John19061985England, English, UK, BritishinventorBlease-Manley ventilator; Alfo-Blease anaesthetic machine; Blease ‘Pulmoflator’Equipment, ventilator
ENGSTRÖM, Carl-Gunnar19121987Sweden, Swedish, svenskaanaesthetist, physicianEngström respirator (1953)ventilator, respirator
CORMACK, Ronald Sidney1930England, English, UK, Britishanesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologistCormack-Lehane score (1984)Score, DAS Medal, Macewan medal, laryngoscopy, difficult airway, airway grades
OBRAZTSOV, Vasily Parmenovich18491920Russia, Russian, РоссияPhysicianObraztsova sign (Симптом Образцова)Appendicitis, Cope Psoas test
ALDRICH, Charles John18611908USA, America, Americanphysician, neurologistMees lines (1904)hysteria, meed slines, arsenic, Leuconychia striata arsenicalis transversus
LODER, Halsey Beach18831966USA, America, Americanorthopedic, surgeonCotton-Loder positiondistal radius, colles, pop, plaster cast, bone-setting
LEWANDOWSKY, Felix18791921German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandDermatologistJadassohn-Lewandowsky syndrome, Lewandowsky-Lutz dysplasiapachyonychia congenita
JADASSOHN, Josef18631936German, Germany, Deutsche, DeutschlandDermatologistJadassohn-Lewandowsky syndrome, Borst-Jadassohn (épithélioma de), Jadassohn-Tièche blue naevus
NIKOLSKY, Pyotr Vasilyevich18581940Russia, Russian, РоссияDermatologistNikolsky signskin, bullous disease, pemphigus, pemphogoid, TEN, SJS
ASBOE-HANSEN, Gustav19171989Danish, Denmark, DanskDermatologistAsboe-Hansen sign, Asboe-Hansen diseaseskin, bullous disease, pemphigus, pemphogoid, TEN, SJS
LUTZ, Wilhelm18881958Swiss, Swtizerland, Suisse, SchweizerischDermatologistLewandowsky-Lutz dysplasia, Lutz-Miescher syndrome, Lutz signskin, bullous disease, pemphigus, pemphogoid, TEN, SJS
SHEKLAKOV, Nikolay19181989Russia, Russian, РоссияDermatologistSheklakov sign (1965)skin, bullous disease, pemphigus, pemphogoid, TEN, SJS
BAZIN, Pierre-Antoine-Ernest18071878France, French, françaisPhysicianBazin disease, Alibert-Bazin syndromemycosis fungoides, erythema induratum
BENNET, V. Ray19221996USA, America, AmericanEngineer, inventorBennett ventilator (1949); Bennett Oxygen Valve; Bennett Ventilation Meter (1951); Bennett Respiratory facial mask (1948)ventilator, face-mask, respirator, anesthetic, ventilation
BEAN, William Bennett19091989USA, America, American, Poland, Polish, PolskieCardiologistBean syndrome (1958) [Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome]naevus, GI tract, GI bleeding, blue rubber, lindsay nail, half-half
LANNELONGUE, Odilon Marc18401911France, French, françaisSurgeonOsgood-Schlatter disease (1878)Knee, osteochondrosis, apophysitis, OSD, tibial, microtrauma, infrapatellar, knee pain
BARRÈRE, Adrien18741931France, French, françaisArtist, caricaturistLithographs
FRENCKNER, Paul18961967Sweden, Swedish, svenskaSpiropulsator, double lumen bronchoscopeFrenckner Spiropulsator, double lumen bronchoscopeventilator, bronchoscope,
ADDISON, Thomas17931860PhysicianAddison diseaseAddison disease, suprarenal, keloid, suicide, depression
FORCHHEIMER, Frederick18531913USA, America, AmericanPhysician, pediatrician, paediatricsForchheimer spots (1898)third disease, pediatric xanthem
CHVOSTEK, František18641944Austria, Österreicher, AustrianPhysicianChvostek SignHypocalcaemia
HUTCHINSON, Sir Jonathan18281913England, English, UK, BritishSurgeonHutchinson teeth, Hutchinson triad of congenital syphilis, Hutchinson angioma, Wrist Distal radius radial styloid process with extension into the wrist joint (intra-articular extension).

eponym: a person, place, or thing after whom or after which something is named, or believed to be named.

Origin: from Greek epōnumos ‘given as a name, giving one’s name to someone or something’, from epi ‘upon’ + onoma ‘name’. noun: eponym; plural noun: eponyms; adjective: eponymous

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